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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gas

  1. Well done Sam I know your parents would love you to be at home as you are a great tight family, but on the selfish note you have made room for the likes of me to go out with your dad, and get some needed lessons and sport, take care. Craig/ Gas
  2. I know Alun just timing and weather but a BIG thank you mate. Craig
  3. Gas


  4. Gary have you been looking at my book of marks.
  5. Yes Mike same mark, still upset over the Bass though. Charlie my biggest goal since fishing out of Poole has been to catch large Bass, and I was so so close. But as you say next time.
  6. Gas


    At last well done Dan will try over the weeend. Just got the book out and I think your are right on the mark as I reset to default which takes the unit to off NMEA. Big thank you Dan.
  7. Gas


    Radio is wired to the GPS and has been working for some 8mths I first got the message input position on the way to the family day and I
  8. Just eaten the other half this time battered with chips. TOPS. Ray fishing is No one on Abode11.
  9. Ya sorry Derek as my report VHF playing up so turned off best part of the day. We did look for you on our way just two much traffic. Craig
  10. Gas


    Can anyone help me please? When I switch on my Navman 700 I get a message input position no GPS. I can transmit and receive but if I leave the radio on it rings like a phone. I have checked the aerial all good any ideals please? Craig
  11. Abode 11 Apologies first for the late report as i only returned Monday late and had broken glasses on the retrieving of Abode 11. Apologies to Derek unable to tie up over the weekend but the boat traffic was scary to say the least, going and coming back into Poole harbour. We Sat waiting for the bridge, First time in ages, we then set off for some bait, one Mackerel in an hour, so off to the mark with squid and one mackerel and some scads, within 20 mins, bang I
  12. Great report Bob and i take my hat of to you, to try and release.
  13. Derek I will be useing Cobbs slip Sat/Sun. I will keep a look out for you or you can ring me 07886995646. Craig.
  14. Gas


    Brain. I will see you on the slip. Craig.
  15. Gas

    This weekend

    Can some one post the programe of this weekends air day and who will be attending and on what days. Craig
  16. Yes Bob. You might need to put a new plug in it small petrol. Will be in Poole over the weekend. I can take it to the family day if you wish. Craig
  17. Saturday with fine weather headed out at 6.30 am with a good friend on board his son and son
  18. Congratulations to you both. Now the fun begins!!! Remember those words in Alderney All the best to all three of you. Craig and Jackie
  19. Well done James. Nice read well done on the target fish.
  20. Woke up this morning not feeling too good as you can see. But if you have room I can crew this weekend. I think i may have that flue thing? not sure
  21. Gas


  22. Gas


    Sorry Sorry Sorry Don't know how or why I let my membership lapse payed today and look foward to catching up on all the post that I have missed. Craig Abode11. Ps Looking Forward to the BBQ as was so so so good last year( 10 out of 10 for food) especially for Jackie as she loves shellfish and fish.
  23. Well don'e Adam Abode now can enter
  24. Gas


  25. Gas

    Hello all

    Welcome John
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