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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Ok - here goes again 48 hr Comp will start 6pm 5th July and finish 6pm 7th July 1) Court Jester - Neal Sturt and crew TBA 2)Fisheagle (Replacement for Kind Of Magic) Allan Green, Bill (Ferret) and others TBA.
  2. Def the weather, otherwise would have had three or four interested. Allan
  3. Happy Birthday Sam. I've asked Tom to put a pint in for you at the Rose andCrown at Lychett. Allan.
  4. Thanks Charlie, Jan does not have a computer and did as you say, ask me to enter him and record his fish. Allan.
  5. My best two on Kellies Hero were 3lbs 2ozs and 2lbs 4ozs and Bill had one of about 1lb 4oz. otherwise, a superb day weather and company wise. The bream fishing was quiet, what with lifting 40 kilos of chain and anchor manually and then towing another Club boat from Dancing Ledge to Rockley early afternoon it was quite eventfull. Others will no doubt fill in the details. I have been asked to make a posting for Yan Triska, I understand that he had a bream of 3lbs 10 ozs. which also won the Poole Angling Centre Open Comp (Can anyone confirm?) Allan.
  6. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie and Jon (JK) 2) Kingfisher - Chris, Dogfish Dave, Stu, Chris 3) Dream Drifter - Alfie plus crew TBA 4) MegaByte - Brian, Mark, Thomas, Tamzin 5) Awol- Martin, Dean, Rich Stevens 6) Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett ,Mike Toms 7) Sweet Pea - Mal Thomas. Crew TBA 8) Kelly's Heroes - John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill (Ferret). 9) Alfresco Charlie Dan Chrissie Will 10) Illusion - Tom Smith - plus crew 11) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun, Paul Frey 12) Wight Magic - Dave Evans, Ben, Charlie A, Sam A 14) Dog House - Andy Fail, Chris Large 15) Holy Mackeral- Yan Triska, Dave Loader (Non member)
  7. 1) Court Jester - Neal plus crew TBA 2) Kingfisher - Chris plus crew TBA 3) Dream Drifter - Alfie plus crew TBA 4) MegaByte - Brian, Mark, Thomas, Tamzin 5) Awol- Martin, Dean, Rich Stevens 6)Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett ,Mike Toms 7) Sweet Pea - Mal Thomas. Crew TBA 8) Kellies Hero- John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill (Ferret)
  8. Ditto. Hope you have the success that you deserve and that things go your way and that Club Members are up in the prize list.. Allan.
  9. Really good news. Can we as a Club representing a large number of boats and members (Don't know precise nos.) send a message to the appropriate parties saying we feel it is a step in the right direction? Allan.
  10. Tried the full range of Navionics Charts in the Plotter at Fource Four and found the Navionics Silver is the best it would take. JG Tecnologies in Weymouth are selling a few of on Ebay with the 2007 SD Card which is as near as to the Navionics Gold as you can get.for around £230. Contacted Magellan UK who confirmed this. So, I am selling it on on and bought a second hand Garmin Montana hand held which can be wired in to Radio for MMsi with Garmin G2 or used as a hand held. It should make a good back up which is portable and may prove usefull on a smaller trailered boat. Allan.
  11. Hi Dave I do have all the software and it is loaded onto my PC and I still have the CD's. I have a preloaded SD card but I am not sure if the maps are showing the greatest detail possible, hence the update/download idea. The only way I seem to be able to link with my Pc seems to be using SD cards as there is no USB port.. I think you saw it on one of our trips. The reason I wanted more detail was that it was going to be a back up for someone bringing a boat back from Jersey and when we looked at the chart for the area there was plenty of detail on everything except depth contours as the charts seem to show mainly spot hights so I wondered if they were basic base maps. I will try the contacts you gave and may well give JG Techologies in Weymouth a ring which is where I bought it. You know that unless it is plug and play, which it was for the Weymouth Area, I am likely to have problems.
  12. Looks like time to update. Allan.
  13. I have a hand held Magellan Explorist XL which I have hardly used and dates back to my tow boat days and Orkney 520. I now use it as a spare GPS. It was apparently quite a good and expensive toy when bought in 2007 and is still available. It is fitted with a Magellan XL3 Chart XLG25X UK South-Hamburg 512gb. Is there anyone who has experience of the Map Send Software/Updating this? It uses SD Cards rather than a direct USB Connection. I have had a quick look on the website but keep getting refered to US Data. Thanks. Allan.
  14. Bought four like Charlie's and Nigel's from Simpson Marine which they sold me as second hand at £20 each on Charlie's advice. New, they are advertised as £ 40 but they go for thirty. A few things to watch, firstly, they are supplied with SS screws, I replaced these with SS Allen Screws and they really can be made tight on the side rails. Secondly, the ones I bought had a bar through the bottom which stopped the rod handle going through the bottom of the holder. Rich S very kindly sawed off the bottom inch which removed the bar and allowed the handle to go through as far as the reel which rests on the rubbery /plastic insert liner fitted over the neck of the holder. Allan.
  15. As Coddy says,use some rubbing sleeves. depending on the webbing size, the ones sold by Machine Mart may do, or make some up out of rubber door mat strips. I used to tow my old Alaska 500 from Leicester to Weston-super-Mare/Burnaham on Sea and found they saved a lot of chaffing. Allan.
  16. Having been critical of Wessex Angling in the past, I had a phone call this afternoon to say that the New Management had got various things they ordered in for me. The whole atmosphere was much better and people were friendly and couldn't do enough.So a big thumbs up. Got Club discount, they got another small order and I left a happy bunny. I must pass the shop at least half a dozen times a week and it is always easy to park behind, so frustrating over the last year or two.It is now back on my list as my local Tackle Shop. Allan
  17. Thanks Nigel Have just found plenty of screen protectors up to 12 plus inches, but some of these are for computer screens and LCD tV's. As you say, if it is touch screen it needs to conduct electricity. Amazing what people get up to when they are suffering from Land Sickness. Now I just need to be able to source a three way roller similar to the one Charlie had made up for his anchor retrieval system. Told that a Company in Portland makes them comercially in SS.but who are they? Allan.
  18. Hi Nigel I may have to wait till the boat comes. Did a quick measure on the one I looked at and Tom has asked for certain intrumentation associated with the engine etc. not to be mounted at the factory to give us more options. I was originally looking at a 10" push button like yourself which would certainly flush mount but would only be clearly visible to anyone behind the wheel. The only thing against the 10" set is that I believe it will only show eiither a full or a split screen.Tending to favour a set that is more visible to those in the Cabin and which can be detatched like yours so that items can be imputed at home/away from the boat but this is less secure. Screen wise, it is likely to be what Lowrance call 9" or 12" with screen options for 1 to 4 screens or any number in between. I have looked through the online Download Manuals to try and get an accurate screen size but, figures given seem to relate more to templates for mounting. The other option was MES but, they do not stock them nor do any other local Stores. Not a major problem, I am sure it can all be overcome. Incidently, what size is an Ipad screen protector? Your idea has also got me looking for ordinary computer screen protection screen film. Allan.
  19. Thanks Peter I Googled Lowrance Screen Protector and managed to find some in the States at around 16 - 20 Dollars that cover most Lowrance (some very recent Touch Screen Models not covered) HDS Models and some Garmins. They are also on ebay. It was simply a matter of asking for the right combination of words and it worked.The size I want is not available. So, I may need to cut down a larger one or contact them directly. For the money involved, I think it is worth considering. Certainly, when I caught up a bit with new technology just before Christmas and bought a Samsung Touch Screen Phone every one said I needed to buy a Screen Protector which I didn't even know existed. I recently asked at Fource Four and Piplers to see if they knew of a source of Plotter/Sounder Screen Protectors in this Country but, they were as much in the dark as me. I will also see if MES on the Nuffield Estate in Poole can help before sending off to the States. Allan.
  20. Thanks everyone. Interested in knowing more about Screen protectors/ anti glare covers and where they can be obtained. Did Google it last night but seem to be different qualities/levels of anti glare. Can you give me some more information? Thanks. Allan.
  21. I am looking at fitting a new Plotter/Sounder in May and recently tried a 10" push button Lowrance HD which Niggle fitted recently on Wishing Too. Certainly very impressive. While at the Boat Show, I tried the slightly more recent Touch Screen version of the above and those of several other Companies. Given the fact that while wearing my Varifocals, the Touch Screen version was much easier to use, I am leaning in that direction. Has anyone experience of touch sceens on a boat while fishing (wet/fishy fingers etc)? Allan.
  22. A good watch. Allan.
  23. Thanks Dave, had looked at the first site but not the second. Allan.
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