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Everything posted by ChrisE

  1. My god, that's one heroic refit. I'm sure that you'll have a wonderful craft once you've finished.
  2. Well done both for keeping our MPs honest (well sort of )
  3. I saw the survey and tbh, lost the will to live!
  4. That'll be tiddlers, ahem.
  5. Well we had no cod, three eels best about sort of 40+ plus a few toddlers. Sea quite bumpy so we called it a day a lunchtime slack water, The Bridge was *interesting* on the way home.
  6. Sorry to pee on the parade but any party that teams up with anti semetic, anti gay right wing parties to stay in power in the European Parliament will never get my support.
  7. Carp?
  8. Yer just a bunch of wimps
  9. Looks the weather's not too bad,shame to miss it!
  10. Ah, you're at the end of the BT line, the rate you get is inversely proportional to your distance from the exchange. Do you have cable anywhere near you as Virgin, etc can do you a deal on fibre, etc? We used to live miles from the exchange and the service was crap regardless, we now smugly live just up the road from the exchange.
  11. You might want to look at this comparison site http://www.europasat.com/product-chooser/ The prices look fairly expensive to me especially with a data limit of not that much, especially if you download viddies However, as a happy BT fibre optic BB user, is that option open to you? Our speeds went from <1mb to 20mb+ with 50mb+ if you plug straight into the router rather than wireless.
  12. Goodness me! Well done guys
  13. Another vote for the ikea filleting knife, I've had mine for nigh on 10 years, sharpens up well with a ceramic stone.
  14. Nice fish Mal.
  15. Chris: two released about 2lb, didn't weigh. Chris: 9lb (trouble is caught it the day before practising ...)
  16. All that glitters? http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/giantshark.asp Nice try tho'
  17. Goodness me, that's one hell of a fish and according to the report 15 tons and not fully grown ....
  18. copy / paste and add your names to the list 1 Court Jester - Neal plus crew TBA 2. Albatross - Graham & John 3. Hilda Maud - Chris & Martin (non-member)
  19. A basking shark, no sh*t Sherlock ....
  20. A word of caution on the Navioniocs app. It is really great for all of the plotting capabilities that are mentioned above but steer clear of their Sonarcharts addition for showing depth contours in more detail. On the face of it a great idea but in reality the contours which, I believe, are computer generated are just plain wrong. For instance, if you try to find the peaks and troughs off the S off the IoW you'll be sadly disappointed, the contours are just not there. I spent a couple of hours a month ago trying to find ridges and troughs that just don't exist, grr
  21. Boom boom. Very good
  22. Ouch! At least you had some fish for the barby. i managed to catch my first mackeral of the season yesterday, 31st August, sheesh!
  23. Yes, it was fairly daft but story was a bit exaggerated by the media. They said that he was heading to the US, when what he said was heading west. Poole, maybe? Still doesn't explain why he set out in the first place and why he had no charts .....
  24. Bloody hell, I saw them go out yesterday. Glad all safe.
  25. Blimey, drilling holes in hull? Sounds like a really crazy thing to do to a boat, not least the consequences for anyone who went to sea in that condition.
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