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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. Graham most carry a handheld VHF as a back up, glad i had one when RNLI towed me back as we had to sit at the back of the boat and I used it then. It's one of my concerns or peace of mind,hence I've now got two main sets and hand held the same as I had on Wishin Nige
  2. Chill..........It's Alderney fever all over again...... Let's leave it until later in the week when the forecasts stop changing..........hopefully Nige
  3. Just put you're wallet up front
  4. Doesn't appear I missed much
  5. niggle


    Well done Nick,is that a team Aquajak jacket? Nige
  6. Now we know why u have four bilge pumps Very lucky mate and glad they worked Nige P.S are you sure it wasn't fuel in you're bilge
  7. Ribeye for me please,thanks Terry..........now back to my hols....it's luverly n hot If the trips on it means I'll be at work for all of two days before we're off Nige
  8. Thanks Ian,great report and nice to know the right call was made Nige
  9. Sounds to me you're sons hooked Nige
  10. Sorry to hear Paul,and it was brand new wasn't it.Been in a similar situation,not pleasant Nige
  11. Thanks again Terry for all you're work,put me and probably Ben in either Fleet house or Marks Cheers Nigel
  12. Al you are certainly having some hassle mate,keep youre pecker up Nige
  13. With me in tow of Charlie and Dave Full crew Rich,Mike,and my mate Chris
  14. Will have to see about trip date 2 as promised Sandy a week in the sun,,,,,see what I can do as haven't booked it yet Nige
  15. For the river mask a line about an inch above the water line then you need a key as the gel coat is so shiny ,rub it down/ flat it off then a coat of anti foul possibly two. Nige
  16. Gutted for you Craig,but at least it happened on this side mate Nige
  17. You gave it a go and got a few,thanks for the report Nige
  18. Whats happened to Craigs boat?????
  19. Well done Stu,flipping forecast but you got some Nige
  20. Well done Chris,we're you targeting the Bass or caught on bream gear? Nige
  21. With a forecast improving for the afternoon Mike(lovesdoggiesnturbot) And two of my mates left mooring at eight and set off for the ledge.With no marks and my electronics not upgraded yet we went for looks good here.It wasn't ,just several dogs,Huss and some wrasse so with the wind holding us sideways to the tide I called a move(so I could play ) Dropped hook at Poole patch where we had just one bream more dogs,one mackerel and pout. Wind was fine for a while then it got lumpy but worse no bites.....so we moved Tried a drift by Brownsea Castle but wind was blowing us onto to the island so we moved A drift for plaice further in the harbour and bingo Mike caught one within minutes,but after numerous drifts just a small bass so we moved Drifted down the west of Brownsea just weed and Mike caught loads of limpet So we moved We intended to go out to the patch again but it had kicked up quite a bit(xc was wrong)so a drift by Bournemouth Pier then anchored by Boscombe pier and only produced small dabs so we moved Back to the Ledge and it looks good here?..just pout n dogs so we moved Of to a mark of Mikes where he's had quite a few Turbot from the beach and guess what................. he caught another one today,only small about 2lb that went straight back. Left that mark at 6.55pm and boat washed and in our cars at 7.50 Long day,saw lots of club members,done a few miles,caught 12 species,drunk lots of tea,didn't use much fuel Not the best day for action/amount of bites but we made the best of what were awkward conditions..........and I got to give my boat some stick ...love it Can't Wait To Get Some Proper Electronics,even sounder doesn't work!! Nige
  22. SOLD !!..........
  23. Pm sent 07877195090
  24. The weekend weather is looking a bit better, so we should be able to get out at last! Sunday 6th May - new date for species comp 1) Neal Sturt 2)Chris Witheford on Kingfisher 3)Nigel Allen and Mike Toms on Wishin Too.
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