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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. I have already done mine. Interestingly, I have just been sent a Copy to fill in from another Fishing Club that has sent an individual one to all its Members and anyone else they think may be interested asking them to fill it in. Allan.
  2. Small Brill. 12 ozs. Allan.
  3. Flatfish Comp. Only one fish to report. Small Brill of 12 ozs. To myself. Allan.
  4. Allan Green. Blonde Rays 18.5 lbs, 17 lbs. 10 lbs and several other smaller ones including Undulates. Number of other species at around 50% or just above specimens. Dog 1.5 lbs, Scad 12 ozs. Smoothound 8lbs, Dave, Bream 2.5 lbs, Corkwing 3.5 ozs, Mick, several small Blondes, Small Eyed 7lbs. and 2 lbs. And several Undulates around 3lbs. Baillons 5 ozs. Many thanks to crew for a great weekend. Hope I have included everything. Allan.
  5. John Stevenson is not available and will be replaced by Mick Pike. Dave Samuels will sort payment. Allan.
  6. Just wonder if the link on this to the Southerm IFCA Sea Angling Survey should be a separate post with different header. Important Survey from IFCA. Our chance. Feel it has more chance of being replied to than if it being embedded in o lot of information from the Angling Trust. Allan.
  7. Happy Birthday Mick. John wants to know if you would like to sell your your big landing net to use for his livebait tank after five attempts to net the last Ray caught on Marichelle. Allan.
  8. Contained in this information is a an important Sea Angling Survey- fairly short- from the Southern IFCA which needs sending to their office in Poole. Chance for individuals -members and non members to say what they want IFCA to do to improve sea angling locally and on the south coast. Can be posted or done on line. I think it was refered to it at the last Club Meeting. Think it is worth giving it a big push. Allan.
  9. Myself, Coddy and John Stephenson are happy to fish a 48 Hour Comp. and what we assume will be a Flatty Comp. on the Sunday. could we be added to any lists? Many thanks. Allan.
  10. Teams / boats in Comp Kingfisher - Chris W, Nigel A, Mal T, Dave Wilson Fisheagle- Allan G, Dave S, Jan T and John Stephenson at the moment.
  11. Hope everything gets resolved to your satisfaction and you are soon back out there. Allan.
  12. Hi Hooky, Many Thanks for the phone tutorial. Now able to put photos/screenshots directly into the Gallery and other sections of the Web Site. Looking forward to seeing if we can get my phone and tablet to work together on Bluetooth after tomorrow's Club Meeting. So that the Navionics Gold App works outside Wifi areas. Wrinklies Rule ok. Allan.
  13. Fisheagle will be taking advantage of the Saturday weather to get out. There will be myself and Mick Pike (Marichelle) on board. Probably some where off Swanage to Ledge area. On Ch6. Allan.
  14. Your reports always make a good read and the quality of the pictures is to be envied. Allan.
  15. Will be out tomorrow , similar areas and quick trip elsewhere to try and get the species count up as I haven't been out on Fisheagle for several weeks. Will be on Ch 6. Good luck everyone. Allan.
  16. Great when it comes together, especially given the wind. Nice pictures and nice fish. well done. Allan.
  17. Wow, some real stonking fish there. A real day to remember.Well done all. Makes our valient efforts look rather mediocre except for Dave's fish. Allan.
  18. Plenty of good Bream to everyone on Kelly's Hero. We all managed a fish over 2lbs 4ozs, the minimum weigh in weight for the Poole Sea Angling Shop Comp. Most of our fish were in the 2 to 3lbs. range.Our best fish was 3lbs 14ozs. to Dave Samuels which was second individual on a Private Boat. The cut off for prizes was 2lbs 141/2 ozs. Allan.
  19. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Ian Simpson + room for one more if anyone interested! 2) Marlin - Greg and Vic 3) Alfresco - Charlie, Sam, Dan, Chrissie and Will 4) Kingfisher - Chris, Mal, Nigel & Chris A (Non member) 5) Awol - Martin, Dean (probably) 6) Frisky Fox - Mike, Carol 7) Holy Mackerel- Jann Triska, Pete Richardson and Dave Loader (Non Members). 8) Kelley's Hero- John Stephenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels, Mick Pike and Frank Morris. 9) lady jane - Andy, Jason (non member) 10) JV - crew tbc 11)fillet up Ben , Jack 12)Redfin- Peter &Matt 13)Serenity - Tony & Nigel 14)Valton -Tony-Malcolm + Andrew 15) Ever Hopeful -Andrew + Andy Brown (non member) + Ian Green (non member) 16) Just Chillin - Rich and Emma 17) Illusion - Tom Smith, Steve & Nick (non members) 18} Rio Tinto - Keith Brown, & Dominic (non member 19) Yelo - Kev, Dave & Jacob Jnr
  20. Mick I have added you to the original posting I made on the 10th May as I was able to edit this. However the change has not carried through to posts after that date. Shouln't be a problem as it has been recorded on here . Allan.
  21. Redfin and Serenity seem to have disappeared? Allan.
  22. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie, Ian Simpson 2) Marlin - Greg and Vic 3) Alfresco - Charlie and crew TBC 4) Kingfisher - Chris, Mal, Nigel & Chris A (Non member) 5) Awol - Martin, Dean (probably) 5) Frisky Fox - Mike, Carol 6) Holy Mackerel- Jann Triska, Pete Richardson and Dave Loader (Non Members). 7) Kelley's Hero- John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Frank Morris and Mick Pike.
  23. Looks a super boat. Hope you enjoy every moment. Allan.
  24. Mike from what you say you intend to do, I suspect we we will see you out there. Good luck to everyone. Allan.
  25. Can't make Sunday and Monday does not look too good at the moment. Will be out Saturday with Dave (Coddy) and Mick (Marichelle). May give the bream a miss and try for a mixed bag including a few Rays. Will be on Ch 6 if anyone else is out. Allan.
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