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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Will probably be out with Frank and Yann as crew for an early session finishing about 1 o'clock in the afternoon or before if it kicks up. Bream have come from both Southbourne and the Patch to Charters. Understand that some Mackies and Gars are also around and heard a report of a 23lb Turbot in a net last week about a mile out in the Bay so I am quite hopefull if the weather holds. Will listen out on Ch6. Allan.
  2. Thanks for letting me know Dave. Have a good time in Wales. Hope we both get good weather. Allan.
  3. That sounds great Mike. Is there an assumption that my species count will go up because of the crews fishing expertise or because I will be getting out more? You must be really fed up with the new bridge. Tried a trial tie up on the new mooring area a week or so ago to see what was involved, there were some potentially dangerous bits of metal that could cause damage and I would not liked to have tried it on my own with the tide running. Frank, who was crewing, virtually had to step out of the boat onto the basin wall fenders in order to get a mooring rope onto anything substantial which was one of the back posts that the floats slide up and down on. May have missed something, but no rings or bollards or obvious things to tie onto. An accident waiting to happen. Will exchange contact details at the next meeting. Allan.
  4. Looks like I need to buy a bigger boat and supply free tackle and bait. Allan.
  5. Start again Sunday 6th May - new date for species comp - if this drought ever goes away! 1) Neal Sturt 2)Allan Green on Kind of Magic with Bill (Ferret) and hopefully Dave Samuels.
  6. For once I probably have crew available and that means the chances of getting out are remote. Hope I am proved wrong. Allan.
  7. I am fortunate enough to have several excellent Crew Members who come out on Kind of Magic. However, several are likely to be less available in the near future due to increased work commitments. I cannot promise the 5 star luxury or Michelin Star cuisine offered on some of the larger boats, but we can manage some friendly banter, a reasonable variety of fish and hot water. In the unlikely event of the fishing being slack there may even be time to make a hot bacon sandwhich from time to time. Boat based on a pontoon at Cobbs in Poole. Crew wanted for weekends, during the week and possible evenings when the nights get longer. Please PM, email or post here. Allan.
  8. 1) Neal Sturt 2) Nigel Allen 3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith.
  9. Will probably be out on Thursday in the Swash trying for a few spotties. May try to the west over the weekend if I have crew.On Ch6. Allan.
  10. Signed souvenir pieces of Poole Bridge Tarmac available for sale. Choice of colours-blue or black. Please contact Poole Council.
  11. Surplus to requirements. Unopened and as bought due to boat change last year. 2.5 litres of Interspeed Ultra green and 750mls of Primacon grey. Accept
  12. Have a great one Martin. Perhaps a birthday Cod at the weekend? Allan.
  13. Lovely picture of Nigel's Cod of 30Lb 4oz. It looks enormous! One half that size would do me for this year. Allan.
  14. Hoping to be out on Wednesday in the Swanage area. Sorry to hear about your back Nige you have my every sympathy. Hope you soon get back to normal. Allan.
  15. Well done Nigel and crew. You seem to get them when others don't. Another fantastic report which makes me want to get out ASAP. Allan.
  16. Thanks everyone. Yes, a contribution to next year's mooring fees has already being sought. Alun, only if it is posponed, I'm sure everthing you kindly bought for the Hamper will have a good sell /eat (or drink) by date. Allan.
  17. Had planned to fish with Rich on his boat Warren. However I was rammed from behind by a 4x4 when waiting at a round about.The wife's car is a write off and I have a bad back so no fishing of any kind for the moment. Should give others a better chance. Will try and get to the weigh in. Allan.
  18. Kind of Magic will to be out, subject to weather, likely to be the Slates Area. Allan.
  19. So we can still count a pipefish if we get one? Allan.
  20. Bill (Ferret) caught one mouth hooked on Sunday by Aunt Betty when we were sratching. Hope it doesn't cause another MCZ. I mentioned it to Dave but was not going to claim it as I felt it could be used against us. It was returned alive and well and galloped off towards Studland. It provide us with much needed relief and I did offer to take a picture of it with Bill but he felt it was a bit small to mount. Allan.
  21. Hoping to get out Wed/Thur or Friday subject to weather. Have they fitted an airdraft indicator on the New Bridge since last weekend? Becoming a right pain. Allan.
  22. Superb fish Nigel. One half that size would do me next time out. Allan.
  23. Headed west down to Dancing ledge area looking for shelter which we never found so headed back very slowly taking a lot of spray. Although wave hight predictions are lower for tomorrow we will not be heading that far.Best fish to Bill (Ferret) a place of 2. 1/2lb which christened his new rod. Allan.
  24. Hope to be out Friday but where to go to??? Allan.
  25. After 5 days of work in good weather all antifouling, varnishing, waxing and work on the skeg and some wiring work she is looking pristine. The plan was to try for the Friday before the comp and Purbeck Marine at Cobbs have brought things forward and just finished the service and fitting an extra anode. Thanks especially to Mike and Dan Chapman. The lift back in has been brought forward by a week to Friday PM when the new Prop will be fitted followed by a quick blast round the harbour to check things out. Yes, the weather God's have been smiling but it looks like they could be getting their revenge on Sunday. Allan.
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