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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by fisherman1055

  1. Having seen the forecast and extreme weather warning I an inclined to agree.!! Tony
  2. Hi Neal Belated Birthday wishes hope you are recovering from the hangover dont forget the antibiotics best wishes Tony
  3. Hopefully Monday's weather will come through quickly for Sunday.
  4. Yes this a bridge designed by a committee, it is in effect a CAMEL!!
  5. Well done Stuie, That letter did the trick!
  6. Look Charlie, it is no good talking sense , no one will ever listen.
  7. Bloody predictive texting
  8. Thank you guys, e we knew and cheese will taste better knowing this
  9. Know what you mean Martin, us youngsters have to keep the world turning
  10. Yes just caught up with this, hope you had a great day
  11. Happy belated birthday wishes Oli. Tony
  12. Welcome Sean, please use the club and facilities as much as you need.there is a lot of experience and expertise on a range of issues from engines to seamanship. Club meetings on the first Thursday of the month at Parkstone Trades and Labour Club, look forward to meeting you. Tony
  13. Same best wishes from me
  14. Have a great day Graham
  15. Thanks Martin for a great day on the water, hard to believe it is near the end of October, had to treat the sunburn when I got home.
  16. What time?
  17. Nice one Neal
  18. Nice 🐠
  19. Engine hours counter would interest me will you bring to the. Meeting tony
  20. Happy Birthday Lofty have a good one Tony
  21. Sorry we are away on the boat
  22. Welcome to the club Dont be afraid join in and ask questions We are all learning every time we go out on the water, keep your eyes open for people looking for crew and go out with them they will not take offence if you offer to share costs with them. And come to a club meeting in Poole to meet other members and have a chat. Everyone likes boats and fishing so no shortage of things to chat about. Tony
  23. Very!!!!!
  24. What has surprised me with the Chairman looking for a big buoy there were no dodgy comments from Rob or Jim, they must be on holiday!!! I thought the opportunity would too good to resist.
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