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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. A good short session .....yes?...no?......Yes Nige
  2. At last a catch report Well done Graham Nige
  3. Garmin 2010c colour plotter and sounder with external aerial ,transducer,module,blue chart card,manuals and wiring. The sounder was poor but transducer was fitted a long way up the transome so really just 10.4 inch plotter.It is surplus to requirements as I've had all my electronics upgraded,and have my iPad as a backup.
  4. niggle


    All the best,have a good day Nige
  5. Great when a plan comes together,well done and some good fish.Youll have to go back to see what the biggies were Nige
  6. Well done on getting a few more Nick
  7. Set out at eight with mate Hodgy and across the bay against the chop...the Osprey is like a land rover is just goes over anything and it wasn't uncomfortable.......for me Got to Swanage bay to find most of Poole charter fleet in the area,some sheltering under the cliffs but I went to my mark in the middle of the bay where dogs showed first followed by mackerel then Chris got a nice undulate of 11lb but he was feeling iffy A move to Old Harry and cooked some lunch but not a bite all the time there and only saw one bream to the mass of charters. Chris was feeling good again so back to our mark Chris had a small bream then a small conger. Then I had a small spotted ray,two seconds later a steaming run on mackeral head with produced a 12lb undulate.Chris then thought he had a bass but turned out to be a decent cuttlefish ,more dogs then a bass to me of 2/3lb which went back . The journey back across the bay was going great at a careful 18knts as Chris slipped on his life jacket because he didn't like the size of the waves following us but then unknown to him I lost a lot of revs and she nearly died but picked up again but if I gave it full throttle under load the revs would drop down to 1200 A steady throttle got us back safely at 14knts but that ment the waves were overtaking us. Tomorrow I'll check the fuel filters.......just hope that's the cause as she revs freely out of gear. I think we done well in poor conditions and the coast guards and RNLI were kept well busy with fires on board,broken masts,people on cliffs and head injuries etc etc Nige(notgoingfishingmondaymendingboat)
  8. Today I was going to spend changing my steering head unit as its leaking but it didn't arrive.So after a bit of tinkering I set out at midday ,first stop the shingles......masses of weed and dogs. Plan B to sit a few miles off of Hengistbury. Fishing was lots better with no weed bream,more dogs and towards the end of the ebb Tope mainly small to start with 4/6lb then with whole macks a little bigger which was fun on 6lb gear.Largest only about 12ish ,and as soon as tide turned that stopped the bites so back in at 6.30 Back out again tomorrow and will probably take shelter in Swanage Nige
  9. More than welcome Charlie,with three "skippers"on board could be fun but not as much room as yours Nige
  10. Providing work quiets down a bit Wishin Two would be up for it possibly one crew already Nige Provisional 2 crew Hodgy and Sharky...non members
  11. All the best Trev,have a great day Nige
  12. Just had side and downscan fitted on mine but I didn't fit it,if you would like a phone number of the person that fitted mine( lowrance gen 2) then pm me Nige
  13. Have another great trip PJ,might give you're friend Paul a ring about a trip Monday Nige
  14. All the best Sam,sorry to hear you're stuck on ship but sure you'll make up for it.....big time Nige
  15. A big well done for sticking it out for the tide and getting some cracking fish Nige (musttryharderandstopmoving)
  16. Well done,great skills as always.......leave some for us fumblers next time Nige
  17. Started the day early due to tide,left mooring at 6.20 with half hearted plan for bass.Got loads of macy so headed for the needles had several drifts but not a sniff and they weren't showing on the fish finder also our hearts weren't in it really.So after a comment from Mike we headed for the shambles And after 90 mins and 30 miles we arrived and I started to wonder why as misty and no sun but we gave it a go.Sport was slow with dogs and mackerel ,then I dropped one then another So changed my rig to a better design stinger hook And I caught one not big but amended target species......turbo.Mike caught a small weaver on a small pirk but that was that,left at 3.30 back on the ledge in an hour So dropped the hook for some wrasse,dogs and a couple of bream. Another long 13hr day and a few miles Nige
  18. Have a good time........well not too good And be safe Nige
  19. I will be out there abouts Mike........ch6
  20. Out tomorrow early due to tide,just Mike and I if anybody wants to come along give me a ring 07877195090 Not the same as going to Alderney Ill be on ch6 probably have a go to see if we can get a decent bass as a few around then throw the hook in somewhere,also going to play with my new down and side scan. Nige
  21. Well done,with results like this you might be selling the yak Nige
  22. A cracking fish,well done Nick
  23. Thanks Charlie
  24. Does anybody know the winning weight ?
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