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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Gazza


    have a look on www.trailertek.com (winchester). look under trailer spares you will need to know the box section sizes you could try calling the company....but i think he is italian and very hard to understand..........try to talk to his wife Good luck Gary
  2. Gazza

    Reel services

    David Lynes 01202 578661..........? found this on www.deep sea directory called A reel service hope this is the right man http://www.deepsea.org.uk/shops/areelservice/main.htm Gary
  3. Not fishing the comp Jim, Me thinks a eel from a far away wreck with 150%points + will win Not smooth enough for me to go that far in mine will be fishing inshore or harbour with one of my kids. (see front page boy with bass) give us a shout if passing Jim ? Gary
  4. Wrong again Jim Warriors are more than capable of towing this net (even more with your engine).as the trawl opening is less than the beam size but.....self draining deck would be a good idea, to help clean up afterwards........weed and muck everywhere Gary
  5. here's another, if you don't want it perhaps someone else maybe interested ?
  6. This type any good ?
  7. Trevor, did you get my PM ? Gary
  8. ill see if i can take some measurements and some pics......but youll have to wait cos i am not going out in this weather.....again by memory i think it's about 6' wide x 3' high with trawl doors and chain, length is about 10' or 12'. (these are only a guess).
  9. small Trawl net any good ? got one here if your interested. poa Gary
  10. Craig, I don't know where you are trying for mackerel, but they tend to be nearer inshore this time of year. Harbour enterance sandbanks side or just off bournemouth pier gary
  11. Jim, Have a look for the 'Rapala' knot. Don,t want to loose any expensive lures......or fish!!! Best of luck Gary
  12. Cheer Martin you just made my 9year old very happy. ' quote.....'cor how did that get there'..... Gary
  13. Graham, did not realise your windows are poly.....thought they where glass , Jim's and mine are Poly , hence the get what you pay for I think Martins got the right idea for Jim Gary
  14. Jim, try a search on Lexan Margard ebay +google. also on here somewhere.....good strong stuff......i think it's used on bus shelters etc. You get what you pay for!! Gary
  15. Gazza

    Boat Insurance

    Should get cheaper with more years 'boating' mine was
  16. Gazza

    Endeavour 500

    should it matter what trailer you have as the axle will be wider than the beam could take some measurements of overall axle width if you want ? (warrior 165) Gary
  17. Jim, you are welcome to check mine . 2000 model , i think that's a mk11 give me a call Gary
  18. Can she claim a record ? (currently 4lb 2 oz) or members only ? gary
  19. Mike, If you have trim tabs make sure the bracket is set lower enough to get below these. Also use some 18mm ply as a backing plate to the bracket to 'beef' it up as the position to be fixed to is quit thin. Regarding the make of bracket, all i can say is try to get one with not to much play in the spring when not in use. I.E i use a 5hp Honda and get a fair bit of play, bouncing (bracket from Warrior) Gary
  20. Gazza


    Just found out my best Thornback was in fact an Undulate good site .....try it .......i did Gary
  21. i'm the same as Paul D, trailer board positioned tight as poss to the boat with steering turned to give a better picture of the number plate. If you are worried about someone driving into your propeller, try one of the propeller bags with the warning triangle. Not to sure on the law with this one....but it would be nice to know the facts gary
  22. Dave, good idea with the wash bag but i'll bet i get my hooks tangled in them Gary
  23. Terry, Nice set up you have there, did you use a non-return valve between bilge and tank ? also any ideas for a strainer on the outlet pipe ? and finally....on the intake pipe did you lower it into the water to stop too many bubbles and scum forming due to too much air ? If you are about next weekend are you launching from Baiter Many Thanks Gary
  24. YES PLEASE, TERRY would love some pic's also it would be great if i could see your system in the 'flesh' Are you coming down on the 9th/10th ? I hope to be fishing the Poole Dolphins Bream Comp on the Sunday, so may be busy Or another weekend ? I will send you a PM with my email if this makes sending pics easier Gary
  25. Terry, Just wondering....as i am also a warrior owner ........ Do you put your over-flow from your tank over the transom.......or.......have you put some skin fittings through the back of the transom lower down ? Just wondering as i have seen a few about with this set up and would like a closer look ......(steal the best ideas) Gary
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