Group A: Boats needing bridge lifts
1. Fisheagle. May have crew space. Leaving and returning to F Pontoon at Cobbs.
2. Madness. Skipper Martin/Crew tba. Leaving Cobbs B Pontoon
3. Marichelle Skipper Mick/ Crew TBA. Leaving Cobbs F pontoon
Group B Trailer boats:
Group - Boats not needing bridge or assistance
1 Doombar - Skipper Hooky - Leaving from pontoon F @ Cobbs approx 6.30 launch , 11.30 return
Places available 2 ( strictly one rod and one bag each please) full club members only please
Bridge lift not required (Route plotted so you can follow if needed )
2. MegaByte - Skipper Brian - Leaving F Pontoon @ Cobbs, times to be decided,
Might have room for 1 club member - Bridge lift not required
3. Serenity - Skipper, Tony. Leaving Cobbs B Pontoon TBC. Room for up to 2 CREW
Group D - Kayaks
1. Slice of life - Lofty: