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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. There are quite a few dsc waterproof hand held VHF radios now. Standard horizon and Icom do them for around the 250 mark
  2. I have already put the batteries up front to remove weight from the rear, maybe I should keep the spare anchor and other heavy stuff up that end too. Is the battery in the cabin? I wondered why that recent disaster boat didn't send a distress , I wonder if the batteries got flooded out and killed the electrics. Love the hot air balloon idea though
  3. I wonder if pbsbac might have a whip round or make a donation to the families of the three lost fishermen? Might be nice if it came from our club? Any thoughts?
  4. Pm'd with phone number
  5. Any news on this???
  6. I've got digital scales . All keepers over 2
  7. To be fair I put back most of them. I put back 10 ish, and the duller ones which I believe are female. Ken and Barry also did the same. We were primarily there for smuts but I knew it was a good bream mark. Any info on smuts greatly appreciated
  8. There are five Poole Bay Ultrateers as far as I know,Chico, Harpo,Groucho,Gummo and Zeppo. Can always add a Karl at a later date. Today three of us hit the Solent, launching at Tanners Lane to a flooding tide to fish Sowley boom. Barry (Barto ) prepping for launch Ken stopped and had a chat to Rich who'd had the best of the days weather as he'd been on the water since the crack of sparrows. Despite our best efforts using every type of crab bait none of us had a Smooth hound. We did all bag up on Black Bream though. We all only kept enough for the pot and the rest went back. They put a great scrap on my Uglystik lite 210 / Shimano 2500 catana and look great as they come to the boat.
  9. The muster area Me and Geordie Brian launched at another beach, I didn't fancy the haul back up the hill I lost a gar as it done a marlin style leap out the water and threw the hook. Got this one an hour later, a great big bugger that done a crocodile death roll and snagged my braid right up. Great fight for its size though
  10. I'm sure Ben will do a proper report but Ill just give you a brief summary for me. 130+ kayakers in Swanage bay today for a species comp. very windy conditions to start. Many competitors blanked. The winner won with 6 species. I had 3(4- but dropped a pollock at the side)maccy,Ballan, and gar. All in all a good day. Will post some photos later
  11. Sorry I couldn't make it but have a great trip on a real boat chaps. Be lucky. Lofty
  12. I had a pout on one of those floats today and didn't catch a double figure bass I don't think they work! They are easy to use but might be better on mono rather than braid though?
  13. This 4lb 15 clonker was caught by a chum yesterday in the Solent
  14. Cheers for that. 4th photo down he has teeth and bigger spots. Come to think of it lots of the dogs yesterday were Bull Huss. They made me get the long nose pliers out . All went back but I'm told they can be nice to eat? Well, a brucey bonus to the species list
  15. Si tells me that there's spotty bellys and teeth on bull Huss? Is that another species to LSD?
  16. I was planning on taking the ebb from Milford on Sea to Hengistbury Head. Very easy launch, not so easy back up the hill The tides were right but the weather was a bit iffy. The drift to the mark was spot on but the wind started to strengthen on my back. I started to consider the 4 mile paddle back with wind over tide and decided discretion was the better part of valour and aborted my plan. I tied up to a pot buoy and spent two fish less hours with the wind chilling me and decided to head to the shelter of the cliffs.
  17. My first ever ray couldn't be much smaller. No obvious markings but some small thorns on the tail Anyone I D for my species list please
  18. lofty

    2/5 breaming

    Thanks all. Am I right in thinking you need to be anchored for rays? I normally drift with coppered coloured rauto spoons, black and green beads on a 1 hook and a coloured watch lead for plaice. Tide should take me more or less across the bay. Any secret numbers for my gps gladly accepted via pm Lofty
  19. Hello all. I'm launching about 8 from Milford on Sea and taking the ebb towards xchurch ledge to try and find the spot that Rob showed me on the charts . A quick question? Whats the seabed like in xchurch bay, sandy,snaggy, etc as i might drift with flatty rigs on? If you see an orange log out there that will be me. Will be monitoring6/16 so say hello. "slice of life" Drifting back after slack. Lofty
  20. Well chaps, my work diary has dried up, first time in ages, so until people start buying kitchens I'm going back to household carpentry. If any members have work in mind, doors , floors , boat bits and bobs( 10 yrs at SS ) give me a bell on 07740456081 Otherwise look out for my catch reports
  21. Give us a tow Have a great first trip on your fabulous boat Lofty
  22. So I decided to get out today somewhere . The surf reports were giving big shore dumps locally so I looked further afield . I'd read in other reports that the Solent can be sheltered in a Nw wind so a quick ping to a Southern Softy( you know who you are) for advice and I was set . I was hoping for an early smut as I've never caught one but it was not to be today. The launch site was brilliant though I love sea horses
  23. Sounds like your coming over to the dark side? Safest boating you'll ever do.
  24. My rubbish removal chap has retired and I'm after someone new and reliable if anyone knows of anybody? I have a half load ready to go from Hamworthy, half cardboard and half old kitchen units. I'd usually pay about
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