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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. Hi Dave, I popped down and had a look at the one you mentioned. Similar in some ways but completely different in others. The one at Cobbs is a little longer than mine but not as wide. The finish on that one is far nicer than mine but nowhere near as heavy laid up. Tapping the side of that one and it sounds thin, tap mine and it "thuds". The cabin on that one looked . . . . erm . . . well, you know but his trailer was a cracker!! As for the fendering on that one, it looked like it just "pinched" the top mould to the bottom mould .... my boat doesnt have the top mould. But I want his trailer
  2. Her original name was MISTRESS and I hear all sorts of sailors stories about neptune not liking boats to have name changes (plus she has cost me as much as a mistress would ) so it is looking like MISTRESS may be staying
  3. I feel a trip to Beauleu coming up!
  4. I must confess I had not thought of additional fendering??? My boat has a 4" wooden top of the gunnels (although it is fibreglassed), it protrudes about an inch or so from the hull. I assumed THAT was my fendering? Don't tell me i'm not finished spending yet PLEASE!!
  5. Fendering??
  6. Huh ... so much for being in the water by this weekend!! Electrics very very nearly done, deck is complete including 3 access hatches. 4 X bilge pumps in and connected, spot/flood lights in (one rotates to light up the deck if required), radar in. transducer in, windscreen wiper in, battery switch in (although still gotta order the 2nd battery yet), new drivers seat in, new skippers seat on the deck in ...... I doubt I will be floating in time for the competition next week but maybe the following weekend before i started this weekend. my seat Spotlights and randome and windscreen wiper
  7. A well deserved round of applause at the end too
  8. RESULT!! Top marks for releasing it too
  9. Graham Nash

    New toys

    I rather like that!
  10. http://www.planetseafishing.com/catchrepor...-caught-on-lure Looks a bit of a beast!
  11. Bin it is then Duncan. I dont want any problems while out there, certainly not for the sake of
  12. I have recently fitted one of the new batteries to my project and before spending my remaining leg on another I wondered how would I know whether my old batteries (that I have lying around all over the place) are dead or just flat?? I have one that is giving just over 8 volts one about 9 volts and a couple around 11volts. All of them are a little low on fluid. Do I just stick some distilled water in them and charge away only to find that it is beyond repair or is there some magic way of telling for sure whether they are worth charging or chucking? Thanks.
  13. Oh Dear John ..... I hope things are not as bad as your post sounded.
  14. I should think so at that price!! I was tempted myself but it would just have added to my already redundant collection!
  15. well done everyone above ..... I havent even been out!
  16. superb JW .... Charlie is a great help (and inspiration) to us beginners. I went on Alfresco with them last year and could not believe their disapointment with single figure Pollack, but once he found the right wreck and the right drift I could see why! Keep at it, keep learning and it just gets better and better ... be be ready to accept bad days too tho.
  17. have a good one Tony
  18. Graham Nash

    Swishing Water

    ha ha .... a cracker!!
  19. there's always this one Nigel?? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Toybota-Toyota-H...=item3f1590891c
  20. Ha Ha Jim .... this is true, but I have occasionally doubted my in hull transducer, espscially when looking for a wreck.
  21. That sounds like the perfect advice I wanted Clive. My old one (fitted professionally) sat right on the water line and was useless when I was moving!
  22. On Little Sal I had a transom mounted "skimmer" transducer with a Lowrance sonar, this setup was fitted professionally but was next to useless at anything over about 4 knotts. I sold the sonar and the buyer recons it's the best he's used so obviously my problem was the transducer. I then mounted an "in hull" transducer and a Garmin sonar and I had been very pleased with that set up, apart from not knowing the water temperature. So for my new boat I have purchased myself the appropriate transom mounted transducer and am looking to fit it myself. My concerns are that; A ) As I have never seen my boat in the water I dont know where the water line is, does this matter or does it fit beneath the waterline? B ) When motoring along surely there will be a hollow between the transome and the beginning of my wake, thus potentially leaving the transducer out of the water. C ) Do I go back to in hull transducer which seemed to work at any speed up to about 20 knotts. Your views/comments would be appreciated thanks.
  23. looked like a beautiful evening Lofty. Well done for getting out there and making the most of it.
  24. I have an account with City Electrical if it gets you a discount Dave.
  25. Terry many thanks for sorting this for the members. 1. Tony D 1,4,9 2. Martin B 1,4,9 3. Craig 2,4,8 4.Ashley 5.Ben 2,4,9 6 Alun J. 3, 4, 8. 7 Peter 1,4,9 8 Rob F 3,4,9 9 Paul D 2,4,7 10 Steve S 2,4,7 11. Paul F 3, 4, 8 12, Duncan 2, 4, 9 13, Graham 3,4, 8
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