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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Dave will probably post a few pictures. Allan.
  2. Fisheagle's results. Allan 1 Dogfish 2 Smoothound 3 Pouting 4 Baillons 5 Cuckoo 6 Goldsinny 7 Corkwing 8 Bream 9 Herring 10 Poor Cod 11 Small Eyed 12 Plaice 13 Bass 14 Ballons Dave Lynes. 1 Dog 2 Pout 3 Baillons 4 Cuckoo 5 Goldsinny 6 Ballons 7 Corkwing 8 Bream 9 Herring 10 Poor Cod 11 Small Eyed 12 Turbot 13 Plaice 14 Bass Boat total 15 species. Dave (Golden Bo..ocks) jammed a Turbot last cast
  3. Welcome to the Club. Nice to see the 755 is growing in popularity in the Club. Allan.
  4. Fisheagle will be out on Monday. Crew, myself, Dave L. and possibly one other Club Member. Allan.
  5. 1) Sea Dream - with Neal & Stuie - Monday 17th April 2) Fisheagle - crew to confirm. Probably Sun or Monday. To confirm.
  6. Diver Phil kindly offered to clean a load of weed off Fisheagle's outboard engine bracket and clean and check anodes and hull. This saved me a lift out and a lot of work. Must be worth at least one Bream Trip. Many thanks Phil. Allan.
  7. Best wishes Jim. Hope you have a good one. Allan.
  8. Saturday may be too rough for the small boat club. Good luck. Allan.
  9. Although it is still early in the season (or so I am told as I have only been there once) several encouraging reports over the last few days plus the fine weather are likely to see Fisheagle travelling west for some big flatties on Friday. Is anyone else heading that way?. Allan.
  10. Happy birthday Adam, hope you have a great day. Allan.
  11. Happy birthday Tony, nice to know there are still a few young ones about. Have a good one. Allan.
  12. Happy Birtday Craig, don't know what happened to the cake and biscuits. Allan.
  13. Happy birtday Dan. Unfortunately, We don't see you up the pub any more, otherwise we would have bought you a pint. Allan and Ann.
  14. Happy Birthday Dave, have a great weekend. Allan.
  15. I think clarification needs to sought. It certainly reads like certified scales and fish killing are needed. Howevever, several Wessex Junior fish of the Month have been caught on Fisheagle. We stated the type of scale used and its max weight, several photos were also supplied as well as photo showing the lenght of the fish in cms.against my metre ruler. In the case of a ray, the weight and two measurements were taken, namely from snout to tail end and also across the wings. There were also two adult witnesses. In both cases, they were accepted and in the case of the Ballions, which was caught during one if our Junior Comps, I believe it was excepted by Wessex as a new Regional Record and credited to Curtis Driver. We were surprised because of what was asked for on the form. Obviously some updating needs to be done by Wessex. Dave Samuels used to be our rep on Wessex and may be able to help on this. Allan
  16. Happy birtday Greg. Will we see you out there this weekend? Allan.
  17. Been thinking about one of these for a while. Prices seem to range from £60 or so up to thousands for professional ones. I am looking fot something to vacuum pack and then freeze a pound or so of Cuttle/Squid or perhaps a couple of Mackeral. Has anyone out there got one or used one that they can recommend? Allan.
  18. Happy birthday to you both. See you out there. Allan.
  19. Let us know when you are down next. May even be able to store the boat for a few days if that helps. Feel sure that Frank Morris will put you on to fish. We can always come out as a buddy boat if needed. Allan.
  20. Just a quick up date from some of our shore fishing friends. I spoke to Steve Lawrence, who amongst other things, is heavily involved with local Winter Flounder Leagues, especially at Junior Level. Following his recent "Protect Poole Bay Flounders" posting on Facebook, he spent an hour or so with Southern IFCA at their Ashley Road Office in Poole. He was able to present them with a mass of catch returns, nos, dates, venues, lenghts, weights etc.going back years to give credence to the problem of a total collapse, not only in munbers but also size. As we spoke on the phone, he was actually fishing along Holes Bay Road alongside visitors from Southampton and Christchurch who were catching very little. He was expecting the netters to come for their nets around 11pm. It is always worth reporting fixed nets in the harbour. They are probably not always legal. Allan.
  21. Happy birtday Martin. They seem to come quicker the older you get and harder to recover from. Allan.
  22. I spoke with Dave, one of the SIFCA Fisheries Officers, at the last Poole Bay and District Monthly Meeting. If there is any evidence of fixed nets being used in Holes Bay or the Harbour they would be interested in having details. They have already had several reports and, as he said, they know all those that are licenced, but it won't do any harm to look in their nets.Those that aren't licenced, can be followed up if they have information. According to Dave, they are responsible for most of the harbour rather than the EA, so it could be worth contacting him at SIFCA. 64 Ashley Road, Poole. BH14 9BN. Tel.01202721373. They are very approachable. Allan.
  23. Happy Birthday Rich. Hope Emma is really spoiling you. Allan.
  24. Fisheagle has managed to find some crew for Suunday. Hope to go off shore a bit for something toothy as well as winter species. Allan.
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