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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Ill be out Friday pm at Southborne targetting bass using live maccys. Do you want the weight on the rig to anchor them to the bottom or a lesser one to slow them down. Im using a 4oz ? Lofty
  2. lofty

    two man kayak

    I use a perception Gemini for playing with my family. About the same size and weight as my trident 13 , so takes two to carry unless you buy wheels. We have had loads of great days out and it is very stable. I bought mine on eBay for
  3. lofty


    Very happy Lofty
  4. Got out this evening for a few hours in this little weather window My personal best from my kayak. 6 and a half pounds and four nice fillets Makes a change not putting them back. Met up with another kayaker Si He had 2 nice bass and a tope A great evening
  5. The sea was lovely and oily And right on que the wind picked up,back on terra firma
  6. The weather window was spot on and the sea was lovely and oily with no weed. Got my first plaice, small but perfect so she went back. Then a schoolie bass on a plastic although I was also fishing a live joey. The mackerel were 4at a time so soon had some nice keepers that my mrs has just had for Tea. The sea kicked up right on time and I surfed back in. A good day
  7. Posted this below on Anglers Afloat about tomorrow morning All thoughts about times,tides,and rigs greatfully accepted. After last weeks aborted pier drifts due to wind I've checked xc and the met and there's a window for some calm seas with maybe showers Friday morning, so here's the plan. Launch from Boscombe at 6.30 and feather for livebait on the last of the flood and paddle down to Bournemouth targeting bass. Then spend the morning with the ebb and sw light winds trying different spots at anchor back to the start for various species. My fishing chums at PBSBAC tell me this is a productive area for many species so nothing ventured... The weather is said to pick up in the afternoon but I should be near to Boscombe pier to get back in if it gets nastier than predicted. Once again please pm or text me if you want to join this out. I will asses the situation at the beach in the morning ,so like last week when I changed my mind and headed for the shelter of Poole harbour ,my plans are scratched in the sand, but if conditions are right it's on.Lofty. 07740456081
  8. You certainly used that window!!!What an afternoon. Perfecto
  9. lofty

    Welsh Tope

    Superb sport and great photos. Hardcore
  10. Cheers. It's a whitewater signal,used on rapid river running,like Laurel and Hardy lifting a bowler hat,but a good way to communicate in rough conditions without a radio. I'm surprised it's not an international rescue signal because it's so easy and can't be confused like waving, unless you wear Bowler hats at sea. There are lots of other signals but this is a good one, although not much good if no one else knows.
  11. Took the t13 out for a paddle today and fed the crabs in the harbour. Bloody weed and dirty water driving me nuts so went for a trip to the end of the training bank.The sea was getting pretty lumpy and I wanted to get back in the harbour before the tide turned. Saw some kayakers in the distance by the start of the bank at the end of shell bay. Now I was digging in and making slow but sure progress as anyone who was out this afternoon will tell you the bay didnt want to play,and I caught up with them after 10 mins hard paddling. Unbelievable. A two man yak with two 12 yr olds and a single with the dad and a 6yr old on his lap.They were paddling just to stay still. They had come over from Sandbanks and couldnt get back. I offered to tow the boys to shore and the dad point blank refused help,insisting on trying for the other side of the bay. I dropped off to watch them as I had my vhf,and after 5mins watching them get weaker I was just about to call the coastgaurd,finger on trigger, when a rib festooned with the animal logo and a handsome shaggy haired surfer type at the wheel ,turned back to them and assisted. He bundled them in and tied the yaks to the back,then towed them back to sandbanks. If those boys had been taken by a big wave this bloke couldnt do athing as he had his daughter on his lap. He should have known his limits,headed to the shell bay and gone over on the ferry. I missed the slack and had to really dig in to get back into the harbour. I had one big run like a rocket on a trolling lure by the training bank ,let it go and didnt strike(as Ive Read) and it came to nothing. I guess the reason for this post is to say well done to the rib "dude" Saved a call out to the RNLI I think as kayaks become popular again there is going to be a lot more of this. I always give a little wave to let passing boats know im in my comfort zone. I dont know about other craft but on a yak a patting your head gesture means come to me. Heres hoping the wind packs it in soon. Lofty out
  12. I am selling an as new Motorola Defy. Its like an iphone but tough and waterproof. I will have it with me tonight so if interested come and have a look. Lofty
  13. Cheers Dave. This is to the west of Kimmeridge.The photo doesnt do the lumpiness justice. Round about the spot where I took this I looked down on rocks about 3 feet below my yak,even though I was 50 feet from the shoreline. If anyone who hasn't taken there boat out along here before,keep your eye on the depth as well as the amazing scenery. I was very surprised. The warden told me most people head east back towards Poole for fishing. I went west on the flood in the knlowledge that if the sea beat my arms it would take me back to where I started.I will go again on a smaller tide with less wind and head east. Once again thanks for the input. Its always welcome
  14. So today I decided to have a day out kayaking. Up at the crack of sparrows and headed off to Kimmeridge for the first time afloat there. When I got there it was like a mill pond. I headed out towards Chapmans Pool along Dorsets answer to Mount Rushmore The sea state started to rapidly build and the swells were really worrying.Then over the vhf came a warning of live firing,first by a nearby warship,then the ranges. BOOOOM I thought ,in a shaggy voice"Yikes,lets get outa here scooby" Left Kimmeridge in rapidly building seas and headed for Poole Decided to put in at Baitor and had a very choppy crossing over to Brownsea.After an hour of fishless fishing headed over to the quay On the way came to the rescue of an upturned dinghy with a retired couple looking all in hanging on to the boat.He was one side trying to right it and unbeknown to him she was on the other side hanging on for all she was worth.I pulled up next to them in the kayak,she let go and the old feller was able to get the dinghy upright.There were a couple of charter boats to the rescue too. They were on a date and I think it was a treat that he took her on his dinghy for the first(and probably last)time . It didnt take too long in the sea to weaken them both more than they imagined. Got to a very overcast quay and had a drift along the Sunseekers,said a few hellos to old workmates,and headed back. A mayday came over the radio of a fishing boat sinking near Kimmeridge ,with two chaps taken to their liferaft. Fortunately they were rescued by a coastguard helo.Well. What a rough and tiring day at sea.
  15. For sale is a Motorola Defy on the Tmobile network. It is as new with no marks or scratches at all and would be perfect for boats as it is splashproof and tough.It was supplied on my new contract but I prefered the iphone so have gone back to that. Needless to say the iphone doesnt go near the sea Check out the full review http://www.trustedreviews.com/Motorola-Def...le-Phone_review ,but this is perfect. It is too good to have as my spare so Its for sale . They go for about
  16. lofty


    Taking the yak out for the first time this month friday. Really would like a bream as not caught one yet. Got to check weather and tides but Im either going Kimmeridge or Durley first thing in the morning. All suggestions welcome
  17. lofty

    boat/crane fail

  18. Just finished the latest kitchen and have a new 1.8m length of Black Slate Laminate peninsula worktop(rolled both edges at 665 wide)with a bit of edging going spare if anyone wants it?Could be used for a utility as its a bit wider to cover appliances or just as a bit for your shed/worshop. If anyone wants it they can collect from oakdale.
  19. A glorious but strange day for me. In the water at 7 at Swanage. Fished ballard looking for bream. Blanked.Spoke with others out there and all were having a slow day with only Wrasse nicking the worms. Paddled away to feather for mackeral in the bay and wham.A cod(ling) just under 5lb on a black Hokkai. First one ever and a cracking looking fish.Must be getting soft because I let it swim off out of my net. Lovely colour though. Finished the afternoon with a few macks and whiting by the ledge bouy in Swanage bay.A pretty productive spot just west of that bouy.
  20. Leaning towards Swanage.Cheers Charlie.
  21. Im up at the crack of sparrows on Saturday to take the yak out and hope to catch a bream after reading all these reports. I can park at swanage and kimmeridge for launching but have never gone from either . Any advice ? I think the weather is favourable for Kimeridge but Graham at the meeting reccomended a drift along Ballard. What rigs fish best for bream?Smaller hooks?Also going to troll for bass? I'll take all advice and should be on the water by 8am when I,ve decided where to go. I'll be on 6 if any poole boats spot me,come and say hello. Cheers. Lofty
  22. Great report. Must give Kimmeridge a try one day
  23. Blankety blank both days but some great weather and good paddling. met some kayak spear fishing divers today (extreme) and they told me its very queit down there,so well done for your efforts.Going to pick your brains thursday.Is it only me or does anyone else want to fire rocket propelled grenades at jetskis? Lofty
  24. It was great fishing in the sunshine yesterday so im going to do it again today. Good to put some faces to names yesterday. Hope to do better today. Say hello if your about. Lofty
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