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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. He can't remember that far back!
  2. Tis a long way...........won't bother
  3. SOLD !!!!!
  4. 2009 run approx 75minutes 2yr of 5yr warranty left.In excellent as new condition,with original receipt of
  5. Paul give me some dates and I'll see what I can do,I havent caught a haddock
  6. Hope you had a good one Derek
  7. Thanks Rob,like the one in Scotland
  8. 1. Tony D 1,4,9 2. Martin B 1,4,9 3. Craig 2,4,8 4.Ashley 2,4,8 5.Ben 2,4,9 6 Alun J. 3, 4, 8. 7 Peter 1,4,9 8 Rob F 3,4,9 9 Paul D 2,4,7 10 Steve S 2,4,7 11. Paul F 3, 4, 8 12, Duncan 2, 4, 9 13, Graham 3,4, 8 14, Greg 2,4,7. 15 Dave E 2,4,8 16 Paul Simmonds 3,4,8 17 Mark Sterne 1,4,8 18 kev 2,4,7 19 Nigel 3,4,8
  9. niggle

    Happy Birthday

    Hope you had a great day Nige
  10. Nice one Jamie,no stopping you now Nige
  11. Well done!!!
  12. Have a great day Tony
  13. A great big piccy and great write up from the man himself on page 7 Well done Charlie.......I'll bring my copy along Sunday for an autograph Nice one Nige
  14. Graham looks like you're sort of project
  15. I'd love to Al,but I think it will be more than I want to spend.Youre living the dream mate!! I don't want to pester you so I'll join the queue give me a call either at work or Robs got my number Thanks Nige
  16. Ok Charlie,I have yours then
  17. Heard the same,plus a few big round spotty things from the needles
  18. niggle

    Shake down

    Sweet great it's all worked,you must be chuffed Nige
  19. Blimey Nige, she now comes to club meetings, next she might go fishing. Tell us all where it went wrong / how that happened so we can learn by your mistakes!!!! Save us, as it's too late for you!!!! Rob my three lads are all off doing their own thing so she is left on her own.THATS DANGEROUS!!
  20. Yes need bed as getting old,like a snooze mid afternoon
  21. Cheers guys,......but what to get next?Still unsure, want some speed would like lots but think ill have to compromise,Sandy wants it to have a proper loo as she has threatened to come out on it Any ideas would be appreaciated ....diesel...cabin...loo...quite quick...good fishing platform....hob.... Do they make such a boat that doesnt cost more than a divorce? Ive been thinking about a Starfisher 840 but its shaft, max 26knts,would really like a DP leg for Christchurch Ideas please Nige
  22. Deposit received ......so as long as survey ok........sold
  23. Well done PJ
  24. niggle


    Probably to much paint needed
  25. Al those fuel figures are excellent,really pleased for you that it's WORKED as I think most of us did wonder....I did Ace mate enjoy........I know you will Nige
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