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Everything posted by ChrisE

  1. Stitched by hand, using a sail makers needle and greased nylon twine. I've got the holes in the fingers to prove it!
  2. The wind was too strong to go out today, what to do? The stitching on the zips on the cover to Hilda Maud have been slowly rotting away leaving cover flapping and waiting for a spring gale to rip the whole thing to shreds. Today was the day to do something about it. In the dinghy on the river for 9 and straight into a tidy chop leaving me soaked through by the time I got to the boat. Still got there and replaced the stitching, feeling sew, sew smug 😎😎
  3. What an excellently organised event!
  4. If and its a big if, you have osmosis then don't underestimate the time to dry the hull out. My yacht had this and it was hauled out in Jan and dried until July to get the moisture readings down to acceptable levels. Then ground down and re gelcoated with phenyl resin that is less inclined to water ingress. We didn't get the boat back until the end of August..... That said no boat has sunk because of osmosis! Hope that yours is not so bad. If it is young and it sounds as if it is you shouldn't have a real problem as a modern layup avoids the worst of the problems and modern resins are not so prone to the problem. Best of luck.
  5. I'll be interested to see if the Keyhaven ban sticks. Although to be fair the fisheries have prosecuted some locals in the past.
  6. Well they say it was in an old folks home, so which of you last of the summer wine is claiming it 😄
  7. Bloody hell, a tug capsizing in Southampton water, it was windy last night but not that bad, I thought. One of the crew had a lucky escape.
  8. I think that it's a step in the right direction. In the states they've introduced a one fish limit for stripers in some areas.
  9. Can I add bundle 4 to my list? Thanks Chris
  10. Ok, Steve. I'll give you a ring later in the week to arrange collection. Cheers Chris
  11. Hi Lofty, I'll take the line and the leads. Can collect next weekend, if that's ok. Chris
  12. Excellent!
  13. If you are looking for fine, abrasion resistant and good knot stength look at Seaguar. I use it for all my saltwater flyfishing in hot places. It's not cheap but very reliable.
  14. These have been about in the yatching world for a good few years now and yes they work and yes they break especially if you load them in a blow. I've personally stayed clear for the reason that they are a one trick pony and don't much like gadgets with a sole purpose.
  15. ChrisE

    New Member

    Welcome to the club, I moved down to Lymington 17 years ago from Hertfordshire, the best thing I ever did. Best of luck and welocome to the sunniest part of the UK!
  16. Done
  17. Have you thought about moving the sensor to somewhere where the flow would remove the fouling? We have a sensor on the yacht that sits proud, very close to the stem, and doesn't seem to attract fouling.
  18. I want one! http://www.nauti-craft.com/
  19. ChrisE

    Irregular Sex

    I reckon those Japenese are lucky chaps
  20. The ban doesn't come into effect until end of Jan, I beleve.
  21. That's all ok but already put 99% of my fish back, as someone who started as a freshwater angler it comes as second nature. The fact that MrsE will only eat fish wrapped in plastic from a supermarket makes life easy.
  22. I've just lost patience with all of the good weather happening whilst I'm working and going to ratshit when I'm not, so ... I've dusted off the coarse gear, joined a couple of clubs, even bought a couple of new rods and a warm, waterproof suit especially for coarse fishing. So not quite hanging up the sea gear but keeping it in good nick until the summer species return. Off to terrorise some roach and chub ...
  23. ChrisE

    Happy Christmas

    I hope you all have a Happy Xmas and a rod bending New Year.
  24. Yep, they can have the LSD quota ...
  25. Thanks for doing the legwork on this, interesting stuff Just a thought though, I downloaded the Fish Advisor app, advertised in the link, and, whilst I agree with the notion in principle, I think that they need to get their facts right. For instance, LSDs are on the banned list on the generally good idea that we shouldn't be eating sharks (they're listed as Cat Sharks, which is a new one on me!).
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