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Everything posted by ChrisE

  1. Just let your launce feathers somewhere near the bottom and the little beggars grab them faster than you can say knife. Good luck with your quest in weavering, just keep your mitts away from the spine. I've seen the result of a weaver sting, not at all pleasant ...
  2. Excellent trip and nice to see some doubles. Whenever we've been there there have been laods of turbos but most just keepers. Well done for getting over, you got your just rewards.
  3. Yet to catch a mackeral here around The Solent. Just as well the bass take lures
  4. Can see the piccies now, worth waiting for!
  5. Can't see any piccies?
  6. God this is dragging on. Keep the faith tho', codfather. You'll be out there in time for them piggies
  7. Fiiish minnows are our go to lure. Try fishing them slow over reefs like The Ledge you might be pleasantly surprised
  8. I've just bought myself a Majorcraft Skyrod. My goodness me, what a rod, light and stiff with a nice fast taper action. It wasn't cheap, £150 from Veals, but probably in the same class as the red £4-500 rods of a year or two ago. Will be trying it out on the bream and hopefully shirlies this weekend.
  9. Very, very nice!
  10. If I know anything about this, it will be great for you Weds to Fri then blow up for the weekend ....
  11. You'll be pleased to hear that the plaice have finally arrived on The Shambles. On Supernova on Thursday and Friday, seven of us shared over 70 plaice, all nice fish from about 1.5lb to a best around 5lb. Turbot still slow with 2 in two days. Water has now cleared, so off you pop guys and catch 'em.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-26627408 Makes you think ....
  13. We've decided to give it a miss this weekend and wait for our trip on Supernova. Will report back then.
  14. I've just heard from Lyle, skipper of Supernova. Fishing is dire other than for blondes on the smaller tides. Still a week to go and things could yet pick up.
  15. Next Saturday is on the cusp of do-able, if we can we'll be there then. If not we've got a couple of days booked on Supernova on 10th and 11th April will report back one way or the other. It does seem very quiet at the moment tho'. I've heard of a couple plaice and turbos but no significant catches yet.
  16. Weather window closing at present. So God keeps us from a blank, I'm guessing.
  17. Oh thanks for this, we moved Hilda Maud to Weymouth at the beginning of the month in preparation for the season. A season that seems to be taking a while to kick off
  18. Sunday not looking too bad for The Shambles. Not heard about many catches yet has anybody else? TIA Chris
  19. As individuals, I think that we can spread the word about returnnig fish whenever we're posting on other web boards or just chewing the fat down the pub. Things can change. 30 years ago, I was argunig with a salmon fishing relative about returning salmon as they were a species in decline. At the time he's have none of it saying that a caught fish was a dead fish anyway. Today, he gets very huffy about anybody who doesn't return a salmon. As a club, we could think about voluntary catch limits (yes, I know how to become unpopular!). Seriously, in the US a lot of saltwater fishing is governed by bag lmits, it is beyond me as to why we don't do the same here [RANT OVER!]
  20. Strangely, we had a very good year on bream from The Ledge last year, so much so that we stopped after a couple of trips of 40+ fish. All returned bar 3. Shame that the bass fisihng was so poor ....
  21. P'raps, it could swing back but not holding breath ...
  22. Shhh, Sunday looking a bit good this am. Plenty of time for it to go wrong, keeping an eye out tho'
  23. For anybody thinking of heading west in the near future. Popped into Weymouth Angling Centre yesterday. They say that as yet no flatties reported off the Shambles. They've started to show off Chesil so with luck won't be long until they do.
  24. We've moved Hilda Maud down to Weymouth for the next couple of months. Hoping to go out on over the weekend.
  25. That kind of sea will make the proposed marina interesting ....
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