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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. Well I arrive at the dock at 5am and meet Adam to get the boat loaded with provisions and some fishing gear and by heck there was some. To start with Adam is stood there holding a Ralph Lauren blanket looking like Tin Tin without his dog , god I hope he
  2. i dont understand why people have to use treble hooks, if a fish is lost there is a good chance it will DIE :angry:did you need a phone for the numbers while looking at the lighthouse then tom ?
  3. I dont chuck fish back , give them some respect put them back with consideration and i dont shoot seagulls either certain things fisherman dont do!!!
  4. Well this is day two of trying to teach Tommy to fish like a proper bass fisherman not an easy task trying to teach someone who looks and walks like Moses. Kick off time is 7-00 ish at the dock and all goes well and we have a plan i.e. fuel up on the way out and get the start of the tide. So we go along side the fuel barge for the second attempt because Tommy doesn
  5. Why do people always keep the largest fish and put the smaller ones back in the umberella of conservation does not seem right keeping the breeding fish???not that im a practising conservationist!!! but i do return fish
  6. good job i didnt show em the big ones
  7. why should i lay them all the same way
  8. Left the dock at 6am with a good forcast with bits of thunder an lightning thrown in some where during the day.So after a good steam out following one of the 360 points on the compass we arrive at our destination to find that we had missed alfred hitchcock by ten or so minutes. Id never seen so many birds and gannets and the such all trying to beat the crap out of there heads in the effort to feed, launching themselves like polaris missiles from a great height at any thing that looked like food. Well the first drift and it obvious the place is rammed with fish so it looks like our 20 mackerell aint gona last long and they didnt .So same old story were out of bait in about 1 hour and trying to find bait when the tide is going is a no go.After looking on a few banks with no sucess we head north and we caught mackerel at the end of the tide with the isle of wight in sight . We fished untill we ran out of bait again which was about 5-30 there are fish every where at the moment so get out there . To sum the day up very good but would have been better if tommy lapdance could catch the bloody things he only had four fish! .the fish ranged from 2.5 -8.00lb crazy
  9. well they cant be all arms some must be legs
  10. were be havin sea weed records next squid is not a fish its a slimey thing with eight legs a beak and does'nt know wether its comming or going
  11. do you get mullet 20 mile off then
  12. hmmmm not a lot to say about this one
  13. i know of severall people who have had this problem one being a club member pete hall
  14. most common cause electrolysis in the sump small hole going to get bigger check it out
  15. not a parrot man my self i prefer looking for TITS
  16. yea the fishes teeth arnt a lot better either
  17. had a realy good day on the 54 and the 31 had to wait for the flood to get going but the fishing was good just reeling in most people reading this!!!!
  18. mount gay from barbados nice in pinacolada and the stella makes the women look good
  19. im looking at going to alderny for two day's this week as the weather is great and im looking for 1or 2 people to come along but good anglers only !! pm me Crazy Ps open to club members only
  20. Well done paul nice fish and well done to all of those that took part, but what happend to all the other members !
  21. Well we set our stool on getting a specimen pollack or conger so it was going to be a long day.Stan and myself were going to do a lot of miles today, well as it turned out a 126 of them in the finest conditions you could imagine shame nobby pulled out with some limp wristed exuse the eve before. So we left sat 4-30am 40 miles to go and a few stops for mackeral on the way but we found none which was a spanner in the works.We arrived at the fish locker at 7-45 but after half an hour we had jack zilch so we decided to look for some mackeral shoals. After another 6 miles of looking we still had no mackeral but what we found was a new mark stuffed with pollack to 12-1/2 pounds but we still wanted bait so off we went and what did we find yet again another mark full of bloody pollack.So we never found any mackeral but we did get two superb marks, but we were stuffed up with pollack so we decided to come back and fish a mark near kimmeridge. Now on the way back accross there were bloody mackeral dancing on the surface so we loaded up with bait in no time, but we wernt steming back 20 miles to the prefered mark we just kept going. So we settled down on the mark and eventually ended up with dogfish after bloody dogfish so home it was with stan at the helme and i was filleting fish all the way back and some," damn fish". So to sum up, shame about not getting bait on the way over but we had more than our share of pollack and now we have two more crosses on the plotter Crazy and co
  22. so thats good when you sink at least you know where you are but you r still up to your neck in it hmmm
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