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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. As some are aware this has been organised by Ben Saville This will be a great meet and i hope that PBSBAC members can make it down and see what we do and have a play.You can all get a go on Slice of Life,then have a go on the demo boats.Heres hoping the weather will be kind Lofty The following is taken from Bens AA post The eagerly awaited Poole flounder meet is coming around again so get the date in your diary as Saturday 15th December 2012 is going to be an actioned packed day to warm your winter cockles before christmas . A" Dawn to Dusk" fishing comp from 8.00am to 4.00pm so competitors can come and go as they like , all you need is to register from 8.00am or when you arrive and bring your Heaviest flounder to the scales before 4.00pm. One fish per angler only , prizes to third place. More details to follow but rules are relaxed with honesty being the true spirit of the comp. The Girls will be looking after us with food and hot drinks again from 10.00am A range of demo boats will be available all day courtesy of Bournemouth canoes Poole lifeboats will be paying a visit around midday to create some mayhem on the water and practice some rescue drills Book a spot for the paddle clinic where one of the qualified coaches will be able to tweak your paddling technique for getting out to those fishing marks quicker and with less effort . Self rescue and anchoring will also be covered should you need to polish up on them too Donations for these clinics would be appreciated for our RNLI SOS (Sit On Safety) fundraiser All being well weather wise i am hoping to get a bonfire going at dusk so we can hang around and tell a few tales as there's no rush to get back for work the next day , hopefully with good tides over the weekend some will stay for a social fish on sunday . Hope to see alot of old friends and meet some new ones , , but with the hurricane conditions last year one thing is for sure the 2012 meet will go ahead whatever ! Regards Ben
  2. My step brother has a small garage . They broke into his pound and cut off six customers cats. Easily done and easy scrap money. B+stards
  3. Appologies. Cant make this meeting.thought I'd start it as I'm nose to the grind stone fitting a 60k kitchen in St johns wood. You can rent next door for
  4. It's a 385 cxi. It's the most popular " hi end" one with kayakers as it has the navionics option. Good for small boats and easily unplugs . Cost
  5. Got out on the water Friday for some paddling , fishing and plane watching off Hengistbury head in Dorset. The weather was ok but the sea was choppy. Fished the morning and had dogs, gurnard, wrasse, bream, maccys. Then later on I was joined by Lucky John on his trident 13 and then went on the drift for Plaice. I recently put up a post asking for bead colour tips and Bobobob suggested I change my green and black for Fluoro yellow,10 of at 8mm.This resulted in 6 Southbourne plaice( about 1lb) and one nice one at 2lb 4.
  6. A great result.
  7. Not really what any of us expected for Cams Sole Man meet. I got down to Sourhbourne and was met by bigger wind and sea than was predicted. Spanners arrived shortly after and we surveyed the scene from the cliff tops,
  8. lofty

    Happy Birthday

    Cheers chaps Working away but home for a short period. Hope to get afloat Lofty
  9. Ok. I've had a great 2 weeks in the sun in Spain but no dangling. The beach fishermen all use telescopic scaffolding thickness rods and catch fry??? I'm stuck up in the smoke over the coming weeks but intermittently home and hoping to get out on the yak some nights. What's about? Haven't had a Tope yet ? Are they still around? Is there anything that peaks around now? Bassing? Rays? Most trips will be no more than a mile out from my launch. All thoughts welcome . Also gutted but can't make Sept meeting as in Laaaandaaan innit. Normally attendance will resume, it's a great club. Thanks all in advance Lofty
  10. http://news.sky.com/story/972970/show-off-...elsh-acrobatics
  11. Cheers lads. We used our safety knives strapped to our pfd to cut the lines. Saved the reels and buoys but lost the grapnels. Only
  12. Change of plan. Bad move really. Thought it would be a good day to try the end of the ledge in a yak. getting there was easy , getting off was hard work. It took me 20 minutes of digging in to get to deeper water. I'd guessed 3 knots but some chap reckons only .7 knot. I'd like to know what it was running at across there for future trips elsewhere? I reckon if I'd have gone in I'd have been away from the boat in 3 seconds easily( (5 metres). I never heard you Alan, but I could hear most of the other broadcasts. My arial is 5 inches long and strapped to my chest. I know it's line of sight so who knows. Portland acknowledged my radio check too . If any one knows tide speeds across there let me know
  13. He had a much better inshore session with Bass, undulate and tope
  14. With conditions perfect myself , Geordie Brian
  15. Great vid Enjoyed that. Lofty
  16. Cheers wedger. Any numbers ( not special secret marks) for my humminbird ?so I can plan my trip a bit better. Thanks
  17. Launching from knoll beach on Tuesday . Mostly for the scenery but also fishing. I'm after some possible marks for rays off Ballard? I'm sure someone said its ok there. Any info for other species off Ballard gladly read. Cheers Lofty
  18. Getting hold of a rare, unsigned copy, is hard work
  19. Have you joined Anglers Afloat? They are a great mine of info for kayaking . Lots of great advice. Pbsbac have been brilliant to me as a Poole local and have freely given me so much fishing advice as a beginner angler. Check out the first Thursday of the month meetings. I can't make Augusts meeting as I shall be in a five star boutique hotel with roof top swimming pool in Madrid but I'm sure we'll catch up at some time. Welcome to the forum and join the club. Lofty
  20. Cracking Bass Si . I've put the photos on pbsbacphotos photobucket account and also uploaded them to a folder on the forum called pbsbacphotos. If you get anymore just ping them over. Don't worry, particle physisysts at the LHC can't put photos on here.
  21. Email piccy to me or text to me and I'll post it on this thread Info@loftuslimited.com 07740456081 Lofty
  22. 10lb bass Bloomin marvellous Like to get me one of them one day Good effort
  23. Well that's my house ready for the olympics
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