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Everything posted by Colin-58

  1. I nearly won! Determination usually paysπŸ˜€. Well I set off to the north on Thursday night for a family visit friday, my grandsons schools nativity play ( he is six and a half) apart From a few kids I was the only shepherd there! Fantastic to see him, better than a West end musical ! Saturday pm hatching the plan heading a long treck back South via the farm for a brief stop and load fishing tackle. Aiming for a Poole thistle. Already now aiming for a plan B as Frank having a problem with his Arthur I ,t , arse and the feeble excuse it was hoovering that caused it πŸ˜‚. And now taking more drugs than an average 17 year old! frank had non club member friends going out so I decided to buy the boat Sunday morning and that would clear me for boat and at least two on board, we set off with half a mushroom box of worms, looking back we would have been better to have kept the mushrooms to go with the steak and used lures to catch bass! πŸ€”. Anyway we scoured the harbour from the ro - ro basin down ,including my friend aunt betty and her garden ! Then out of desperation aiming for my secret flounder Mark where I proved to Allan in January they could be caught. I put it back so either it was asleep or the darne thing had moved!πŸ˜‚. I noticed a bit of a cue at the bottom of primrose hill,don't know if they were spying at our flounder fishing tactics with bi-nos or as we drifted that way they could smell the steak Babs ! Anyway we finish up with zero flounder πŸ™ a steady stream of bass, the biggest of which didn't go over seven and half pound. No bass can be taken home dec/ Jan remember. So determination achieved, I supported the club comp!😏. We had a great day out in the harbour,good company, good food, and the wind was not as bad as forecast. And I then sold the boat! Hope you have enjoyed reading this clap, trap, it has cheered you up ,or made you smile, as the reality of the flounder fishing is as follows. IT WAS RUBBISH! πŸ˜›. All the best folks ,hope your in good fettle ready for the festive season. Colin
  2. Hi jerry, chris, Frank Morris and myself will be fishing, don't suppose we will be that busy so hopefully there will be time to cook rib eye steaks (Aberdeen angus) 35 day matured! Is this allowed because I don't want the smell to upset other anglers😁. Won't be on the internet again till after comp. Anyone want me please ring or text on 07730249907. Thanks. Colin. Good luck all , hope to catch up with some of you at cobbs.
  3. Hi Jerry, I am hoping to support the flounder comp on sunday, still working on details, thanks colin.
  4. To a good home, thanks mickπŸ‘
  5. Just got back on the club site mick, I would be glad of it, the tope destroyed mine! Thanks ,colin. I will text you if it's still on offer to forward detailsπŸ‘.
  6. Happy birthday Barney, have a good day, don't think we have met yet, sure we will thoughπŸ‘. Colin
  7. Happy birthday Nigel, hope you have a good dayπŸŽ‚. Colin.
  8. Celebrating with reel's today then Allan? Scottish or Irish folk your preference? And a glass of bubbly may be ! Hope you have a great day , and don't loose your glasses behind! Best wishes colin.
  9. Belated happy birthday Richard , hope you had a good one πŸ‘ best wishes, Colin.
  10. Hay making I hope Alan😊
  11. B. M. W. You say terry,πŸ˜‚ are well , no comment" πŸ€” I want to stay friendly with all club members, even those that possess one! πŸ˜€
  12. Hummmmmmm, do you think that was put up for the new jet ski boys Brian ? πŸ˜‚. I saw one bloke back a van in at baiter two years ago and float a jet ski out. I then wondered what his " sea sense " was like. Blu_ _ y half watts ! 😞
  13. Have a good one Graham πŸŽ‚πŸ‘
  14. Hope you have a good day mick, don't worry about the weather, it will be worse tomorrow , so a good day to rest up if you need to rest πŸ˜‚ πŸŽ‚
  15. All the money you save on electric you can spend on petrol or diesel then mick πŸ˜€ that means you can go further and actually catch some fish! πŸ˜‚
  16. If still available I would like them please then martin, πŸ‘
  17. Happy birthday Alun bass and chips to celebrate ? Hope you have a good day. Colin.
  18. Hi, Terry, hope to be out with frank on happy hooker, prob down the seafront way , shout on 6 or you may see us , good luck, colin.
  19. Thanks Martin πŸ‘
  20. Hi Martin, I would love to join you if the offer is still available, pm me if poss or update on tel *********** if easier, many thanks colin.
  21. Colin-58

    M27 boat park

    Very sad to see, wonder what went wrong? Bet the boat owner was not impressed to see the flippant remark inspector Matt Moss made about the tide. He might want to" Nick" name him, sick joke! Let's hope no one was injured.
  22. Thanks to Mal for pointing out I spelled your name wrong ! πŸ˜‚ just goes to show some men are not that good at multi-tasking, should have finished on the phone first! And doing seventeen hours a day, -luddy sheep causes brain fog, that don't helpπŸ˜‚ anyway glad you were looked after and good luck for you upcoming opp. Belated best wishes CHRIS.πŸ˜€. Bet you have been called worse though ! Colin.
  23. Hope your day went to plan, happy birthday Steve πŸ“πŸ°πŸ‘
  24. Sounds like you boys had a fun day Mal, are the mackerel showing in numbers yet I wonder? Expect Chris may be putting a report up when he gets time, can't wait to start joining in the fun in a few weeks time when work allows πŸ‘
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