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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sprinter

  1. James, I
  2. It was interesting that they had done some research regarding the recatch rate of degassed (punctured swim bladder) when compared to this method i think i recall being 4 times higher. That means that not all fish die when the bladders aer degassed, intersting all the same
  3. Hi all, I am not sure if this would work over here but on the Anglers Afloat site there is currently a good discussion going regarding returning fish with blown bladders. someone posted this short post, have you heard of it before, or even used one? It might be an idea for our wreckers and deap sea experts ********************************** There was a tool you could buy to assist with releasing deep caught fish but cant find it now but this youtube video shows same principle using a special weight **********************************
  4. I cant see the point of fresh water fishing, but thats a personal thing as i like to eat what i catch, however we are all different and i guess my mind is there for teh changing If you like the idea of travelling around the coutry with like minded people, having a few beers, BBQ's and fishing in safe environements (as safe as this sport can be), then also check out this thread "http://anglersafloat.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=meets&action=display&thread=9241" which consists of the 2010 event list. many of us go to a lot of them, some just pick a few, there is one later in the year at lowestof that has a salt water cod and fresh water section where people can go where they like and do what they want. hope to see you at some of them
  5. Adam, i was looking forward to this and was also dissapointed that it is taking place the same weekend that i am moving my daughter to Cornwall, i think this can be won by a Kayak or any small boat. I am also sure that interest will pick up
  6. No mate, i am going out with Tom Smith, if you can get a ride then jump on one hope to see you on the water tomorrow
  7. lol sounds just like the day that i have had already. I am happy to assume that i dont have a secured crew spot unless someone tells me that they would like me to crew this evening, i have gear and squid so all should be straight forward if i am needed to crew. If not then its not an issue at all, have a good time
  8. Sent an email to my boss regarding taking tomorrow off, i will give him 30 mins to respond then assume its clear if he failsdto reply I dont see why i should not be able to make it and come out to play witht he Cod though, its been so long since i have been out in deep water i have forgotten what its like. let you know soon Paul S
  9. Ben, they will take a little gettng use to as the butt of the rods come into the leg area of the kayak although thre is still loads of room, i can alter the angle to adjust this out (but i have only just thought of that) so they did restrict space a little but not too much, i still had more than enough room to wriggle about. I did clip them with the paddle occasionally when on the move but that was when i was being sloppy so not really an issue, certainly they are fine for trolling, which i did for a while when tied off to a bouy or at anchor the positioning was good making it easy enough to grab whilst i changed rigs or bait Etc. I think that they are far enough forward to allow me to get back into the kayak and twist onto my back easily enough but they may add a little more restriction when i swing about and get my legs in properly, some re-enty drills will let me know and i will do some next time i am out I like them though and i suspect they will be staying, unless my Son steals them when he gets the Kayak he has just decided he is going to buy. I have also fitted a fish finder now and found that it made paddling about more interesting as i can look for features as well on the bottom, that should help once i start using it in conjunction with the GPS, stupidly i did not look for any marks in swanage before the comp but thats a lesson leaned i guess, and of course i have now replaced the net over the front compartment with a hard cover, that has been a great addition as the net use to catch the hook quite often but now it just slides over the plastic cover, which in turn will be used to mount the sail that i have not yet purchased. all part of the master plan
  10. Hi Richard, (sorry i think i started calling you dave) welcome to PBSB, its a great club with very knowledgeable members on the Small boats range with a huge amount of advice on tap from Fast fishers to Kayaks, if you can make it be sure to come along to one of the meetings, there will be beer and bullshit involved (as well as the great advice). As mentioned we do have an active Kayak section in the club and we are made to feel very welcome as after all we are all fishermen that fish from small boats and have a vested interest in our part of the coast, so conservation is also something we are pretty keen on. you probably would have had a reply from one of the kayakers sooner but we were all a little busy yesterday in Swanage bay trying to win a new kayak, it was won but not by any of the club members, personally i only managed three species which seemed about the norm, though i also only caught 3 fish here are some piccies of a great day out taken by one of the members of the Angling Afloat web site, that is another place where you will find huge amounts of knowledge, check out mudeford in the whats on section and maybe we will see you at the demo weekend, (or before through PBSB) many people here like company so let us know when you are going out and we will soon meet up. http://s228.photobucket.com/albums/ee62/jo...mview=slideshow
  11. Hi, I could not fish today, its a little windy and the wife wanted us to do some gardening, as my Kayak had spend a week plonked on the grass i promised to move it so we can cut the grass and all that other great stuff you have to do. So before i moved it i needed to fit my new rod holders Anyway i took the screws out of the flush mounted holders a week ago and pulled the factory fitted rod holder out, it has a bungee cord attached which is used to secure the rods during any capsize, this is decided to undo and refit with the new holders and was definitely a mistake as i then had to feed a large cord back through a tiny hole Previously when i sized up the mount and the mount position i decided i needed to take the old flush mounted holders off, after a rethink i decided a new and better approach would be to remove the short screws that held the flush mounts in place, put the Scottie mount on top and secure with stainless screws that are long enough to do through both mounts and into the hull. I sikaflex sealed the flush mount i had removed (then replaced), put the new ones on top and screwed them in, a simple upgrade carried out ion a way where i can easily remove and retain the Scotties if i ever decide to sell the Moken. Here it is and i now need a chance to test them.
  12. 1) Martin B 2) Dean B 3) Mark (Zippy) 4) Craig & Jackie 5) Neal S 6) John Young 7)Will&Stuart Summerell 8)Graham (Little Sal) 9 ) Dave Evans 10 ) Jim Davies 11 ) Tony O'Callaghan 12) PJ 13) Nigel Allen 14) derek vaines 15) Paul Stapleton (Zed)
  13. Mark, the work i was going to be doing over next weekend has been cancelled. Will do my best to come and spend a day fishing with you, it will be nice to have teh kayakers enter our first comp
  14. Bugger that
  15. I believe its Mitsiubushi (SP?) that has a warehouse full of Tuna, thousands of tonnes of the stuff waiting for the stock to run out so its value will increase dramatically. Whilst i wouldnt own a Mitsiubushi for this reason i dare say they make many of the electrical components in my house. It does not say a great deal about us as a race does it http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/n...et-1695479.html
  16. Sprinter

    garmin 3210

    sorry rushed and did not check that the link was put on Try this http://www.thehulltruth.com/2467130-post20.html as a temp work around
  17. Sprinter

    garmin 3210

    worth a look, temp workaround
  18. Maybe our knowledgable and trustworthy conservation officer can open a suitably worded protest / petition at the number 10 site and we could see if we can get behind it, with an election comming up who ever gets in would have a raised profile regarding fishing if enough took part. Now, not so long ago we mentioned another petition on here and to be honest whilst it loked like the Govt paid a tiny amount of lip service to it only 3500 people actually bothered to sign the petition. we could start pushing this though all other forums and use it as an litmus test to see how many people we can get to sign the petition, from that who knows what we could do next time. Maybe we can get behind the princible of the think, after all its just shgeer greed once again removing more of one species than the ocean can sustain.
  19. Hi all, were a pretty safety consious bunch, in one of the photos there is a white fast fisher type boat in it, It was Little Sal's boat with Graham and myself on it providing loose top cover and stopping in radio contact (just in case) whilst testing the boat and looking for Plaice. All was good, and even without us being around at any time they could have turned left and headed onto the beach inside a few minutes. Glad i didnt paddle it though
  20. It also may be prudent to let your tutor know that any form of bad weather will render those dates impossible to film over if you want actualy fishing footage. However if you are happy to film the preperation for a trip followed by the frustration of having the weather against you then that could be a good slant on your film, especially as it matches the true reality fo fishing
  21. I spoke to Charlie about this at the last meeting and it certainly sounds like a good crack so weather and work permitting i would be interested in this. So now the big questions, how far out of weymouth do we have to go for the Turbot? I would love to catch one of those but want to know whats possible and what is not. i would assume that in close near the rocks and around the harbour there would be a good chance of some Bass as well Cheers
  22. And this morning i have been playing with my new eTrex cheap and nasty (
  23. Adam, glad you had a good time and you and you wife are right, you have enough toys and hobbies. The only problem now is which one to get rid of If or when i get my second Yak you will be welcome to come and borrow it any time. and your right, its very sociable, clean and close to the water, i love boats but Yaks are something different again.
  24. head down the dorchester dual carrigway, come off at the hamworthy/blanford roundabout and head left to Hamworthy. Over the double roundabout as if heading for Poole Quay lifting bridge. at the big pub on the left (beef eatertype place) turn right. follow road under low bridge and turn right again after the bridge and before the pub (your nearly there). follow that road up the hill to the mini roundabout and turn left, 50 m on the right follow sign to the beach/car park. Nice place to launch as its sheltered and free o779o 492o74 if you get stuck.
  25. there will be an option to drop out half way over if you like, and you wont be alone ;-)
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