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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sprinter

  1. Sprinter

    New P.c.

    Jack, your other problem is probably screen resolution, right click on your desktop background and select properties > Settings > and on the screen resolution section (bottom left) move the slider to the left, As its new its probably on 1600x1200 try 1152x864 press OK and if you like it OK again if you don't like it select no and it will go back to what it was previously. It is probably a good idea to write down the screen resolution before you start that way you can always set it back to the way it was quickly. If that doesn't work let us know
  2. Thanks all for the advice. I have grabbed an Abu 6500ct off fleabay that will do for a start, at least it should get met hrough till xmas. Unfortunately i am only in the US for a 2 day course, out of that i get 5 hours off on the second day from the time i finish the course to the time i start flying home so not much time for shopping. I do get the first night off but that is saved for drinking and socialising. Hmm i have a mate out there that i could send to walmart ;-) good idea
  3. will be turning up with my membership form and a cheque Hope to meet some of you there
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/RODDY-175-by-PENN-Bait...1QQcmdZViewItem Anyone got any views on this reel, I am after a cheap reel, and am not particularly loaded at the moment, I also don't want to spend to much on a nice reel as i need to leave the kids options for Xmas ;-) I am in the States in a couple of weeks and can have it sent to a mates house if its worth it,
  5. will give you a call tomorrow but that sounds good to me
  6. Poole, Sterte Road, and i would be delighted to come and crew, weather permitting of course ;-), Where do you normally launch from? Cheers (Another Paul)
  7. Have had family clearance, so if anyone is short give me a nod
  8. Printer the web form will get a cheque written tonight and hopefully post it tomorrow.
  9. Rich, I have sent you a PM about the rods. Thanks for the offers of help, pretty impressive. And i look forward to meeting you at the club sometime, I have aready made up my mind that i am going to join.
  10. Mark, Midweek is usually no problem, occasionally i work away from home but I am not expecting to go away for a few weeks As i work from home i can generally get away nice and early if i need to as well, Might as well make flexi hours work in my favor ;-) look forward to the call
  11. Hi people, I have been a lurker of this forum for a while and decided to stop lurking and get involved. Just so you know, when in the forces i spent most of my time on sailing and power boats so im confident and hopefully safe around the boat, I work from home and live in Poole, so if you need a boat buddy at short notice give me a shout if your stuck, and i will try to start getting out on the water again. I fish from the beach at least once a week but love boat fishing, happy to share costs Etc, But i don't yet have a boat rod or reel, will sort thats out on pay day though ;-) Also have a strapping 18 year old son who like boats if required. Anyway contact details are Paul.stapleton@eds.com Zero 779 Zero 492 zero 74 looking forward to meeting some of you.
  12. Appologies and thanks Sorry for the effort you have put in finding spaces and replying but he cannot make it as he has to go back to Cornwall early so sorry about that and thanks for checking around for us, i think i will give you a call later and start seeing if me and my son can get a fishing trip out with you as it has been far to long since we have been out ( over a year now) Will almost certainly join this club as its a friendly place to be Cay onthe oggin
  13. Eborman thanks for the reply i have left a message on my brother in laws mobils (but i know he does not use the mobile during the day) asking if he can go home later on Sunday so we can take these spaces. I just need to wait for him to get back to me now, any idea what time you are planning to get back in on Sunday? will get back to you as soon as possible Paul
  14. Ye i phoned the skipper of sea spray but he is fully booked not until Monday. Sunday could be a goer though i will call my brother in law and see what time he has to go back to Cornwall. Thanks for the responce Paul
  15. Hi my brother in law is comming up this weekend and we are looking for a trip (private or charter), There are actually three of us as my Son would want to go or i can start adding more probably if needed. If anyone has a boat with 2 or 3 spaces on (Professional or Private) we would love to get some fishing in. I think its time for me to stop lurking and get active with the club as well Cheers Paul (07790 492074)
  16. Sprinter


    Thanks for the warm welcome i will be joining the club as it seems to have a good attitude and web facilities, The people already seem helpfull and willing to teach a newbie the ropes :-) I will be looking forward to fishing with you over the comming months and years (we arent just warm wather anglers mind so dont mind winter fishing) Thanks for the welcome
  17. Sprinter


    Well a friend pointed out your web site and i thought i had best see what was going on As it is things in here look good, with some sound advice. Anyway I'm 40 and a bit, and moved to the Poole area just over a year ago, Imanaged to get back into shore fishing but to be honest i dont catch much due to lack of skill, local knowledge and just being a poor shore angler. I managed to get my son into fishing and we have been quite a bit in the past year (he usually catches more than me) and it is good to get out and about with him at the moment, He is very nearly 16 and im expecting him to turn into a right adolescent git any time now but on the whole hes a pretty good lad. I have always prefered boat angling and have done quite a bit of it as a kid, Unfortunatley i cannot afford my own boat yet but i am working on it (wife tells me a new kitchen is required first but im not convinced), We would be delighted to get out and crew or scroung a lift with some of you and learn/ relearn some techniques from as many members of the club as possible I have always been intreagued by the sea and its getting worse (depending how you look at it) as i get older, I have in my military days passed my powerboat rescue cox lvl 3 and comp crew, Although i have also sailed lots and lots as a costal skiller (about 9000 miles), Anyway if you have room on your boat for a couple of us that would be great, Obviously i would be happy to pitch in for some fuel and some beer after
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