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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. gaffa

    Trim Tabs

    Cheers Brian, I will trawl through at my leisure PeteG
  2. gaffa

    Trim Tabs

    Tom, I agree with you 100percent. I am very pleased with my tabs other than a couple of issues. 1. I have to keep an eye on the anodes on the tabs I have 1 large and 1 medium sized anode on per Tab to get me through a season .The original medium one requires replacing twice per year. 2. I only have the basic two rocker switch controls -bow up /bow down and have no indication of actual trim tab position. This has given me a few heart stopping moments when over adjusting on the one tab. Initially there is no immediate response so I give it a few more seconds of bow down (normally I choose the WRONG tab ) and then it suddenly bites and the boat heals over cos I 've overdone it on the one side : : If I new where each tab was relative to its full up and down range I guarantee it wouldn't happen again. At least I'd know which tab to choose. I see that some more sophisticated controllers are now being made with position indication available but I dont know if I can retrofit them to mine. I dont think I could get on with the smart tabs after experiencing the adjustable ones.They have such an effect on the boats performance and wave handling capability Re the QL Tabs I dont like the sound of Higher fuel bills and loss of performance, I think I'll stick with what I 've got PeteG
  3. I can confirm Unleaded Petrol Goes Off I have a 136 litre stainless steel tank on Reflections 2 and had a situation whereby the engine continuously missfired . This was diagnosed as contaminated fuel . At this time the tank was about half full and had to be emptied,the petrol dumped and the tank cleaned and refilled . An expensive operation at
  4. For some reason I don't get the necessary email So can't add my name to list. I have checked junk mail etc and its not in there. Strange I have never had a problem with the petition emails before. Any one else had any problems .I have tried once or twice a day over the last few days Peteg
  5. oops should have read the small print Well spotted chaps suggest you disregard my advice then Alan "Ancasta have the rights to brokerage in Cobbs and would charge any other seller 1% of the final selling price (if they caught you!)." Does this apply if you manage to privately sell the boat by means other than local advertising at Cobbs? e.g Boats and outboards ,newsagent advert etc? PeteG
  6. Don't tell me your upsizing already? If anyone is interested the boat is berthed close to mine and is in immaculate condition. A bargain I would say. Suggest you put a large for sale sign with price on the stern.The boat is easily viewable from the marina office area and you never know who may be watching. Will you be staying at Cobbs Alan? PeteG
  7. gaffa

    Trim Tabs

    These look very good value. However If I was looking to replace my Burnett Hydraulic Tabs I would seriously consider the Vertical ones as they are also made of composite ,electrically driven and seem more robust due to their simple vertical movement and short operating range. I read a report on them some time back which gave them the thumbs up .They are extremely effective and have a fast operating time and are very easy to install. If I fitted these I could not only dispense with my current trim tab anodes but could also fit a permanent Boarding Ladder.(No space between tabs and engine or edge of hull) I thought they were designed and distributed through Volvo but could be mistaken. PeteG
  8. Who uses a balloon float and an 80 pound rod for mackeral fishing? How do you catch cockles from a boat in the Poole area There is an underlying smell of something fishy here PeteG
  9. Wise Words Tom It doesn't take long for that galvanic action to dine on your nice shafts ,props and bearings especially in the Cobbs Quay Area . It may take a little longer in the main harbour but Cobbs /Holes Bay is particulary fast acting - From Experience Petge G
  10. gaffa

    Dippy Blonde

    I wasn't expecting that punch line --Good One PeteG
  11. Duncan, Some beautiful fish . I take my hat off to you fishing those conditions . I was out on Wednesday afternoon and was trying to fish a 3.5knot tide in 130ft of water and eventually gave up returning inshore where it was just around 2knots and nowhere near as lumpy. I got a bass too but nowhere near the size of Daves I think the casting uptide and immediately retrieving from 50yds behind boat is a surefire way of catching those surface mackeral . Only thing is its knackering !!!! PeteG
  12. Rob, I reiterate Pauls suggestion of taping up the joints as I have cracked one of my joints and it tends to open up as the rod flexes. I haven't tried to repair it yet cos its still pretty functional and my good old standby of Self Amalgamating tape comes in handy. I think it gives it more support than the insulating tape. It's just a b####r to get off afterwards. I took the Shakespeare travel fly over to New Zealand and caught the smallest trout I have ever seen in my life on it --about 1 inch long but beautifully formed. It wasn't a proper fishing holiday just a stop the car at the most accessible stretch of roaring river and hope for the best.- Not the way to catch a decent fish. Hope you have much more luck than I did- It wont be the Rods Fault if you don't its a good value peice of kit. Pete G
  13. quote "How about a web site demo one club meeting ?" Seems an excellent suggestion Paul We might be able to get some new gallery pictures onto the site and repair some broken web links--Tek Tanks for example. I'm sure we can get a lot more out of this site with a little bit of hands on from your kind self Mr. Webmaster Guru Sir Pete G
  14. gaffa


    This is yet another area that government intervention is ******up Don't get me started! I will be supporting option 3 and sending off my cheque . This is just one of a number of different organisations that I am having to help privately fund due to Government mismanagement and interference or in the case of my stuffed up pension plan lack of management. As I said don't get me started! ooops too late I feel the blood pressure rising The additional contribution to the NFSA is still good value for the insurance alone, However it would please me a bit more if they could show some teeth now and again. Cos next on the agenda is going to be sea fishing licences and registration and policing administration but no money left to improve the fishing. Enough for now OR I'll rant for Europe!!! PeteG
  15. gaffa


    Rob , I bought 13mm nylon multiplait from boatropes at
  16. Sincere Condolences Kam Lost my Dad in January through Spinal Cancer and have still not reallly come to terms with the fact he's no longer around. As Martin Says the memories will live forever. If ever you fancy a trip out drop me a pm PeteG
  17. Well done the boys on Aquafresh! Excellent report and result for the comp. Expertise shows when it matters most Any guess as to size of the one that got away? Pete
  18. Yes!!!!!! I do like that one Paul I keep telling the missus there's nothing wrong in dressing up in womens clothes especially when it gets you into their changing rooms at the local Gym Pete
  19. No Room to fit an auxiliary on mine even if I wanted to. I can mount the transom bracket to the safety rails but can't find any where for the prop to go into water at the stern. The trim tabs take up so much room. As a Result I would rely on kindly assistance gained whichever way I could. I have experienced engine problems recently the first due to contaminated fuel and the second due to insufficient cooling water flow. In both cases I was able to return to the pontoon under engine power albeit at restricted revs or intermittent running. If push came to shove Anchoring is always an option and gives you the time to make those calls to any one that is likely to be of help including "sea start". It has to be the most cost effective option anyway.
  20. Reflections 2 is back in the water as of this afternoon and I hope to use it to fish the weekend so might as well join the 48hr comp and will pay my fee at tomorrows club meeting. If any one fancies joining me as crew please let me know via PM or email . I can fit 2 on board and she's moored at Cobbs Quay so theres no launching involved. Just A Word of warning don't expect to win the competiton from my boat as Novice doesn't really begin to describe the angling skills available. And fishing time availability may be a little shall we say variable depending upon what time I get up! Peteg
  21. gaffa

    Outboard Overheating

    Guys, As promised update report on the overheating issue. Holes Bay Marine have resolved the problem which was traced to my original theory of corrosion of the waterway causing deformation of the O ring and restricting the water flow to about 30 % of what was needed to cool her at high speed i.e above 4000rpm. On contacting EP Barrus they said they had never had this occur on the 115hp model before and as a gesture of good faith would go 50% on parts. The warranty on the engine was for 2 years but mine was 4.5 years old . To Holes Bay Marines negotiating credit and also due to my advance knowledge of a possible design flaw by reading internet forums. EP Barrrus have now agreed to pay 100% of parts costs of
  22. I got one of those Keep having to turn the table top around to select either beers or filletting Wears Me out Peteg
  23. Paul, Any Chance of gaffa@pbsbac.co.uk Thanks PeteG
  24. Ah the wonders of self amalgamating tape. Is there nothing this tape can't fix Personally I'm never without it and recommended its use on all external aerial and other connectors to add an extra element of waterproofing and thereby corrosion protection. A super product and an absolute B$$$$R to get off . Pete
  25. I reckon its just normal female behaviour You know how hormonal they can get at times And Ive got the scars to prove it!
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