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Everything posted by Sprinter
not that sly, to be honest it was just a bit of fun, if i was that interested i would have been there as we were dropping the hook. and i would have taken something to write on...
Thanks for the replies In my quest for better knots that dont undo so easily i have found a new cod rig, it is still a pennel but instead of both hooks being on the same trace the top hook was on its own leash. it goes like this one piece of 100LB trace 4 foot long tie a big hook on one end slide down a bit of tubing (optional) then a stopper knot or a crimp (i have learnt stopper knots now as rig integrity became apparent on the last trip) small bead, big bead, big swivel, big bead, small bead, stopper knot tie another hook onto the swivel leaving about 8 to 10 inches of trace adjust the stopper knots so one hook sits naturally above the other as per a normal pennel Now the idea is i can easily slide 4 or 5 squid up the main line then another 3 or 4 up the top hook line, at that point i can feed the top hook through the tube or just bait elastic them together and another 2 or 3 squid to the hooks and there you go one massive bundle of bait if both hooks dig into the fish and for whatever reason the lower one snaps/unties the top one may be able to hold the fish with the stopper knots. Dont know if it iwll work but i have made a couple up and will try them next time i go out. OPtionally you can squid the main line and lug the pennel leash. I bet everyone else uses this and i have just found out about it.
Morning mate, I have finally worked out how to get online whilst i am on my course ;-) Back tomorrow to start planning some fishing agian, Glad you had a good day on saturday Catch you later
Thanks, and don't get me wrong a bad days fishing is still better than a good days shopping No the skipper turned the GPS off as soon as the hook was down, I was pretty swift trying to get in for a Pee (and a quick nose at the GPS) but he was quicker. There was a large rock of about 20 foot at the white house grounds that we should be able to spot on the chart were going to have to have a look for that. His trick for fishing the grounds was to drop the hook on the outside of the grounds and drift the bait and hooks back into the area so as not to lose to much gear we were fishing right on the edge. If you are up for some fun Thursday give me a shout, I am off to London in a bit until Wednesday then Milton Keynes on Thursday and if they think i am going to do a stroke of work on Friday there going to be disappointed
Well as mentioned previously myself, my brother in law and my son went out on "Our Gemma" skippered by Mervyn Minns out of Poole, Cost
Alun What time are you going out?
I would be up for a midweek trip if you had a spare space, either evening or during the day, shout if you want some company
Well, the Tax man finally gave me the cash he owes me so i promptly went out and bought a new boat rod and reel. I bought a Shakespeare? Pfeluger G50 Contender with levelwind from www.jims.co.uk (although i called in personally as i was in town) It seems like a nice strong looking reel that i plan on using for Deeper fishing as my Abu6500 is great for inshore work but not man enough for the deeper heavier stuff. Anyway i thought i would write a review of this low cost medium/heavy use reel. Anyway I paid
could try adding a memory card and trying to transfer teh piccs to the card, may bve worth a go.
Catch report for Chancer Mark took us out to get some bait but we drew a blank so a quick run from Bournmouth to Swanage race provided us with half a dozen mackerel, a Gar and a Jon Dory (which was small and went back in the oggin unharmed). After grabbing the bait we headed south in search of a suitable Ray site, The tide was howling through and i thought i would use my 12lb rod and Abu 6500 as i have not yet christened them, with 12lb line and a 1 lb weight 100 foot down i went. Neither of us had anything and Mark pulled up and asked me to do the same in preperation for a move. When i tried to pull in i realised that a 12LB rod and light weight reel on light line was not big or clever and that depth or state of the tide, I struggled and puffed and panted for the better part of 10 mins with the rod bent double only to find out that as the weight came into site so did a 11lb 6oz Bull Huss I didnt know that fish was on so i was shocked stunned and pleased that there was nothing wrong with my gear, although im not sure how i got it up on that light tackle. After a quick photo shot using Marks phone the Huss went back in to fight another day. We moved back into the Harbour and ,Mark pulled up a couple of plate sized Plaice and i drowned a few more worms, In summery a good day with glorious weather and good company. Rod and Reel truly christened.
Hi, someone just mentioned club members get access to a section that gives guidance on marks, I cant see that so can someone check that i have full access please Thanks
Hi Overrun, welcome to the forum, I have not been here long myself but have found it to be a nice place to pop into. I am going to have to have a chat to you about Yaking as it is something i am looking to get into, You wasnt out and about yesterday at Rocley was you? Saw someone out having fun in their Yak nice and early. Welcome
To British, bloody PC Brigade Signed
Mark thanks for the text earlier, consider your boat crewed up for the Comp, See you bright and early tomorrow.
Anyone needing a crew let me know. I would be happy to come along and help out, Never fished a competition before so that should be fun.
Wessex tackle of Poole have some. failing everything else i have a box in the freezer you can replace sometime
Interesting, and thanks for the replies. I have already bought some IronSilk so i wont be going to Braid just yet. Mind you if i get on with the reel ok then i may push the silk to my beach caster and go for Braid on the multiplier. will get it loaded up and go for a play over the weekend if there is a break in the weather.
Hi, I have the 6500C in my mits now second hand from fleabay, it looks in nice condition but as this is my first multiplier i have to admit i have no idea how to use it, any tips? I am going to load it up with new line tomorrow just to be on the safe side. There is a paddle type button across the back of the reel which says "fastcast" and i am guessing that if i push that and keep it held down it will allow me to case? on the left hand side there is a sliding lever which says up for on and down for off? When i push it up it makes a clicking nopise so i guess thats the clutch to allow fish to run and that is probably given more pressure by the star think on the rioght by the handle. any advise would be good, I may add some other line on it before i put the decebnt stuff on just to get use to it and in case i need to cut it off ;-) Thanks
Nope, i have only recently gained an interest in them, I dont have one and cant Kayak yet although i did some canoing many many moons ago so how hard can it be?
Seems to be building a head of steam now and gathering pace, just a matter of keeping pressure up and publicising it where and when we can
Mark freezes them then uses them for ground bait, sounded like a good idea to me
I like the idea of charging across the oggin with spray and horsepower being put to good use getting a nice boat up on the plane (like Sunday), but i also like the idea of sneaking up on some Bass and clubbing them as well all seems like fun to me Ye we went to the chain ferry as we thought we might get some respite from the wind (wrong) and i landed my first ever dog fish, think it was only a small one of 10 - 12" though so i admired it for a few secs then put the poor thing back. I had some rag spare so will freeze them up for some other occasion.
Jack, try the following hold down your left alt key, then hold down your left shift key (whilst still holding down your left alt key) Now try you
http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/gillnets/ we have the internet, we don't flex our voice often but on this occasion you don't even have to move from your computer chair to make your feelings heard. i would expect a polotician to be too thick skinned to take much notice unless a great deal of signatures can be collected but i suggest this link, if it hasn't already, is passed around to as many affiliated clubs as possible. They donty have to be fishing clubs, next i am going to post it on a motorcycle forum i am a member of. 845 sigs now lets see if we can push this to over a thousand in the next week. It may ultimately do no good, but i will not do any harm.