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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Barney

  1. Barney


    Dont worry mike, it will give you plenty of time to clean the boat, thats if you can keep out of the pub you seem to have found it quite handy having a mooring close to the pub. Mick
  2. Jim I find mine goes better in the water rather than in the drive. Mick
  3. Barney

    My New Boat

    Another quality boat in the fold. Hope you enjoy her as much as i do mine. Mick
  4. Added my vote too Good Luck Mick B
  5. Rob How should I store diesel and what quantity am I allowed? There are no specific legal requirements on how to store diesel or the quantity allowed either in workplaces or domestic premises. It is not, from a health and safety point of view, a particularly hazardous substance within the meaning of the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 - its vapour flash point is too high. This means that its vapour will not ignite at normal room temperatures. That said, there are some general issues you'll need to take into account: * no 'hotwork' should be performed on the vessel unless it is emptied and purged of any remaining vapour. * the drum should be positioned away from any source of direct heat. * the drum should be located in an area where there is no risk of collision with vehicles, fork-lift trucks etc. (diesel splashing onto a hot engine will probably ignite). * leaks and spills should be contained to the vicinity of the drum and mopped up quickly, to lessen the risk of slipping. * refilling and dispensing activities need to take account of manual handling issues etc. While diesel is not a particularly dangerous substance from a health and safety point of view, it is an environmental hazard, with considerable clean-up costs if it should leak into a drain, watercourse or the soil. You may, therefore, wish to contact the Environment Agency for further information . Mick
  6. Having been involved in some new aspects of work this year ive had to learn about the dangers of aviation fuel and Deisel and other explosive atmospheres, Whilst reading some info i came across this, What is the limit of the amount of petrol I can store for domestic use? The Petroleum Spirit (Motor Vehicles etc.) Regulations 1929 and the Petroleum Spirit (Plastic Containers) Regulations 1982 limit the amount of petrol that can be kept in a domestic garage or within six metres of a building (e.g. most domestic driveways). The limit is a maximum of two suitable metal containers each of a maximum capacity of ten litres or two plastic containers (which have to be of an approved design) each of a maximum capacity of five litres. These limits also apply to any containers kept in a vehicle parked in the garage or on the driveway (but not to the internal fuel tank of the vehicle). Under no circumstances should the petrol containers be stored in the home itself. Anyone who wishes to store larger quantities than this, or use larger containers, is required to notify the local Petroleum Licensing Authority (PLA) and to store the petrol in a prescribed manner set out in the 1929 Regulations mentioned above - enquirers who want further details should contact their local PLA. Storage of more than 275 litres (60 gallons) of petrol requires a petrol licence - again, contact the local PLA. I often have 50 litres in the outboard tanks. Did any one else know this ? Mick
  7. He did a carp program for sky in spain once and got all bitter and twisted and said the area was crap for fishing all because he could not catch one. He had to borrow one from another film crew to film his shoot. I went out the week after him with the same guide caught loads. He was apparently arogant and rude then too
  8. Happy Birthdays. Dave at last a wreck i can take my boat to. Sorry Nige Mick
  9. Mike I can recommend pebble beach and corkers always had good food at both. Splinters in christchurch was good but its a while since ive been or know anyone that has but quite exspensive. Mick
  10. I would like to fish but need to crew for someone, does anyone have space for me please. Mick
  11. Aired on the side of caughtion and decided not to go out, The fact i cannot see the river which is less than 200m away and my lack of experience made my mind up very quickly. Best paint the bathrooms ceilings and save the pass out for another day. Mick
  12. Im Planning to come out to play tomorrow as long as its not too foggy. I will be solo so its good to know there is a few boats about. Will be leaving Tuckton about 8 ish, Space for someone if anyone wants to join me. Mick
  13. Well Done Paul, We had a spotted ray and a whiting along with a couple of dogs a pout. Very slow but a good day out all the same. Mick
  14. Just one Cod on The Grinch to Mike 02380 18lb 1oz Mick
  15. Happy Birthday Mike Hope you enjoy your Day. Is it a Cod suppy for tea Mick
  16. Mick and Mike 02380 will be fishing on the grinch Coming out of christchurch about 7 Mick
  17. Nige I would be up for doing this as a team Mick
  18. Paul How did you guess? I dont know any other marks !! Mick
  19. Result From The Grinch Mike 02380 11lb 12oz Thornback Mick worked as a decoy and targetted dogs to let Mikes bait have more chance of a ray
  20. 1. Brian - MegaByte, crew = Mark (non-member) 2. Martin & Terry Bartell on "AWOL" UPDATED 3. John - Rosie One - Crew Dave 4. Dave Wight Magic - Jackie, Craig, Ben 5.Nigel-Wishin- CharlieA, RobF 6. Tony - Serenity Crew TBA or will crew for someone else 7. Alfresco Charlie and Dan, GordonH, PaulD 8. Frisky Fox - with Mike, Carol and George 9. Boblin - Colin & Bobi 10.Whistler-PeteSnr with non member 11.lady jane - andy, danny non member 12. Court Jester - Neal plus 2 13, The Grinch - Mick with Mike 02380
  21. Brian You will probably never do it again but just in case, the bungs in the bottom of the live bait wells are the same as the transom bung on a warrior 165 if you loose it. Top tip from Phil at warrior. Mick B
  22. Barney

    Fish ID

    I get that and i use fire fox as my browser. I need to right click and select view image.select open with, it then downloads and asks what i want to view it with, i select windows picture and fax viewer. it works for me. a bit of a pain at times but im inpatient. Mick B
  23. Barney


    Thanks guys Though we might of sneak by without any one noticing mick
  24. Mike Stop messing around and get one on order I want to come and play !!!! Nice looking boat, I missed it at the show even though i went twice although second time we took clients for a day out most of the day was spent in the bars, good day all the same. Definately go for the cuddy if nothing else its a dry place to store kit and keeps the wind off. Mick
  25. Jim I will be at the boat show with the family saturday hopefully see you there Mick
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