Well a friend pointed out your web site and i thought i had best see what was going on
As it is things in here look good, with some sound advice.
I'm 40 and a bit, and moved to the Poole area just over a year ago, Imanaged to get back into shore fishing but to be honest i dont catch much due to lack of skill, local knowledge and just being a poor shore angler.
I managed to get my son into fishing and we have been quite a bit in the past year (he usually catches more than me) and it is good to get out and about with him at the moment, He is very nearly 16 and im expecting him to turn into a right adolescent git any time now but on the whole hes a pretty good lad.
I have always prefered boat angling and have done quite a bit of it as a kid, Unfortunatley i cannot afford my own boat yet but i am working on it (wife tells me a new kitchen is required first but im not convinced), We would be delighted to get out and crew or scroung a lift with some of you and learn/ relearn some techniques from as many members of the club as possible
I have always been intreagued by the sea and its getting worse (depending how you look at it) as i get older, I have in my military days passed my powerboat rescue cox lvl 3 and comp crew, Although i have also sailed lots and lots as a costal skiller (about 9000 miles), Anyway if you have room on your boat for a couple of us that would be great, Obviously i would be happy to pitch in for some fuel and some beer after