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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Weather still ok but rainy maybe. No worries . Anyone fishing the cod comp give me a wave on my new big orange kayak. On ch 6 off Southbourne from 8 Tight lines(or belts after Christmas) Lofty
  2. Just for now Friday looks ok to leave the harbour If all ok then I'm launching at Southbourne at 8ish All welcome if window stays open Lofty
  3. My new yak
  4. I worked at Sunseekers for 11 years, in the days that saw me frowned upon for being a shop fitter instead of a boatbuilder, ( you wouldn't find a boatbuilder there now!) and a good chum of mine, Spocky, a proper boatbuilder, is now a freelance boat repairer under his proper name Graham Banyard. He used to groan at some of the shortcuts taken by Sunseekers and would tell me the correct way things should be done. I know he advertises in some of the tide table books. I'm sure he'd be interested in taking on some of the work , and Im happy to do day work for you when you get going on the refit. Exciting times ahead Graham Lofty Ps. The Sunseekers had foam stringers glassed in with the tubes for drainage in the Chines as the previous post said
  5. 1. Martin- AWOL + none member 2. Tony + TBC with extensive knowledge of harbour and a good back( with heater) 3. Alun Jones and 4. Paul Frey ....on Gastronaught 5. mark winfield kayak 6. Ian Jones - JV 7. Bob Fuller - JV 8. Steve Johnston - Kayak 9. Gary Austin prodigy 10. Charlie Chapman prodigy 11. Stuart Cooper - Sea Dream 12. Brian Murrey - Sea Dream 13. 14 Geordie Brian- kayak 15. Richard Stephens on Serenity I'm not going to be able to make this one so good luck all especailly the kayakers Steve
  6. Not sure if this list is now obsolete for the 18th so removing myself as other commitments1. Martin- AWOL + none member 2. Tony + TBC with extensive knowledge of harbour and a good back( with heater) 3. Alun Jones and 4. Paul Frey ....on Gastronaught 5. mark winfield kayak 6. Ian Jones - JV 7. Bob Fuller - JV 8. Steve Johnston - Kayak 9. Gary Austin prodigy 10. Charlie Chapman prodigy 11. Stuart Cooper - Sea Dream 12. Brian Murrey - Sea Dream 13. 14 Geordie Brian- kayak 15. Richard Stephens on Serenity I'm not going to be able to make this one so good luck all especailly the kayakers Steve
  7. 1. Martin- AWOL + none member 2. Tony + TBC with extensive knowledge of harbour and a good back( with heater) 3. Alun Jones and 4. Paul Frey ....on Gastronaught 5. mark winfield kayak 6. Ian Jones - JV 7. Bob Fuller - JV 8. Steve Johnston - Kayak 9. Gary Austin prodigy 10. Charlie Chapman prodigy 11. Stuart Cooper - Sea Dream 12. Brian Murrey - Sea Dream 13. Lofty- kayak 14 Geordie Brian- kayak
  8. Just putting the feelers out for selling my Trident. Don't get me wrong. I love this boat and have had some cracking trips this year , but as with all things, the more you do something, the more experience is gained so I'm hoping to get a bigger kayak for longer distance trips. I'm pretty much sold on the idea of a 4,7 xt so thought I'd see on here first. She's been well cared for and washed down after every trip She'll come with a the seat, a paddle, garmin 140 fishfinder, an older handheld VHf in drybag, anchor trolley,tackle box.
  9. Ocean Kayak Tardis 13 Doctor Lofty
  10. I've definitely lost my sea legs
  11. Thanks for the donation Graham Glad you liked the vid
  12. "who's that in the kayak?" "oh........No body"
  13. Thanks to the few that have donated and thanks to those about to donate Cheers Lofty http://uk.movember.com/mospace/1479578/
  14. Well done and congrats Paul, another cracking fish from that area. Lofty it's doable in a Kayak but we are a bit limited by the tides, can only fish over LW unless launching from the IOW. Neaps are a good starting point as rounding/going through the Needles can be fun. Getting to and from the Needles is easy, but the leg south, you'll see the boats requires paddling and if you leave the return
  15. Cracking photo. The car park? Is that xchurch ledge? How far out are you? Cheers. Lofty
  16. lofty


  17. lofty


    For the month of November I'm participating in the fundraiser for testicular and prostate cancer , Movember, when chaps without face fungus grow a moustache for the entire month. If you feel you'd like to sponsor me it's really easy. Just follow the link below . http://uk.movember.com/mospace/1478582/ Thanks for looking and of course you can sponsor me on Thursday night after my first 4 days of mo -grow. Cheers Lofty aka Estiff Luvtoots
  18. And what about the take size. The little ones were all about a foot long or mackerel size. Would you treat them like mackerel ? I admit I had one head hooked as a live bait but nothing came of that
  19. Got out today. Caught the same fish 20 times(top 1) And a bigger 1(1lb 11) Are they both whiting? Only kept 1 because not sure of the take size but it was nice shallow fried, a bit coddy. Answers please
  20. Many happy returns Graham Lofty
  21. Mw Me and some chums fished the harbour on Thursday and cleaned it out of Plaice, had some flounders too. (not completely open then?)
  22. I'm planning on paddling out on Thursday and magic seaweed is giving it shocking on Sunday......sorry
  23. lofty


    I checked with my company about it being nicked. It's insured on the house if its padlocked on the roof of my car if it's on the drive, but not if I leave it in a carpark. Definitely worth a phone call
  24. lofty


    Everyday I buy a bottle of gin, a bottle of whiskey, vodka, rum, two crates of ale and four litres of cider. It's dawned on me. I'm a shopaholic !
  25. lofty


    So outside of the bay then?
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