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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Fisheagle. Allan Green 3lbs. 6 ozs. Allan Green 2lbs. 15ozs. Dave Samuels 2lbs. Mick Pike 2lbs. Dave may post a short report. Allan.
  2. All the best Club Members are on F Pontoon.. Allan.
  3. Sign in here for club comp. Court Jester +crew TBA Kingfisher- Chris, Mal (Alderney trip dependant) Fisheagle-Allan, Dave and Mike Pike.
  4. Put me down for 3x £10 tackle vouchers with Wessex. Allan.
  5. Boat out for work for the next two weeks. Good luck to everyone. Allan.
  6. Couldn't have got better training then Mick. 😂
  7. Never likely to do a rebuild like this at my age, but hats off. Even looking at the hull and how it is strenghened and the moulds for the battery boxes and deck plotter all help me to start to understand what goes into a well constructed and thought out boat. Look forward to seeing the end product. Keep the updates coming. Allan.
  8. Would be interested in talking more about this with you and George. My three tip quiver rod and my French, Italian and home made mini rigs are ready for a workout next season. Find it difficult at times to convince crew that species hunting can be great fun and that the preparation involved and the constant working to get fish has a spin off across the board. Allan.
  9. I have one crew space for this Tuesday with myself and Dave (Coddy) leaving Parkstone after 8 am. Probably fishing off Swanage till around 3 pm. subject to weather. Share fuel cost. Please PM. Allan.
  10. Hope to be out Tuesday if I can confirm crew tonght. Will see you out there. Allan.
  11. Hope to see you around 4pm. Will see if I can get a few more to come along. Allan.
  12. Many thanks Stuie and Paul. May well come to the meeting myself, the more the merrier. Paul, is there an am.and pm.meeting? Allan.
  13. Stuie, Hidden in the pdf documents is a section asking for recreational anglers' views by Jan 15th. And contact details. May be similar to the one earlier in the year, but people might want to express their views again or add things. in my own case, I will make a reference to the lack of mackeral and trawling, especially inshore and the Swash as I feel that even though the fish caught may be deemed by Sifca as having no great commercial value, they have a tremendous value to the recreational angler and charter fleet. Could the relevant sections be extracted and highlighted as well as the Public Consulation Dates in Poole etc. Given the short time span do we as a Club wish to make a submission? Allan.
  14. Read with great Interest. Have met both fisheries Ministers and they seem genuine. Problem seems to that as soon as they get their feet under the table they are moved on and there are well funded commercial lobbies. As Tony says what comes next? We must keep trying and not give up. Allan.
  15. I was asked today about fibreglass boat repairs. I suggested Martin Cobb. Despite several internet searches, I have been unable to find any contact details. Anyone help? Allan
  16. Would be up for that Dave, assume you are available to crew? Allan.
  17. Would be in favour of refishing the club cod comp. and Steve's comp.and moving the flounder comp. If possible. Allan.
  18. 1) Court Jester Neal plus crew TBA 2) Marlin Greg plus Vic (Non Member) 3) Kingfisher, Chris, Dave Dogfish Wilson. 4)Kelly's Hero. John S, Dave S, Allan G.
  19. Hope the weather isn't too pants as coming back on the Barfleur on the 20th. So can't make the ray comp. Allan.
  20. Great stuff. A fish of dream. Allan.
  21. Fantastc stuff. The news has even reached France. Allan.
  22. They have done my servicing for the last 18 months. They listen and are easy to talk to and happy to give advice. Allan.
  23. Carefull, especially if you have any mini species marks☺ Allan.
  24. Pandoras bream?? Allan.
  25. John Stephenson did not fish. His place was taken by Mick Pike who has paid Dave Samuels. This was posted in the original 48 Hour Comp. Thread. Allan.
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