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Everything posted by crazy fred
bob ive got a realy good pedestal for sale but ill have to get it out of the store it was left from when i built the boat so it'll be a good quality one try and sort monday
well we gave it our best shot on some very productive marks the only thing we could think causing no fish was the colour of the water very poor vis 3-5ft max
Well the alarm sounds at 3-45am and it's dark i only thought 3-30 was a time in the afternoon when it was light strange people us fishermen.The phone rings and it's alex on the other end sounding like a frog with an englishman in his throat sounds rough what ever way you say it ,he's reporting in sick so it's down to three of us now diesel dave the infamous polluter lee the fireman and myself it must be the pollocks lucky day were short handed. We load the gear on the boat and head for the fuel barge it's now 4-30.As we come along side lee jumps across and takes the ropes and we ban dave from every aspect of fueling up as we think the reflective pinkish tinge he likes to give the harbour is not a good thing, and not only that diesel is now 45p a ltr and to expensive to waste on his artistic tendencies. Heading off leaving the safe haven of the harbour we reach are first mark after steaming 40 miles time is now 6-45.Were there for the last hour of the ebb perfect timing.So after fishing for 2 hrs the tide is now flooding at 3.7knts and we are fish less and looking for answers.We decide that this mark is like talking to the wife about the reproductive organs of a giant squid"the lights are on but nobody is at home" and loosing interest fast.So we decide to go on a foray of french waters trying all the bits of shipping that adolf and his mates had blown to bits most of which lay the wrong way across the tide,inconsiderate those germans. So off we go tring severall wrecks in enemy waters so to speek realising any thing we catch is going to be specimen size as according to brussells the french only land undersized fish But yet again fruitless so we huddle up and have a team players meeting and decide north is a good way to go .The legs wrecks are now 15miles north so on with the auto pilot and time for some scram and a cup of coffee.As we approach we can see silver spray fishing one of the wrecks so we fish the other but same old storey,serge blanko, so it's off to the rips.Yet another wreck on the way we stop, but then carry on interest is falling fast.As we approach the rips mark, off to the port side i can see a large overfall very disconcerting not seen this one before.So we set up for the drift stern first me thinks as an early shower for dave in the stern quarter would make good story but as we approach the overfall dave runs up the deck "coward" i shout mind you im in the wheelhouse. After 20 mins of playing in the surf we decide home is a nice place to be so best we return and ignore all the magnetic bits of crap on the way home no matter how big or good they are. Not to be out done by these cunning pollock just one last drift on the jbsub so we can rattle our weights all down the side but to no avail.So we head for home in sunshine listening to some of daves stories which tells my brain its time for a sleep because if i don't stop him soon were going to need a shovel to dig our way through the bullshit to get out of the wheelhouse. arrival time at the dock is 2-10 time for a quick wash down and go through the 2-30 bridge .As i steam through the bridge i can sense weasels looking at me from the control room. A summary of the day fine weather to start with but the wind came up with the flood but decreased at 12-30 and ended with sunshine and all agreed it was a good day and the pollock won the day by a considerable margin .Total milage 98.7 departed 4-30am back at 2-10pm Crazy , dave and lee
who's that jean claud catchalot
Well the weather looks great for saturday so were off to an early start 4-30am leaving fishermans dock as the weasel in the bridge wont lift it , and we want the last two and a half hours of flood .So lets hope the miles we have planned pay off .Se if we can nick some of the froggies pollock as it seems they only like the small ones from the reports ive read Crazy
Three animals sitting on the edge of the jungle a lion a bear and a chicken the bear says when i roar you all run off the lion say's when i roar the whole jungle shakes the chicken say's when i cough the world shits its self
so as the day goes on with no fish how do you cast 4lb of worms!LOL
I dont know how you can talk about are lovely neighbours like that" garlick smelling gits"Oh and very good at comming second in wars
if you want a proper metal staircase ive got one you can have, from when i built the cygnus its heavy but its yours for free if you require it
well i used mine as a weight and found it usless
Well i recon he's using a build quick plan using cyno glue and he's probably stuck to the side of the hull
well this puts a spaner in the works there is a site that talks of this product but all reports are that no one knows of it!! Miami boat company is listed as "non trading" http://www.ukdata.com/numbers/04838908.html
yea but only if it's moulded in 10 and 12oz weights LOL
no april 2007 but a friend of mine is going may
were going back next april for 14 day's but i have got there emails if you want to tell donyeski he's the biggest anchor ive ever seen . He recons i cast like his mother in law so i said i didn't relise there were two good anglers on the island lol .But we did have some great times except when they charged us to fish for tapon in the stinking ditch at the cayo guilermo he got the message after that episode!.
yea we fished with orlando and donyeski we had the 24 fish with donyeski funny man .You mean the bridge at the coastgaurd station on the way to cayo raymano where all the good flats are.We stayed at the melia cayo coco and caught a bonefish off the veranda of my room in the laggoon .The pile of crap they call a bridge is next to the swinging bridge but when the yanks left the work stopped,but we caught loads of fish there but not of great size but in beauty they were fantastic.Next time going on a weeks adventure to cayo santa maria tarpon fishing with donyeski and orlando as guides one hell of a road trip
having just been on an explortory visit to cuba with good ole tommy smith i can say that this a one heck of a fishing paradise.Our first day bone fishing produced 3 fish to 5 1/2lb stand back and watch 200 yds of backing fly off your reel towed along by a fish that looks like a mullet thats had too much vindaloo and thinks the nearest toilet is over the horizen, explosive fishing to say the least.On the second day lee and i went with another guide and broke the record for the most bonefish caught in a day on the cayo islands 24 bonefish 2 permit and a cow fish this place is heaven, warm weather and fishing to die for. But how can i finish without giving you the usual funny story about our trips which incude tommy lap dance smith.Sitting at the breakfast table four of us decide to go fishing at remano bridge for any thing we can hook up with, so we decide poppers, prawns and maybe a bit of squid will be the methods to use but where do we get the bait!.We hatch a plan of how to get the bait out of the griddle chef in the buffet bar by telling him tommy is a muslim and only eats salad and raw prawns with squid for breafast .So poor old tommy who's a little bit deaf to say the least and looks like a muslim who's had his rocket launcher taken off him by the yanks is talked through the cunning plan and nomminated to be are secret agent.Any way if he gets caught and gets sent to gauntanamo bay hell look good in an orange suit .So we talk tactics and pack him off on his mission , pick the salad up on the way to the buffet bar and get as many prawns as possible, so up he gets an limps off with the look of fear etched on his face but will he come through. Ten mins later no tommy, has he been sussed and locked up, we all look at each other and decide another cup of coffee and give it another 5mins before we hatch a rescue plan.Then he apears from behind the buffet bar whistling with the biggest smile you have ever seen.He's done it , we have the bait for our days fishing .He looks like a child whos been let loose in a chocolat factory as he sits down places the plate on the table grinning from ear to ear and we all look at tommy in disbelief, osma binliner was so long because he's had the bloody things cooked in garlic and butter.So we had to sit there and eat the bounty for breafast and vote in the next muslim, best we pick one without hearing aids so ronaldo was picked for mission 2 sporting only one hearing aide. I couldn't go as i was the coordinater !! or was it i didn't fancy getting caught as i was the youngest at 52 and they had 25 years in front of me. So it was up to ronaldo with his SAS training ,he slipped away without us even realising . Ten mins later and all had gone well he was back base ball cap full to the brim with prawns strange habbits these muslims eating breakfast out of thier hats?, we had all the bait we needed and we were off fishing.It's far easier giving bribes than sending tommy all we had to do was give the chef 5 pesos for all the bait we needed after that till next time CRAZY
i heard the bloke with the vascar gun fell to sleep waiting LOL
It seems pleasure anglers want to preserve any fish that they like catching ie cod and bass and probably more to follow.All fish are under pressure with modern types of fishing, even the lowly conger is now worth catching to sell at
A man arranges for an assassin to kill his wife after a row about his fishing antics. HE asks the assassin for assurance that he can do the job right before he hands over the money .The assassin replies ill shoot her one inch below the left nipple, the man replies i want her bloody dead not kneecapped
does this mean there's an opening for a drink and drugs councellor on the safety committee with entertaining expenses
hey jack ive seen those sweeping cresents as well, i wondered why the crew looked at me strange when i asked them if they'd seen all the umberellas go by on the sounder LOL
Sounds like a good idea but the last politition with a good idea ended up on big brother wearing a pink leotard! looking like a retard LOL
yea but has any thought it might not be a long bow! it just might be a one stringed harp and the missis couldn't stand the noise so she hid it !!.So when he murdered her because he couldn't find it did he bury her under the floor and move, leave it where it is!!! and get out