A late start due to tide and availability of my crew Chris (Hodgey)non member out at about eleven and sea state was surprising good so I whipped across the bay with the wind at cruising revs at 24kts dropped the anchor at boscombe pier lines over and a cuppa when Allan(kind of magic) told me of his success on the bream,so even though tide flow was dropping I moved to the patch.I really just needed an excuse to drive the boat
So I arrived at cruising speed ..............sorry lads ,I won't do it again but I just love my new toy
Chris caught all our bream x6 while I caught a large ballan 2-2.5lb and a goldsinney while I made more tea and bacon rolls.
The boat was great at anchor even when it started to get a little more choppy,when the bites died with no tide it gave me an excuse to move
Back against the chop she was great,anchored again by pier where I caught a plaice and Chris caught a dab.We then went back in and I totally mucked up in the pond when trying to moor up as I totally forgot about the wind and what with me unfamiliar with the boat as well.
I think next trip Ill spend some time just manovering and move to a different mooring in the pond as now only have about 12inches either side of the boat on present one which is OK when there is no cross wind