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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. Oh.........same here,anytime mate
  2. All the best have a great evening Nige
  3. Sea trial went ahead,all went well cruised @18knts against the tide through Hurst and 24knts back through with the tide same revs.Took it through the bridge @18kts.....I was ok so was boat but previous owner and his mate went a bit white She does 30kts at full revs if needed and I needed today!!! I will transfer to my mooring in the week just in time to get some fishing done if weather plays ball. I have some work to do on the Osprey expedition 24 mainly inside the cabin as it is dated and in need of upgrading,apart from that and a few dozen rod holders more electronics etc that's it. Power is Yamaha 420sti 245hp through a yam leg single prop. Hopefully you should see some catch reports soon and maybe a species or two All the best Nige
  4. There's a wind farm there??? Didn't notice it past the babes on the beach!
  5. Sea trial might be back on Looking at Redfinn Osprey 24,thought long and hard. I was going down the big n posh route but at the end of the day it will be a fishing boat 95% of the time.
  6. Nuts......... sea trial cancelled ......apparantly he is not insured for anything over a F4?????
  7. Good day for a sea trial though
  8. My sympathies Andrew,know how you feel Nige
  9. Not at all Paul,keeps you warm in the winter Nige
  10. Jim ,yes it does
  11. The regular maintenance should maintain the LOVE Rob. The boat im looking at has a diesel Yam,hope I get the same emotion Nige
  12. Have a good day Jim,happy birthday and hope you got lots of vouchers for Haskins Nige
  13. niggle

    Lost anchor

    Result well done Paul,couldn't get it for you as I've sold Wishin Nige
  14. Greg,very interesting point and a nightmare for you,glad its all sorted.
  15. Just been into Hyphose Poole and they hire a fuel polisher for
  16. Mines frozen solid,and the door snaps shut on you're hand
  17. 1) Neal Sturt 2) Nigel Allen
  18. Greg with so many negatives......something positive is bound to happen
  19. What a great gesture,nice one Nige
  20. Like the deck seat
  21. A clonker,well done
  22. niggle

    Lost anchor

    Is it a good mark?Did u get any?
  23. niggle

    New toys

  24. If anybody wants them tested after they have been charged,I have a discharge tester. So pop in to Nuffield Motors and I'll test them FOC Nige
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