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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sprinter

  1. Well i thought i would give you all an update of my weekend. I did the training course on sunday, To be honest it was not a course in the sense of the word for legal reasons and all people agreed to learn some skills from some more experienced yakkers whilst all paddling around together. Started at 9 and was in the water shortly after that, we went through the basics using tried and trusted military training techniques "monkey listen, monkey watch, monkey do" with the opportunity to jump in with a question at any time. The Instructors took us through all of the basic skills and got us practicing them, these skills ranged from the most important "falling off and getting back in" through to paddling strokes turning and lots of other basic skills. everything we had learned in the morning was put into practice with a game of Kayak water polo, the changes in myself and other participants was noticable, i personally gained a great deal of knowledge but just as important "confidence" the Yakking finished about 13:00 with a 40 min social chat and lunch, followed by about 3 hours of relaxed discussion regarding safety equipment, RNLI expectations, responsabilities, Nav personal safety Etc, in fact everything you would expect and some. The instructors were very down to earth and knowledgable, irrispective of experience and skill not a single ego came to play for the whole day, It was superb and topped off with a healthy
  2. Hi All, Whilst its not generally good practice to advertise other boards in here hopefully you will let me off this one time. Anglers afloat are running a SOT Kayak course this Sunday at Avon beach, there are 4 spaces left currently at a cost of
  3. ok we have until the first of July to get use to this so you will be ok for your "tripping the light fantastic" this morning, I guess we are all warned though. I have lived 300M from the holes bay junction for 5 years now and have only seen one serious accident on it, and that was a youngster with a heavy foot that was drunk and trying to run his ex girlfrined over, so nothing a camara would reduce. So how that can be claimed will reduce serious accidents by 10% is beyond me on that junction, If they used this technology where there was a large problem then that would be one thing, anything else is just theft and tax. Now if they placed a sniper on top of Barclays car park to shoot people that cut the lights on red i would be in favour of that Speed on Green Safety Cameras E-mail ****PRESS RELEASE**** - Dorset Safety Camera Partnership - Casualty Prevention Through Speed Enforcement at Traffic Light Junctions As part of the drive to meet the Government target of a 40% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road collisions by 2010, the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership (DSCP) will be starting to conduct speed enforcement at traffic light junctions from 1st July 2009. Following Home Office Type Approval for
  4. Sprinter

    New Kayak

    Hi all, thought i would give a quick update I did look at Durley Chine but thogth it was a bit much my my level of experience (Zero) so I decided that as i was going out for a paddle on my new Yak i decided to head for Rockley park and see what it was like there, I expected it to be much better as it is more sheltered, i was right and decided to go and have a paddle on my own without the rods just to see what it was like. First off i thought i should change my forum name to "bit wobbly". At first i found the Yak very unstable but after a bit of paddling i soon got use to it and started settling down. I didn't go far, maybe a mile in total something like a 40 min paddle and to be honest i absolutely loved it, i saw a Bass jump out of the water about 20 foot from me, at that point i knew that if i could get that close to the fish without them knowing i was there then i had done the right thing in buying the Yak. So a good night i managed to prove i can get the Yak off and back on the car safely by myself, managed a paddle without hurting myself and got use to the Yak a bit I think one or two more trips around Poole bay and i will be ready to try something a bit bumpier like the sea, any maybe take a rod next time. Does anyone know the Poole bay fishing restrictions, or a place i can read about them. Basically i need to know where i can and cant fish and what i can and cant do. Thanks Paul S
  5. Sprinter

    New Kayak

    Barney, was good to meet you, even if we didnt know each other at the time, Maybe we can get together and wobble around the bay together. Let me know if you fancy a fishing / yaking partner, we have the same athletic build so we should be well matched ;-) Did you buy the Camo one? i thought that looked great, I dont know how experienced you are ( I am not) but the Anglers Afloat web site is doing a training day in July if you fancy it. I have not signed up yet but i will tomorrow as i have heard that the course if great fun and worth its weight in gold.
  6. Sprinter

    New Kayak

    Hi all, some of you may well have heard me talk about my liking for th eidea of Kayak fishing over the last 12 months, well today i have just brought it home. I am quite excited (especially compared to the wife) but i cant go out on it until tomorrow as i have some work to complete, Its more than my life is worth to spend that much and not finish building the chicken house ;-) Anyway, I look forward to joining hte species hunt. I bought a Moken 12 Angler so if anyone spots a grey haired dumpy bloke in a red fishing yak bobing around club waters be sure to wave, or bring me a brew ;-)
  7. Sounds fantastic, I am getting so much closer to a Yak, fingers crossed for next month. Great report, made very nice reading, thanks
  8. would it not be claimable on your home possessions insurance?
  9. wow, worth going just for that view. what a place to live
  10. Get well soon Gordon, I will get some pork loin bacon made up, no fat on it at all. So it must be good for you ;-)
  11. will happily join you and show you that my monster float still works if you dont get a crew Alun
  12. Happento be on leave this week so may be in a position to take you up on that offer, depends on a couple of things though. First I have to get permission from the FPO as i am suppose to be up to my neck in DIY this week ;-) gives me a reason to get working tomorrow, How many spaces do you have? My son is also off. let me know if the spot is still available, o ri will give you a call tomorrow
  13. Sprinter


    Glad to hear that you have been able to suss it, I have not managed to fix it so if you wouldnt mind letting me know how its done i would appreciate it. Thanks
  14. soil i still have, although next door has blagged some over the weekend, tis good top soil
  15. Sprinter


    day off (provisionally) booked depeding on the weather if you still have room what do i need to bring, can go buy some worms if you like
  16. Sprinter


    What time are you going out Alun? fancy fishing more than working
  17. I can be found lurking around Sterte Rd in Poole
  18. All, if you want some top soil give me a shout on ohh 779 ohh 492ohh74 and come and help yerself, i have lots ;-) no charge you will get a brew and may even go with some fresh qauil eggs, how good a deal is that
  19. How big a hole? I have about 20 ton of grade a toopsoil, its just getting it here may e a problem as its around the ack of the house and i can only get it to the front in a barrow do you have any transport?
  20. caught me a skipper Mark, thanks for the offer, i would love to take you up on it and am happy to go out and try and beat our last comp attempt ;-0 will give you a call and get things sorted out
  21. All, If anyone needs some company in the shape of an alledged crew i would love to come and have a go at catching my fist Bass, Not an inspiring offer i guess for a Bass comp but best i can manage at this time. I do accept advice and have lures though ;-) and enthusiasm, and some cheese sarnies Regards Paul S
  22. hope so, someone needs to shoot em
  23. I know its early afternoon but if you didnt get a crew give me a shout 07790 492074
  24. Tom, I am interested. I have next week booked of from work as luck would have it with nothing more interestig than digging the gardern. I may be a little ropey around the nav table and electronics but nothing that some familiarisation couldnt fix. I have skippered yachts around the Med and Baltic for extended periods of time, although some years ago (10+), I am a Yachtmaster (well theory although i cant find my book) and much more importantly am in need of a mini advevnture, O i also have a passport and the wifes permission so give me a shout, unless someone else has beaten me to it my last little adventure was being mate and watch leader on a 56 foot gaffer on a trip from Santander Spain to Conwy North wales where the weathoer peaked at a quite antisocial and sustained F9, not fun in the Biscay. Number PMd
  25. Sprinter

    uk tuna?

    quite a few Cornish boats have switched to Tuna fishing apparently 60-70 miles off the end of the world, well end of Cornwall at least. a good summer may bring them a little closer fingers crossed ehh?
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