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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Barney

  1. 1.) Martin cherritt. 25lb 2 oz, Branco 2.) Mick Barnes 20lb 1oz,
  2. I manage a Cod of 20lb 1oz Today and lots of dogs. Thats 2 cod in the same week. We decided not to visit the car park and stayed a bit closer to home. Cod If someone can turn this link into a photo i would appreciate it. Mick B
  3. 1.) Ian Jones - JV 2.) Bob F - JV 3.) Alun J - JV 4.) Martin B Awol 5.) Dean B Awol 6.) RobF - JoJo - with non member 7.) Alfie and Stuie on Dream Drifter [defending Champion 2010] bring it on 8.) Graham + non member Little sal. 9.) Charlie A - AWOL 10. Charlie C Alfresco 11. Dan C Alfresco 12. Gordon Moore Alfresco TBC 13 Stuart Summerel Alfresco 14.Nigel Allen. wishin 15.Mike Toms wishin 16.Craig Jackie Abode 17) Bobi and Colin Boblin 18) Andrew + non member - Conyn Du 19) Chris Enstone plus brother (non-member) - Hilda Maud 20) Tony Deavin - Serenity 21) Paul Dore - Serenity 22) Kev Couzens Yelo 23) Mick Pike Yelo 24) Toby + non Member - MONDAR 25) Jonk + 2 non members clare ann 26) James + 1 non member Dawn Raider 27) Mike Fox as crew on Court Jester 28) Mike 02380 + Mick B (Barney) on R2D2
  4. Nige You never mentioned biggest Cod on day 2 came aboard our boat so we were nearly in the right place. Great company and banter and an enjoyable two days. Mick
  5. Barney

    switch box

    Have a look at this seller in the US dont know if it will help but they have switch boxes and postage does not seem too high Mick http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mercury-Mariner-...=item29f6447fbe
  6. Barney

    winch post

    Hi Gary On an old trailer, i had the post break at the base weld, I had it re welded and painted it with a galvafloid paint. Worked ok for me. We use the paint for sealing the ends when we cut galvanised cable tray and tranking or support unistrut. Mick
  7. I love my ABU Suveran EVO 20lb paired with a 7000i great for most things in the bay and upto a 1 lb of lead. had a 35lb conger on it first time out and had it bent double. Although the are a bit pricey now they have put the price up again. Not that i havent got a few others to choice from for all the different needs, Rods are a personal choice and everyone will have their favourites. But its a good excuse to buy a new one when someone shows you their favourite. one can never have too many toys. Mick
  8. http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/photoalbum/albums/...2-21-58_325.jpg http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/photoalbum/albums/...2-33-20_652.jpg Can someone help identify my two rays for me. The spotted one went 4lb 2oz The other went 7lb 8oz Dave i could hear you and tried to give you a call . Mick
  9. 1 - Mike Fox (on another club boat, no Carol or George) 2 - Dave HH 3 - Martin B 4 - Ian Jones 5 - Alun Jones 6 - Bob F 7 - Adam F 8 - Dave Evans 9 - Colin F 10 - Charlie C 11 - Gary Austin 12 - Graham Little Sal 13 - Alf 14 - Sally 15 - Mick Barnes
  10. Happy Birthday Paul, Have a great day Mick
  11. Thank you for all my birthday wishes Mick
  12. Happy Birthday Nige. All the best people were born today. Hope you had a more interesting day than me, ive been stuck in meetings all day and only just got home at 7 oclock. punishment for spending all day yesterday aboard True Blue Bass fishing. Mick
  13. Barney

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Colin.
  14. Barney


    Jim I have an inflateable wetline eco 2.6m i will sell. Only 2 years old used about 8 times up and down christchurch harbour A1 condition
  15. Just Adding to the fleet Mike Mick
  16. Graham I am interested in the inflatable ive sent you a PM Mick B
  17. Hi Col I know what you mean about being nervous, some scum bag emptyed the contents of my car on tuesday evening whilst parked on our drive. On another note we came up christchurch harbour wednesday night about 11 oclock it was pitch black and nearly ran into two black ribs. both loaded with guys dressed in black, it was only when our lights caught a small illuminous patch of blue on their sleeve did we see them.We only got a brief look and then they disappeared into the darkness again. I dont know who they were but assumed police or army Mick
  18. Barney


    Terry I dont think Jim has caught two fish Welcome to the club Andrew Mick
  19. Barney

    boat ruler

    Hi Jonhnyb I saw these and thought they may be useful Fish Rule Mick
  20. Hi Rob If you can collect them i will come and get them from you as i will not be able to make the BBQ. Thank You Mick
  21. I would like to use the lead moulds. Im not sure who has them at the moment or if there is a waiting list but can i have them at some point please. Thank You Mick B
  22. Congratulations Rob & family Mick
  23. Ive got some from here before Mick http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BERKLEY-WHIPLASH-30l...=item256313579b
  24. Happy Birthday Dave Did you treat yourself to that new boat ???? Mick
  25. Barney


    Just found this web site, dont know how accurate it will be so i will monitor it over the next few weeks. If its any good it will be useful for us inshore fishing boats Mick http://www.yosurfer.com/surf_reports/nea/e...scombe_pier.htm
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