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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Jim be carefull! Tony (Serenity) has threatened to get his white coat out which he still has from a previous life. Allan.
  2. I have only done these speeds twice for a very short time in flat calm conditions. Generally, if conditions allow, I cruise between 16 knots (3500 revs) and 24 knots (at around 4500 revs) with 4000-4200 giving 20 knots or just over. Max revs are 6000. Fuel cosumption is about 1.8 litres a nautical mile. As the tank holds 285 litres I probably fill up every three or four trips. I leave a minimum of a quarter tank for safety ( about 40 miles worth) and usually fill up to 3/4 of a tank. The only problem is petrol is more expensive than some of sources of Diesel which are out there. However, Service costs should be a bit cheaper. It's swings and roundabouts. If I could have found a newish diesel Pilot House with a leg at the right price I could have gone that way. Allan.
  3. No, maybe next time but you could have cleaned your corner of the boat a bit better. Allan.
  4. Hi Lofty, could only pick up about half of the conversation on the radio, but I understood that you were getting lots of Gars and enjoying some fun action as evidenced by your usual high quality pictures. John Stephenson came out for a few hours as they have cancelled his hospital operation in Dorset for the fourth time. The weather was superb and the boat clocked 39.8knts. with 400 revs to spare. There were several boats near us on the Horseshoe, but it was no way near as good as last month.. We caught a number of species,but mainly Dogs and Red Gurnards. Jim who fished three big Mackeral strips and then three unwashed squid only had Dogs, but they were at least a good size. Maybe he will have better luck next time when he manages to come out . Tony, not sure about the weather for Friday,but will talk to you/PM if there is an opening.
  5. Just received the same reply. Only takes a few minutes to send. Allan.
  6. No problem Jim. We will put out an extra rod for you with all the space we have and let you know what you catch. Allan
  7. Still got a space if anyone interested. Allan.
  8. With the Flatty and Ray weekend Comp having been cancelled, and with Tuesday looking good at the moment, I could well be looking for Crew. Nothing too strenuous, after 9 start and return around 4pm. Please PM. Share costs. The only requirement is the ability to handle a large landing net. Alan..
  9. I too, have added my penny worth and suggested the area needs extending and that if static nets simply replace trawls etc. that only parts of the food chain and ecosystem will benefit and a wider vision is needed. Allan.
  10. Thanks Dave will ring crew and let them know. Don't think they will be too upset. Allan.
  11. Will they let him back in???? Allan.
  12. Excellent Maiden voyage. We were late out and took some pictures of Club boats after 1pm. Kept calling on Ch6 for Spice of Life but you must have gone back by then. I was even picked up by Tony on Serenity who was wining and dining near Arne. Allan.
  13. 1) Fisheagle Allan Green, Jan Triska and John Stephenson.
  14. All the best with the repairs. It will make a great boat, Allan.
  15. Lofty I doubt if we will get down there as we were very late in today and missed the Tide, but you never know. Thanks for your PM. Look forward to seeing the new Yak. Do you have Call Sign? Allan.
  16. Fisheagle will be venturing forth, hopefully on Saturday and Sunday. May try the Bay for a Plaice or if very luck a Trigger. Will be on Ch 6. Nothing too strenuous. Saturday is a bit more serious as Coddy is on board. On Sunday, my Brother in Law, who does a bit of fishing is coming out to see what is involved in lauching/anchoring. We will be doing some fishing but, he is a keen photographer and will be taking some pictures with his expensive new toy. If any Club Members see us and want a free photo of their boat, please give us a call on Ch 6 and we will see what we can do. Allan.
  17. Glad to hear you are back on the water. Allan.
  18. Thanks Nige They were Factory fitted Exides, but where they were made I don't know. Batteries well protect and dry.New batteries so shouldn' be sediment so as you say, possibly none of above. Allan.
  19. Mike The boxes cannot move forward or side ways and are well strapped down, However, the batteries could move within the box. vertical movement would be restricted slightly by the cables but, as you suggest, there could be some lateral movement. Would some inert substance like polystyrene work underneath and around the sides of the battery or could that cause heat build up? If it is movement, it is probably up/down so something to cushion underneath? Wiill enquire what power boats do. Suggestions/help appreciated,. Allan.
  20. I don' know all of them but Ann does. According to her, Kelly Brooke is a tall, curvacios brunette who she thinks went out with Danny Cipranio a rugby player. Emma W. played Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and is now in a film. No wonder we do so well on the Trivia Round of quizzes. Allan.
  21. No Charlie, nothing overtight, no signs of overcharging or heating up. Maybe Nigel can tell us if it happens from time to time. Worked fine for 6 weeks. Don't know if damaged when fitted. Bit of a mystery, but not funny if you only have one battery. Makes a good case for a spare with rotary switch if practical. Allan.
  22. A few weeks ago I started to have problems with my plotter and radio and started to get a low voltage alarm. I thought it was simply short runs, use of bait pump etc. and that since the problem had been gradual in coming that a quick voltage check both batteries was needed.The main batter without anything running gave just under 13 volts and the service battery 11.4 volts. A charger check with the engine running gave a charging rate of 14.2 volts to each battery so all seemed OK on the charging side.. A charge to the service battery would only put in just over 12.8 volts so I was suspicious that there was a battery problem, perhaps a duff cell. I then asked Dave (Coddy) to bring his state of the art charger and tester, He confirmed that the battery -showing 11.2 volts and rapidly dropping to 9 - had died. Indeed, a further test showed it had about 100th. of the cranking power of the main battery, So far. we had been able to test and recharge the batteries in situ, but it was now time to take out the service battery and battery box from its recess. The battery had cracked and the bottom of the battery box was full of electrolite/sulphuric acid. The new battery, replaced under warranty appears fine. This is the third battery that has done this to me in 40 plus years, but the first on a boat. Had it not been in a battery box, i dread to think of the possible damage. How often have we seen batteries on boats without boxes? Allan.
  23. Some good positive networking and publicity. Well done Neal. Allan.
  24. Dave The old ones really are the best. Allan
  25. Can't seem to get it to cut and paste. 8) Fisheagle- Allan Green, John Shaw (Prospective Member) and Barry Cahill (Fishing Friend from Liverpool). Allan.
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