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Maverick Martin

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Everything posted by Maverick Martin

  1. Well done Robert Has your dad made you a member of the club? If he has report it to the fish recorder. If he hasn't nag him Martin
  2. James Did you put the crabs and cuttle there deliberately Martin
  3. Hi Paul Congratulations on your fisrt cod, you obviously had a good day today. You will have to brag about them on thursday. Martin
  4. Hi all Hit the link described by Paul and take a look and chat real time with your buddies. It could be nearly as good as going to the pub, its definately quieter and cheaper with it! Martin
  5. Picture of maverick taken by Adam
  6. Adam I think you might have a long wait, Bob seems a little shy on chatting up the cod
  7. Duncan No need to kill any fish in any of our in house club comps . They are run on a trust basis ie: we dont have a weigh in, if you say you caught it, you caught it. We trust all our members. Indead there's no money or prizes to be won only a cup or shield at the end of the year, oh and one minutes glory at the annual dinner dance and presentation. We all fish for fun, the competitions just add that bit of interest,banter and comerarderie. We know a system such as ours is open to abuse but better that than loads of dead unwanted fish at a weigh in. After all those that cheat are only fooling themsleves Martin
  8. Duncan It was nice to put a face to the voice and pleasing to hear you enjoyed the day, its nice to get feedback, I trust you'll be joining us again in the near future. You could always join the club and enter our own in house species hunts/bream/ flatfish comps amongst others. I've got your form all we need is a chq for your next years subscription Regards Martin
  9. Hi PBSBAC beach section By the look of Adams and Marks huge whiting I think you lot should stick to boat fishing See you all Sunday 30th Regards Martin
  10. Paul Your the WebMASTER so we'll be guided by you. On the subject of work to maintain the site, those who have been invloved with the idea and development need to have a meeting to discuss who where and when the site will be maintained. I think we will all have a rest first (especially Paul), perhaps in a couple of weeks, then go somewhere for a beer or two and a chat? Martin
  11. ooooohhhhhhh look at posy Dean with his PB Bass Lubberly jubberly, we need to get out and catch more! Martin
  12. Hi Paul Very attractive fish on the left, who's that on the right spoiling it! LOL Martin
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