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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Got Thursday and Friday free and the long range forecast is looking good at the mo. Going to take the trident out and happy for any info-suggestions. Im Poole based but thinking of travelling out to launch-maybe Swanage or x church? Have joined the club proper and will bring some charts to the next meeting as Im after knowledge on tide strengths at places I.ve not paddled. Leaning to Poole until ive picked your brains though. I look forward to all your thoughts about Thursday. Lofty
  2. lofty

    a big one on

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  3. Thursday 7th of April in my diary.
  4. Where and when do you chaps get together? Is it in a pub ?I dont drink but a coffee and some welcome knowledge wouldnt go amiss.
  5. lofty

    Stolen Reels

    Put an ebay search for stuff you know is nicked but tick the search nearest first. You never know? Also the cash convertors and bootsales. I'd never buy stuff from a pub as tools are someones livelyhood,and your kit means a lot to you. I hope these little fuckers get whats coming to them. Lofty
  6. I filleted it into 4 medium sized strips, dusted with flour, and flash fried in a pan for less than 5 mins and my girls all had taster of Dads endevours. Delicious. Now need to catch more of the blighters. Great being out and good chatting with others on the water who wanted to know whats up. Thanks for all the input. Lofty
  7. Had a great paddle out and took Colins advice with ragworm on a two hook flapper . Anchored up at the end of the Bank. Two or three boats already out just past me. My first fishy from the trident Weighed in at 1.5lbs. and tasted lovely when I got home. Doesnt get much fresher . Shame it was an ugly one.Chap near me had a similar one with lots of orange spots,still,its not going on the wall as a trophy. A slow day but at least it wasnt a blank and even caught a bit of a tan....
  8. Dave 007. Ive drifted along the top of it quite a few times and some of those rocks are cms below the surface and I wouldnt want to knock into one on my yak.I'd stay at least 50 feet away in a real boat. Minimum.
  9. Got some time off Friday so im going for a paddle.Taking the trident out along the training bank and testing some kit. Taking my ugly to try for something... Any thoughts on bait, lures,etc. Anyone see me out come and say hello.should be out by midday. Whatever your up to have a good one. Lofty
  10. Guess I need more iron in my diet
  11. you raider looked the business today from my yak. I hit a zero. How did you do.Lofty
  12. lofty


    Got a folding one from Staples.Think I prefer the anchor and bits to go in it than in the boat. Added 40mm pipe to corners for rods and net and the zip ties have strengthened it all up. I'm going out for my first trip tomorrow (sunday) in the new Trowler as my wife calls it,conditions permitting. Spent the day making removable racking for my alley. Works well and the yaks are resting on plastic. Anyone out? Before After
  13. lofty


    Trying to find a milk crate or similar for my Trident that will be tough enough. Max dimensions are 350mm x450mm. Not sure about mounting it on top on a bar as this seems popular but looks a bit top heavy. Any suggestions as to where I can source something,and what do you take in yours? Lofty
  14. Not yet. Keeping an eye on the weather and juggling my work . Maybe this or the following weekend?Hope it floats! Bit of a difference to my lil Tek. Might launch from the far end of Sandbanks and mooch along the beaches up towards Bournemouth. Is it worth taking any tackle? Any takers for a trip out? All suggestions welcome. Cheers
  15. Thanks for the technicals maverick. Photobucket was the answer. Phew
  16. lofty

    Mako nails marlin

  17. The camo will be handy when Im paddling up a tree or in a field....doh. Time to invest in a light pole to shine on my dayglo hat for the Sunseekers to aim at then
  18. Got a good crewsaver on ebay which I forget about when paddling the yak as it fits really well. The negative was the neck was really tight when I bought it but AAndark in Southampton replaced it for
  19. Cheers Ben but........ordered one today from Bournemouth kayaks. The trouble is my boyhood love of action man got the better of me and I've ordered it in camo.......As Sergeant Wilson said to Captain Mainwaring "Do you think thats awfully wise?" Look out for "eagle eyes Lofty" soon
  20. Big coincidence.I looked at a kitchen to fit this week (my business) in Ashley Heath for a husband and wife acupuncturist . They had a treatment room in the house.They seemed like a nice older couple.Mr and Mrs Connor 01425477561.Hope that works out for you
  21. Did you sell your Prowler?There are a couple on ebay around the 450 mark that look good to me but are not very local.Id be happy with a looked after 2nd hand boat as with a new one.
  22. Well the Tek should be gone on ebay ,already been offered more than I paid for it,which was nice.Bournemouth canoes are getting in a Trident 13 for me to have a look at. Any thoughts?All welcome.
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