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Everything posted by Sprinter
Adam, a life jacket would be ok, but not an auto inflating one as you will have it auto inflating I have a mate that has a PDF that wont be using it this weekend, i will ask if i can borrow it. Whilst its true that a Life Jacket would turn you onto your back if you was not consious and a PDF would not the LJ is bulkier and would almost certainly hinder your attempts to self rescue if you needed it so a bit of a double edged sword, however the PDF is less bulky so does not hinder you as much. when you are trying to get back onto the Yak Dont worry about the anchor, maybe we can do some anchor drills with you using my Yak just to get some practice in and the anchor trolly will also become self explanitory at that point.
Adam, how about 12:00 at rockly pier? As for kit i guess you would need the dry suit, PDF and ideally a whistle and deffinately a paddle leash. if we are going to do some fishing then most of us carry some line that we can lash the Yaks together with but ideally an anchor trolly, anchor some line and a bouy or some kind of float. were gonna get wet though maybe a small flounder rod and some worms for a spot of fishing later
I can make Saturday, the sister in law is comming up to stay for a few days so it would be an excellent excuse to get out of the house ;-)
Hi guys, unfortunately i am not able to make a week day session unless its a night time one, and that probably isnt the best idea yet to be honest. Can do a few hours at the weekend if you like, and would prefer lake pier near rockly for a first mess about trip as its generally sheltered and failry flat. If your an absolute novice Adam we could leave the rods in the cars and go do some paddling and re-entry & assisted-re-entry drills until you are happy, then get some anchoring / mooring to bouys done folowed by a paddle or some fishing if your still up to it Probably best to have a play until you are comfortable falling out and getting in, and archoring tying up Etc. then do some fishing the next time out, I remember my first trip was rockly and i wasnt a happy bunny (crapped myself) and didnt like it at all, in fact i only enjoyed it after a paddle and some training.
would also be happy to come out and have a play, to be honest it doesnt have to be far. Just say when and where and i will try my best to make it
I am already looking forward to this Ben, cheers for setting it up and before that day i must go and get another anchor
At last nights meeting we again went back to the point about why not offer membership to clubs for sale so that the clubs get the odd
Well I guess people will start posting their thoughts on the AT meeting so here are mine. My intention is to be constructive, they are not perfect and some honest appraisals might help them. AT are not a charity so they must be a business, they may well not try to make a profit but hey can
just toss in my 2 pence worth, i have read through and not really seen this so here goes. be careful that you dont just throw the thing over the side of the boat with more chain and warp out than the depth of water, On some of the larger boats if you know the boat has a 1 meter foredeck and you want to anchor in 5 meters of water actually measure out 5 meters by laying 1m on the deck make a turn and run another meter back to the front so it resembles an s, keep doing this until you have 5 meters of chain and warp out, then continue but leave a gap so you know where your 5m is, if you have the room and you are in 5m you would want 15m of warp out, 5 to one side then another 10 all laid nice so it just rolls over the deck and out the bow roller. now you can put your foot on the chain/warp near the bow roller and use it to manage the speed and depth of the drop, get to 5 m and stop, slowly let out another meter and keep it going so the warp is let out to match the speed of the drift once you have your 15 meters out the front of the boat you know you have the right amount out, cleat it off and start fishing. You also know that the first 3 meters are not piled on top of the anchor doing no good what so ever and you have set the anchor with the drift (assumes most boats have depth sounders so know the depth of weater they are anchoring in.). works every time and you dont risk rope burns as your shoe leather is doing the hard work. Granted this will work much better on a yacht but anything with a foredeck would work hope im not telling people how to suck eggs here.
was nice to get the opportunity to get wet twice in a weekend, I had a small bass that was released but no flounder. was nice to get out in a blow as i think it gets your confidence and abilities up. And like everything there was a price to pay, i may not have cooked the roast but i have the dishes ;-) , thaks for another good day out peeps
Wow that didnt take long to get aired :-) It will soon feel much more stable, we just need to get some paddling in with you.
ok one Moken report comming up. The Moken is a little heaveir than many of the Ocean Kayak (OK) range, and that shows when it comes to outright speed, that in turn can limit where you fish a little. Though due to its heavier build its also nice and stable and a nice comfortable perch to fish from. Build quality is good with some nice touches, the roller on the back for instance means that you can save
I have a Moken, might sell it sometime but you are also welcome to have a go, i will be at hte flounder bash on the 5th. If you cant make that then feel free to give me a shout and we can arrange another time.
In fact you are right Alun, I did have a codling or two but nothing actually big enough to call a cod, something around the 3 - 4 Lb mark if i remember. but i am still unlikely to out fish the skipper
Hi Guys, I quite fancy having a go at the Cod Comp if anyone has a spare space for a crew member, Its one of those comps that it too ambitious for my Kayak I have a track record, and that is Zero cod for me so you are unlikely to get beaten by your crew, can brew up and make bacon sarnies Etc. Thanks Paul
Just for those members that are curious, or for anyone else that might happen to browse this space looking for Kayak information i thought i would link to this. http://www.rnli.org.uk/assets/news/Lifegua...flet%20A5_1.pdf Its not all encompassing, its good basic advice though and might prompt some of you with some questions at the Kayak Demo next month.
Hi Rory, actually i have known Rory for a few years as we worked together for a while. Rory is a very experienced boat fisherman asn we have been out on a few charters together, I am sure Rory would agree that he would benifite being taken out on a couple of members boats to see first hand how its done with some explananations as to why and how. Then after a few trips maybe one or two of the more experienced members could go out on Rorys boat (which is very nice by the way) whilst he gains in experience and confidence. I would recomend an RYA sea check mate just for the sake of getting the RNLI involved, we hear they are painless and productive. See you soon Paul
tell you what, lets have a surprise, if you bring it we can make it up as we go along, if not we wont keep em guessing
Glad to see we are generating some interest and enthusiasm, however i wouldnt mind slowing something down a bit. The Kayak in the bar scenario, lets do it.... but not this week This week i will formally propose the change to the rules so that we can agree a way forward in preperation for the April AGM, lets face it no change will take place until that time anyway. As we no longer need to rush getting a Kayak into the Bar we can check out the site tomorrow to see if its possible, then we can arrange a date for a Kayak or two to turn up for an overview and discussion where we have a planned demo night, I believe we can make a good demo with a bit of planning.
You are indeed correct, so will get you a pint on Thursday then ;-) If you can make it
Not this Thursday guys its a week Thursday (first Thursday of the month)
All, Thanks for the input so far, I am glad we have views on this and whilst most seem positive I would also be happy if anyone with negative views voiced them as well, After all it
What is fishing in pairs. Thats a very good question, one that needs to be debated and agreed on (even assuming we get enough interest), personally i would say 50m, as you are in little danger of getting trapped under one, only stuck in the water beside one (or taken by the current downstream when the Yak is at anchor. Im not the pushy type and as said im only floating an idea, or two. As for a Demo, give me some time to have a think about that, im not averse to the idea of bringing mine up with some of my kits to let you have a look around it, might make for an interesting evening for everyone.
Hi guys and Gals I have a couple of points, one a proposal one a question I have not approached anyone regarding this so I have no idea how it will be received, if things seem generally favourable I will propose it at the next meeting and put it to the committee. Proposal 1 I would like to propose that the rule which states that two people per boat must be present during competitions for safety reasons is re-written. I agree with it of course in principal, but I suspect it was written before anyone though about fishing from a Kayak. Kayak safety goes along the lines of paddle with a fellow kayaker and we are taught to carry out self and assisted rescues for this reason. What I would like to see is a re-write or amendment that allows Kayaker
If you dont know what it is then its probably best to dig into the phones settings and turn it off, unless you really need internet on yer phone. the reason you would be better turning it off if not needed is that you cant accidently connect which will cost you cash, but more importantly it will stop the phone scanning 3g connections which will almost certainly allow the battery to last longer between recharges. If you do need it mind then its quite good, i use to connect my laptop through the phone and use it for fast internet access on the laptop, used it all the time but the firm paid for it.