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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. http://akff.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=37108 Just read this article and seen the damage done to this guys yak, made me wonder if any club boats run on auto pilot? Lofty
  2. Just as a side they can't be copied/ pirated so the slimmest of chances.
  3. Does it have " find my iPhone" on it. Can you locate it with location services?
  4. I have a humminbird 385 that would take navionics gold on an sd card but at 180 quid I can't afford it. I use the 20 quid app on my iPhone. Mind you, if someone is flogging one let me know.
  5. Nuff said
  6. Best of luck bud. Looking good.
  7. B**locks..... Tried it as its the venue for the uks biggest kayak fishing comp in a months time. All numbers great fully received
  8. Me and Barry headed to Swanage to try out some new gear and marks. Geordie Brian managed to dodge a bullet today as work was calling.Unfortunately the wind was not as predicted , stronger and from another direction . Force 5 from the East south east .As we were there we thought we'd give it a go. It was tough. There's not many phots as once afloat it was difficult staying upright let alone doing my best David Bailey.
  9. Still thinking of Swanage on Sunday? Might be a bit sheltered? I'll see nearer the time
  10. ) Neal Sturt 2) Nigel Allen 3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith 4, Alf, Sally & Mark on Dream Drifter 5. Lofty( kayak) 6. Barto( kayak ) 7. Geordie Brian.... possibly(kayak)
  11. Wouldn't that be a pain with hooks digging in? Looks nice though
  12. Here is the re naming ceremony I've renamed my yak and a chum, an old matelot, won't go out with me till this is done, so I've got the booze ready to go ! http://boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/rename.htm
  13. Our new club member Barry is selling a full set up. It's on eBay 160778984243. I'm sure he'll put his own ad up but this is a brilliant deal. If I hadn't just bought new I'd have been up for it. If any members are toying with the idea of a kayak you won't go wrong with this
  14. I bet that gave him a surprise!
  15. We all had Pollock. We had Ballan wrasse of every colour Mirror calm at Crufts
  16. Met up with Ken and Barry this morning The sea was fabulous and we headed for worrbarrow Loads of wrasse, pollock and dogs A great day at sea
  17. That's a great feeling, catching something new. Love the mark, easy to find. Great report
  18. Myself and Geordie Brian made the most of the still weather to fish Durley tonight. Got down after work with minimal gear to head out into the sunset After recent successful Plaice bashing trips I was ready for something better so big baits down Nothing Nada Not a sniff As you see it was like a mill pond but unfortunately no drift to speak of Geordie Brian Brian had a small plaice and pout As the sun went down I was heading for a blank but some small pout came out to play The fishing didn't set my world on fire but the calm conditions and the clear night sky, good company and the promise of summer really made this trip a Lofty midweek bonus
  19. I'm kayak fishing in the evening from Durley. The netters have had a few bream but still getting herring mostly. Looking for my first bass tomorrow.
  20. The hard grafts paying off. What's the big screen in the dash? Gps/ fishfinder?
  21. lofty

    Boat Jumble

    I took a look round.....
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyH6lX_iL3A&sns=em
  23. It was like a mill pond with zero wind Met up with Si and our new chum Barto Was slow fishing today.Pin whiting to begin with and then nowt, Picked up with the flood,more whiting,3 tiddler Plaice 1 keeper for lunch tomorrow Then a double shot of plaice and pout It all went a bit poutastic for an hour We all called it a day as the sun set Good luck to all tomorrow
  24. Taking the yak out Friday off Southbourne . On 6 if anyone's around Lofty
  25. That's the sort of info I can use. I had lots of tope last year but none over 5 lb. A chum pulled a double on his yak and thats my aim As for anchoring in 240 feet of water.... No chance. I had the hook down in 60 feet but let out 200 . I use a big dive reel but do hand over hand it once it's free then reel in the slack once the hooks on board
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