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Everything posted by Hooky

  1. Launched !! After a few issues with the cable adjustment ( would not select forward on gearbox) I managed to go up and down the river a few times, tide up to a mooring buoy and set up the carbs, not easy but all now seems perfect ,. The auxiliary engine also needed a bit of fettling , at least I know that works should it be needed. Will I get my first fish today from my new boat ?? . Many things learned about old outboards ; they may run in a tank or on muffs but that means nothing, put them under load , it's the only way. There is a point when a old outboard is scrap, set yourself a budget and stick to it . Old two strokes are increasing in value ( !!!!!!!!!) compression test first , if that's not perfect walk away . Make sure it will select gears, check for spark. As a rule of thumb if you buy a old outboard for £1000 expect to spend that amount again to get it perfect. Old outboards take far longer to service , every nut or bolt could be seized , many professional mechanics won't work on old engines, a full days labour (£45.00 per hour plus parts ) seems the norm. So would I do it again ? simple answer NO , I simply don't have the time or energy . I only bought this boat as the hull is brilliant, one day she will have a nice new ( ish ) engine . See you all soon
  2. The ups and downs of life (sigh) looked like this boat would have to be sold , endless hours wasted, it has been a bad year I had lost it , fishing was of little meaning or interest , despite loads of support from my friends ( you know who you are chaps ) . The weather has been brilliant these last weeks, one thing that kept me (slightly ) sane was sitting down by baiter park and watching others having fun. At last I could book a few days off work , just maybe one last go to see if I could get the carburettors on, get the battery charged and then if it didn't work at least I tried my best. New oil in tank , fresh fuel and she started first time , didn't know wether to or .. After making the huge decision to also fit new bearings to the trailer, sorting out all those loads of little jobs that needed doing she's sat ready to go for a maiden launch in the next few days. I had to let my Christchurch mooring go , so once again a huge thanks to Darvester as he is not using his for the rest of the season, if all goes well on her first run out she will now have a temporary home . Even if I get a run up the river ( yes the auxiliary runs ok) IT will be a positive outcome. COme on weather. , let the winds drop , who knows I might even get out to catch my first fish of the season !!!

  4. Yes Jimbo, it may be possible to get the jet out but read on ! Tonight has found a major thought, why was only one carb very corroded and not the other two ..........?.q?... The answer got found a few minutes ago , I drained the two stroke tank down ready for removal , a conservative estimate would be 100mm of pure water , and we are all aware of how it separates in a tank , especially if a total ass ( not me ) uses a mineral based oil . So had did that happen ??? It's called a split in the rubber / plug / cap thingy , it actually looks like a cup . Where did the water go ???? Straight into the auto lube pump , that then ends up injected into the tube just before the reeds . It answered the problem of why it would tick over by die on a whiff of throttle. It also explain why cylinder two had a wet plug ! The biggest elephant in the room? A hole between the crankcase ? It's fine doing a compression test for most of the time , a full pressure test ( leak down) would be a huge step too far , I have never heard of this engine ( ( Dangar marine in Austrailia ) that has had this issue , if this was the case it would have just overheated and gone bang . Unfortunately this will of course mean that water may have also gone into the bearings etc, if that's the case it's all over , I was aware that this engine came with this boat as a non runner , possibly spares only ,. Im not going to give up just yet , im a very stubborn man . Looking on a positive side I'm learning about engines , strange thing is I'm far happier doing this than watching the telly , the fishing can wait for another few months
  5. So top picture, left hand side , look good don't they ? Until you take them apart, corrosion has wrecked one, you can't get the jets out ( yes it is possible but !) Prime start, it's all a updated choke, I don't like it, it's the ones with a little red lever. I think it would be fine BUT with the amount of corrosion in that carb its scrap. To the right we have a set from a 'fully ' working engine they have a normal choke hence the extra butterfly's The inlets are different , the crap set has o rings inserted into the faces, the new set does not , swap them over and hold in place with a tiny amount of gasket sealer.. New fuel pump fitted , three tubes, two bolts , just as well as mine had the pin hole in the diaphragm, it would not have helped. Sizes of jets between the two sets exactly the same, all three carbs must have the rubber blank over each minor jet , never use anything else but the correct blank , these jets share a air emulation hole , it's so tiny I can't even see it !, its it's taking far longer than it should, a straight swap would have been a hour.
  6. Here goes , please don't forget I'm no mechanic.
  7. So once again it was a late night at Hooky mansions , lets start again, lets start at the the very beginning , its a very good place to errr , etc etc. Carbs are here, new ones are auto choke not prime start , im also going to delete the autolube > oil tank and loads of wires and pipes. This conversion is my only option, it has been impossible to find a decent , un molested prime start set, every set i found has had exactly the same issue., It will be best to put up pictures due to the amount of other owners with corroded carbs that cant afford tobuy then new at £217 each plus VaT !!!!!
  8. And this what i was looking at : it cant be this , have I been a total pillock ?
  9. Thanks Rob : Only three options left , one of them could see me looking very stupid . Clue ! what is the difference between 2 stroke oil & 4 stroke oil ???? yet another little job to sort .
  10. Yes please Rob : engine in Devon, seized due to putting too much oil in tank so non runner.
  11. No Rob, plug leads not long enough to get it wrong BUT I think you may be on the right track with that comment, Mmmm HT leads , thats something else to double check, I may just start again at the very beginning ! I STILL think its a carb issue , I will take the old ones off (with pictures) . Last night took off the fuel pump, its going in the bin , its a nasty copy , the diaphram seems ok but the slightest bleed will put fuel direct into the crank case hence a wet plug , im getting a bit lost with this engine, at least I will know every nut and corroded bolt on this engine. Other interesting things ( or not ! ) Cold starting. I dont have a normal choke as such, its a small piston that heats a wax plug when the ignition turns on, it lasts about 20 seconds ( think glow plug ) this then alters then richens the mixture on one carb only , if this fails you can flick a little red button , this is on cylinder 2 , the spark plug seems perfect colour. So a nice set of carbs is on its way from deepest Devon , these have a normal press key to choke function , shame i dont have the push button on my control box !!!! another thing to buy !!!! These will just bolt on, they have come from a 100% working engine so it will put me on the correct path again ( or to the asylum ) Thanks for all the suggestion chaps .
  12. Grrrrr frustrating this crappie old outboard thing , not sure WTF is going on , Let's try a new fuel pump , also I'm giving up with these old carburettors , new set on there way , it's starting to go beyond what the engine is worth ,. Revs still hanging on , very poor revs on throttle , top plug still getting wet , bottom plug still looks very lean . Tested all coils, stator fine, pulser exiter thing ok , new fuel , compression 125 psi on all three cylinders, reed valves fine , new plugs etc etc etc yawn I'm off to bed .
  13. Doh, just did a long post on my auxiliary engine , lost it ! I have a little Mariner 4, used it on the Suntrip , start her up, lock in place and you can use you man engine as a rudder , yes it does work ( ok ish) . Throttle is taken can of by a 8ft length of plastic tube from B & Q . 2 to 3 knots with little tide, brilliant for trolling , uses a £5.00 all day . Also used for a gentle river or harbour cruise , no worries about endless issues with nets or ropes . The other thing that I found of use was being able to go over some very nasty coves and inlets knowing if that little prop gets damaged I'm not going to cry over a £10. 00 . Im not sure who it was but I have seen a local using a electric bow mounted engine in a couple of foot of water over a sand bar Lure fishing for bass ( PJ ? ) I think it's a American thing, down rigging using a auxiliary engine trying to create as little disturbance as possible is another thing to do this year . Things to sort out as follows, get the fuelling correct, all three spark plugs a different colour, engine hangs on too long to revs. Put new bearing on trailer, fit new end stop to trailer winch post. Find and fit boarding ladder . Cable tie all wires in place . Finish carpet in cabin . Get a boat only basic tool box , spare plugs, electrical tape, Wd40, etc Get of of those brilliant little jump starter packs ( last one again went down with on Hobit) . Time is ticking away , time off work ( even once a week ) is my biggest problem , I'm not going to mention the fishing will kick off in the next month and we will be in for a nice summer , it's all true !
  14. So that should be that ! The carb issue, each carb has a little rubber blank over the minor jet, mine had one missing. Reed valves , mine had one (top cylinder) that was stuck, this would only add to the problems. I realise I'm no mechanic, I totally understand why old outboards are such a pain when every bolt, grommet and wire has a shelf life , salt corrosion kills all ! These are very , very simple engines , getting them running spot on is a bit of a art , we all know far more modern ( or new ) can break for no reason no matter what you do. The new auxiliary bracket can take up to 15 Hp ish , I'm putting on a 4 , at least it should give me a little confidence getting back as I'm a night fisherman, very few boats about . Talking to a very good professional mechanic I have done all that can be done. Good as new ? What does that really mean ?. As I've already been told these old Yamahas could be one of the best outboards built, the only few worries are the oil pump, yes you can blank them off and pre -mix but on this engine leave it alone , get the mixture too rich and it will make it run too lean ( you would think its the other way around ) . That brings me back to those tiny pilot jet blanks, you must have them on all three carbs, the minor jets under them still need to be in perfect condition, they draw air from the main jet via a tiny unseen hole in the carb body , throw in too much pre- mix and it blocks it , it will then run lean which ( could) lead to possible seizure at full throttle. I'm going to try and behave with this engine, it's not going to fast anyway, estimated 22knts at wot. As long as I adjust the cables to give me a maximum of 16 knots that will do until the 115 e- tec arrives ( ?????) Things still to do, 1 wheel bearing, solder a couple of wires and get 3 or 4 days off for a play . I probably a optimistic, I can't see why a 20ft fully sorted boat should not go out to some of those wrecks 35 miles out as long as a buddy boat will go with me , it's all about confidence, mine has taken a bit of a hammering, after all what could possibly go wrong
  15. Very much a "maybe" , if I can get those carbs on , up and running , first launch , so much to go wrong !
  16. Ok Vince¬ very early days of planning. looking @Gummage possibility of weekend of next bank holiday, Two boats heading for the ledge from Christchurch. I will stick a invite up on trip planning. Bream & Lures. bring you own boat if you like or ???
  17. A few places to launch from. Poole/ baiter slipway, plenty of bays along the Purbecks. Christchurch/ Mayors Mead slip, easy to park with a nice cruise off to The Ledge. If you become a full member keep a eye out on the boat buddies, trip planning bit on this ere forums 100% doing the right thing, get out with the locals, im still finding my way after 20 odd years ! Huge learning curve, tides and being safety if the first priority, fishing comes later You will find very little info on specific marks in a open public forum , plenty of info on general areas, every day is different from the last. My best tip is look @ tides4fishing and gain a basic knowledge of when and why fish feed on turn of tides etc
  18. Another update ! With the Yamaha 90% ready it got started and running, not good, very poor. Time was up (and money) I went off to collect her from the boat yard, I could have put her on the mooring but i using the auxilary engine but the best decision to take her home. How does a trailer bearing crack so easily ???? better still it went on a main single road in rush hour when the schools kick out ! Carbs off (again) Three carbs to attempt another strip, attempt due to all the old screws and jets are sha##ed I have found something ! bottom two carbs have the pilot jets blanked off , tiny wee piece of rubber , its not the same in the top carb ! I think I have discovered why she keeps over - fueling , the investigation continues.
  19. Thanks all , I had a few days off holiday planned , determined to get the new boat sorted and on the water , it didn't happen , it's far to cold to mess about this week !
  20. Brilliant, the wifey had a giggle thinking her luck had changed !
  21. Yes Jimbo , Chris did the business ( and also bunged in a spare anchor, rods, reels et etc so hence I'm just about ready to go after a fish of some sort All donators will of course be coming out to play wether they want to or not !! Shes a a big old girl , will take 3/4 members so need to teach them all I know Monday morning 10:30 until 10; 50 should be fine
  22. Last few minor issues , the old carbs got taken off to be "sonically " cleaned. The old jets were totally shot and had to be changed , two had been put in crossed threaded !! The impeller housing was also very worn , I'm not sure how but that had also been put on wrong !!!! Very close to my end price as to what a old Yamaha is worth , at least it actually came for free (as such ) with the boat I still need to sort out the Auxillary Transom bracket , I'm not going to wrisk going far without a buddy boat , even a fully re- built main engine needs to be tested. I would love to give a very, very big to the ' Hookys totally skint and needs anything " to Alan, Jimbo,Chris for all the donated gear , I'm feeling very humbled by the generous support from this club . Weird how thing happen , I took a big gamble on what had been described as a project boat , it turn out it was 90% complete and in superb condition . I also believed 6 or so months of hard work could be needed , rip up old deck, glass in new floor etc etc its taken a month ! So not a project at all !! Ah , money , yes that again ! No way would I be looking at the March bream competition, to raise a few £££ I'm selling my old Mariner 60 , selling my fuel gulping Mercedes ( getting a crappy old Focus instead !!! ) etc etc just to try and get out fishing and enter a few club comps Why do we do all this for a few fish ???? Total madness !
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