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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. i recognise both those fish i want a re weigh
  2. crazy fred


    i would recomend putting on a pair of marrigold gloves then tip 1/2 litre of water chilled in the fridge for forty minutes over the key board .If that doesn't fix it then at least you know the keyboards b-llo--sed as well:weep: This information was supplied by Goodideasforfree.com.
  3. crazy fred

    Fly Fishing

    no thats harpic!!
  4. well with my record over there so far your safe
  5. crazy fred

    Fly Fishing

    keep it clean lads
  6. Meant to be going for three day's but tuesday is looking dodgy at the moment but meant to be coming back late thursday after getting those records off you
  7. Well the day started off with Alex dropping fresh mackerel round for the ground bait at 6-00am this shows our expectations for the day and his as he had to go to work poor soul. So all scrubbed up and smelling good with the squid ink body rub it
  8. yea ive seen lifeboat men do that with rocket launchers
  9. crazy fred

    Free Trip

    Many years had passed since that embarrassing day when a young woman had entered his fish and chip shop and confronted him with the news that he was the father of the baby she carried in her arms. Having asked him what was he was going to do about it, he finally offered to provide her with fish and chips until the boy was 16 years of age. She agreed. Crazy had been counting off the years on his calendar. One day, the teenager, who had been collecting the fish and chips every week, came into the shop and said:
  10. crazy fred

    Crazy Fred

    id be a bit more concerned as where i got a son from!!
  11. oh the big stick
  12. crazy fred

    Paul D

    Paul D went to the social security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked him for his driver's license to verify his age. He looked in his pockets and realized he had left his wallet at home. He told the woman that he was very sorry but he seemed to have left his wallet at home. "I will have to go home and come back later." The woman says, "Unbutton your shirt." So Paul opens his shirt revealing curly silver hair. She says, "That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me" and she processed his Social Security application. When he gets home, the Paul excitedly tells Hellen about his experience at the social security office. She says, "You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability too." OH MY GOD
  13. well at the moment its looking straight down the neck of a glass of ernst and julio gallio white wine and in a minu t it's going to get forced fed with the bloody stuff
  14. i wouldnt count on me catching too much on my previous form
  15. hey martin just jokin but if you fancy letting me take your life in my hands your welcome to come on the trip to alderney mind you at this rate ill soon be a shark tugger if i keep writing all this intelligent stuff:D
  16. if my bloody mouse keeps asking for new batteries im going to give it a float test in the bloody pond
  17. i thought that was the idea of this club educated talk and nonsense as answers
  18. yep but ive got bingo full house
  19. ok so im not wanted who cares
  20. kam im nearly there go away
  21. kam im tryin to get a full house on the posts who cares about the damn sand bar
  22. bugger wrong forum
  23. so who erased my post!
  24. we talking the drinks in Mc Donalds them smoothies nice
  25. dont take no notice of what i say ive got no idea!!!
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