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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. The faint call by a pbsbac may have been me (Whitey Bitey) 4 miles south of Old Harry with a engine that did not want to start.................... This will get the debate on 2/ versus 4/ started again as it was a E-tec with 26 hours on the clock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so its still under warrenty We got a tow back in o.k though by a very kind couple in a large cruiser called Blue Pearl from Southern Motor Boats. On arriving back at Baiter i offered some cash for his fuel but was politely told no thankyou. Now thinking quickly i asked for their names (as this would give me some info to contact them at a later date to give them a prezzie to show my gratitude.) only to be answered with their first names.................. So if anyone knows the owner of Blue Pearl please tell them how thankful i am to them.. catch report 4 conger 1 pout 3 dogfish biggest conger to big and angry to bring on board so at a guess 40-50lb Many thanks Blue Pearl Gary
  2. Mike, Do you think a 4stroke engine sucking in raw salt air would last longer than a 2 stroke engine sucking in raw salt air......but..... mixed with oil? Just a thought Gary
  3. Many thanks again Dave Maybe i`ll see you down baiter one day. ........... If not i`ll come for a look see when the evenings get lighter Gary
  4. Cheers for the pics Dave.............They will be a great help to me. Did you buy it from Warrior with the boat or did you make it yourself? Warrior do seem a little on the pricey side! I`m still thinking about this project so i will phone you in Feb or March to come and take a better look if thats o.k. with you? Are you still fishing ?...................or have you stopped till the spring? I`m hoping to go out this Sat from Baiter if youre going too maybe i could see then Again many thanks for your help Gary
  5. Dave, While were on the subject of maintenance and jobs for when the fish don`t want to play. I too have a warrior and if my memory servs me correct i think it`s your boat with the back rail across the transom. Now you know where i`m going with this. Is there any chance you could post some photos to see how you fitted it, and how the cover fits etc.... (i hope i got the right person) Gary
  6. Try keeping your head upright by not bending over looking into tackle boxes etc. Keep plenty of rigs already tied as this will help. stand holding your rod, not leaning or hoding the rail as this will help your motion. failing everything on offer drink plenty of fluids and try to eat something. Gazza
  7. Gazza

    Rod Tip Measurement

    Do you still have the old one ? If you do try offering up the old eye to 2.5mm or 3mm drill bit...... If not try drilling 2.5mm hole and 3mm hole in a piece of stiff card......and offering up to rod tip. whats the best fit? Gary
  8. Gazza

    Floatation Suit ?

    I would go for a 2 piece as you can get really hot in them!! My mate has a 1 piece and 90% of the time he has the top half folded down with the arms tied around his waist. Look at the Newton weight inside most will be 50 but i`m sure you can get more if you feel safer. Gary
  9. Asked for that one where you left it!!!
  10. Have you guys ever thought of using a prop guard ? The type that looks like a steel cage. I know they are expensive but would it be better in the long run. got a picture of one somewhere but not to sure how to put it on! Gary
  11. not 100% but last time i went from there the gate was open (7.00am) plus it was free to launch because no one was there to take your cash. Be warned, if the swell gets up you will struggle to get back in safely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gary
  12. Mike My only advice would be to make a decent template out of timber or plastic to get the 25 degrees angle as the bit of paper they give you is rather flimsey. Also an extra pair of hands will help alot when offering it up to mark the position! hope it goes well Gary
  13. Yes Mike, Try for Monday evening your hangover may of gone by then plus you may need a clear head to think Gary
  14. Mike, i believe you live in the Kinson area??? I live Castleton Ave . If you would like to see my trim tabs fitted to a warrior 165 you are more than welcome to come and have a look. Gary
  15. Gazza


    Charlie, I replaced my axle back in the winter from trailertek in Winchester area. I can recommend this company, maybe worth asking for discount. when ordering double check all dim`s then check again!!!!!!!! also the man has a very strong Italian accent so make sure you understand him. when my axle did come it was the same as idespention but about half the price. i hope this is some use to you. Gary
  16. Why we are on the subject of trim tabs, anyone know of maintenance ideas for the actuators underneath the rubber gaitors? Do we need to grease them or oil them or is this a bad idea?? I fitted mine after a trip on Maverick, with Martins advice i realised i shouldn`t really be going along with my bow pointing skywards!!!! best thing i ever bought for the boat!! Gary
  17. what about the bubble wrap insultion you can get for buildings? not cheap but exellent insulation properties.
  18. Glad you made it back safely Mike!!! I went out on a flat calm sea with her indoors and the two boys (6 and 3) about 2 miles off old harry. same as you we saw the storm coming but by the time we got moving the storm had caught up with us. Anyway we made it back to the safety off North of old harry dropped the anchor and wringed my underpants out (wet from rain before you lot start tacking the p..s). we too saw the boat running aground there were already boats trying to help so carried on especially with the cargo i had on. Not that 165 would pull it off the rocks but maybe pull some one out of the water!!!!. anyone else get caught out? Oh, by the way catch report...... mackeral, bream,and horse mackeral no tope. i was out that way trying to catch the boys a small pack tope, to them ther great whites!!!! never mind try again another day Gary
  19. Tony, What about insurance? Are you a member of NFSA? Not 100% but i think i heard somewhere that they insure for tackle loss like this (not hooks and leads though.) Does anyone know about this? true or untrue? Bad luck matey Gary
  20. not sure but i think solent radio give out info with the inshore forecast Gary
  21. Gazza

    Anti-foul - How?

    Dave, your about 2 months too late. I have a 165 also and just removed the anti-foul. if you want you may be able to see where the anti-foul was as the gel coat is still a bit rough (not got that far yet) Gary
  22. like a mill pool, sun out all day no wind, lots of fishermen with sun burnt faces etc. Had a good day out with Martin and young Daniel an exellent angler who really knows his stuff. Martin`s not bad either Many thanks Martin and Daniel for a good day`s fishing. Gary
  23. Hi Mike , Have you thought of a two speed manual winch. I just put one on mine and the small gear is soooooo easy!!! I don`t know the size boat your pulling but mines a warrior 165. I would imagine anyting much heavier would be hard work Gary
  24. Gazza


    Sorry for the confusion 3lb 12 oz. Gary
  25. Gazza


    Took the new engine for a run to a bream mark of my brothers all went smoothly nice calm day with little wind so we could get round to the mark.......................... I droped the anchor and a large amount of ground bait .Started slow with a bream coming about every 1/2 hour or so. We had about 8 here biggest 3.3/4 smallest about 11/2. We moved for the last hour of tide and had another 3 or 4 bream also 1 garfish and 1 wrasse. Guess what`s for dinner ? Gary
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