Blue Anchor virginity broken. I was up before the crack of sparrows and heading from Poole to Taunton with the promise of a fresh coffee at Marks (hewy40). Got there at 5.30 and by 6 we were ready to head to BA.
I was very happy with the free parking and we tooled up and headed down the cobbled slip.What a boneshaker that is.
The plan was to head to a well known mark called the boobies about 2 miles from the slip.When we arrived there was already a private boat on the mark so i dropped the 1kg bruce a bit further along and settled into a cold mornings fishing.
Mark came up nearby and dropped his hook. This was to later cross me and start me on a comedy of errors and i made a right abortion of moving. I will post a seperate breakdown of this as there are a few lessons I learnt today that might be helpful.
Back to the fishing.
The conger was the first to come and i was fortunate that the first one was a tiddler.First target species done
Later on I had a much bigger one,about 5-6 feet long and as thick as my lower leg. Hmmmmmm? Time to get the gaff out. i reached around behind me and the snake went into a death roll. I put the pressure on and started to pull it in and, thwack,the hook popped out of his gob and the bait flew straight back and smacked me in the mush. Fortunately i had my buff balaclava on so was spared a hook through the face.
Mark was also into the conger after dropping a big whiting at the side of his yak
I was then happy to see a nice plump whiting about 2.5lb thats tomorrows din dins for me
After my Mr Bean up anchoring we headed back towards the reef to fish the ebb with a specific landing time.I opted to fish close in towards the far end of the beach while Mark fished to the left of the slip. I was glad to get back close to shore as the wind was starting to kick off. I found some part shelter under the lee of the cliffs and anchored up. Baits down and within half an hour I had my 2nd target species.By now Id given up on the idea of a cod and had lost all feeling in my toes.Then it started to snow slightly. Joy.
At one point I had a freak gust of wind blow through that took all my rubbish and my Ushanka over the side and off into the distance. At least it wasnt my basstard hat!
We had a set time for landing and bloody good job too as we hit the sandy part of the beach. 30 minutes later and we'd have landed on the mud. You really do need to stick to 3 hours either side of slack to miss the mud
Mark on the sand
Marks ting.He also had a good TBR and conger .2 points for me,3 for Mark
The line above my finger is mud
Great to try BA. Shame MR Cod stayed away. Good to meet and fish with Mark.We both agreed that the tide and weather were at the boundaries of what we'd fish in. I might take the Basstards there now I'm happy with things.