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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Any thoughts on Sunday anyone?
  2. If yachties are "wafis" am i a pafi?
  3. I got out as planned and on the sea by 5. dead calm so trolled poppers along the cliffs for silver bars , but no joy. Crossed the bay towards St Ives and the wind picked up. then the swell picked up. By the time I was at the headland you could lose a fishing boat in the swell but it wasn't White water or cresting, just big. No fun. 5 mins feathering and blanks so headed back towards the bay and tied on a pot. Big knocks on a whole squid , maybe better size bream?but I was using large hooks.2 good sized doggys was all I saw today.Back on the beach by 9.30. Really surprised by the lack of fish, but I guess if bait fish are missing it follows.If any others read this keep an eye on how quickly the sea can build , from flat calm to bluurrrgh in 60 mins.
  4. Sandeel. We saw a pod of dolphins 300 metres out to sea from the beach restaurant. fabulous. I'll put a note on my species list.
  5. Without catching, WITHOUT CATCHING?????? I landed 2 sandeels after a strenuous battle.Sport fishing at it's best.As they were caught in Cornwall but on my yak do they go on my species list or do all species have to be in club waters? and are sandeels called launce? they were the same as the packet bought eels.
  6. lofty

    Computer Scam

    My favourite way to deal with annoying calls is to tell them "I'll just transfer you through to our hanging up department "......."thank you sir" .... Click
  7. On me Hols at the mo in St Ives. Took the yak and rods and youngest daughter out for a paddle along the cliffs, hoping for bass.Caught sandeels (are they called launce ?) and tried with no luck.On the headlands we were joined by a bloody big seal so I stopped fishing for fear of snagging him.It came really close Then into the bay for macs but blanked on all colours of feathers. masses of spider crabs all swarming in the shallows . then I spot a fin Paddled over and it was a sunfish, and a bloody big one.Just for a millisecond I thought of netting it A good and crap day all in one
  8. Well done all. Great that the sun shone.
  9. Going to St Ives for me Hols.....going to take the yak and kit . Just wondered if anyone has fished or paddled in St Ives afore ?
  10. lofty


    two very small plaice for me,probably less than a pound, on the edge of the wych channel, others around me were getting better fish though. Funnily at slack tide. Is that best for flatties?
  11. Apologies. Wife's birthday. Out early tomorrow , starting in the harbour, out bassing by the training bank, then looking for harbour plaice. Anyone have any pointers to where in the harbour is good for plaice? Have fun and well done in Wales. Big up and respect(as the youth might say) Lofty
  12. If the venue is Sourhbourne then parking is a bit limited and a trolley ride to the beach. I'd be happy to pick up another kayaker and kit to save on cars, dump all the gear at the entrance and go off and park. Will it be an early or a late or all dayer?
  13. List of entrants Ben (Sea gypsy) Lofty (lofty13)
  14. Got out today early.Lots of rod bending with 8 Tope-ettes.....4 dog fish ,2 dozen mackeral, a spider crab , and a partridge in a pear tree Enjoying the view
  15. I would have loved to join you in the evening but spent all day battling the elements at Swanage Love the photos, especially on a dirty day like today.I'm provisionally looking to go Weds either at the crack of sparrows or later in the day. I know it's not pretty like the harbour but I'm targeting a Raymond at Southbourne, or improve on the Tope sizes I've been getting there. And so far I've had three bass over 4 there and plenty of bait. Last time there were 4 other Yakkers out from Poole . Would like to meet up with you chaps at some point, happy for the company on Weds day, weather and conditions permitting.
  16. Not me unfortunately. After a lame day with just a couple of maccys I paddled in, stopping to talk to a Swanage local in his yellow fibre dingy with blue gunwales fishing the last of the tide.He'd had a dozen macs and we were talking about the little knocks he was having on his fillet bait, but they had then stopped. The fish must have hidden! I paddled 100 yards away ,and to top off my crap day got my anchor well and truly stuck. If anyone is in Swanage anytime soon it's between the 2 Yellow buoys in front of the grand hotel on a White buoy Over on his boat I could see he was into something nice so paddled over He had it on board and he was Fu**Ed It was Approx 80cms long, had a head like a football and a tail bigger than my spread hand. At a good guess I reckon 12~15 lbs(one of my dogs weighs 15lbs so It looked similar in weight) I'd love to know if anyone knows him for the actual weight The boat was a yellow glass dinghy , the chap in his fifties, blond scruffy ponytail, dodgy teeth, scruffy bloke with cheap red course reels and rods.???? Goes to show the monsters are down there.
  17. How did you get through those waves Last time i launched I nearly didn't bother It had better lol like that in Swanage tomorrow
  18. http://tinyurl.com/dorismap This on google earth is amazing
  19. Weather window still looking good from Sunday onwards.Monday for me still. thanks for the advice.I've been at old Harry on springs and not really suitable in a fishing kayak, maybe the stealthy sea ones.Tide on Monday is small so should be ok. is there a website with swanage specific charts that detail the above info? I've got a good app that should be suitable as a plotter so was going to try and find some marks ie the wreck of the fl...etc. Any numbers I'd be grateful. What's best for rays? Maccy flappers on a paternoster? Whole squid? The feathers I use have large hooks. Are they suitable with squid for Bream or should I use shrimp rigs? Sorry about all the questions Lofty
  20. Love that calm sea.
  21. Xc have been on the money for all of my recent launches. Can but hope. Been catching some good bass recently, but fancy catching something new. Maybe rays , still haven't caught a plaice or bream .
  22. Weather window looking good for Monday so far. I fancy Swanage and Ballard. just after some advice on what to target. Lofty
  23. "what are you looking at on the internet dear?" . "Oh .....nothing......gulp"
  24. last week i was fishing live Macs there and one was taken by a tope( pressuming that is as it started to tow my kayak) that proceded to wrap itself around the pot bouy and i had to cut the line, and another large mac was bitten clean in two,probably by tope again?
  25. Last time I caught the macs. hooked them thru the nose with a 3 hook and sent it to the bottom with a three foot trace and a 4 oz lead as I was attached to a pot buoy. Thats when I caught the 6.5 lber. just wonderered it the leads a bit heavy?
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