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Everything posted by fisherman1055

  1. Serenity : Tony : Stuie
  2. It can be like that
  3. Sign me up Martin i'll crew for you   Tony
  4. I remember many years ago on the way home from a party, We came across a steam roller by the side of the road Gaining access to the cab was not a problem , and we even managed to get the starter motor turning, Fortunately it would not fire up, Could have been a big problem hiding said steam roller in a hospital!!! It did seem a good idea at the time!! Tony
  5. Happy. Birthday Neal I assume you have had a good one with beer , rugby and inappropriate food. Tony
  6. RIP Gill Our condolences to the family Always a difficult time Our thoughts are with them, Tony
  7. Eberspacher heater is good snowy is local dealer for second hand I got mine for £500 including wiring harness and exhaust ready to fit Tony
  8. Hi Mal May be interested Have you got any pictures Tony
  9. Made me laugh , it as easy these days,!!!
  10. I have a 7.5 kg delta anchor with 10 Meters 8 mm chain with 160 M 16 mm. multiplait. Normally holds as long as you let enough line out for a M F 695 Tony
  11. Has any one got a copy of the paper Lucy would love a picture of herself
  12. A great day on the water chasing snakes Well done every one Especially Stuie and Dogfish Dave Tony
  13. 1) Serenity - Tony and Neal 2) Alfresco - Sam and Eileen 3) Tarlach - Neil and Another (yet to be determined). 4) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun, Mike Fox 5) Reel Magic - Dave Mick 6) Madness - Dean, Martin, Phil Trevett 7) Y-Knot - Mal and Trevor ​8) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways 9) Kellys Hero -Dave L and John St. Plus non member. Allan has withdrawn due to Man Flu. 10) My Baby - Norman, Brian and Dogfishdave 11) La Fiona - Matt and non member Martin 12) Sea Jay — Mike plus non member Mike and Adam. 13) Reel Bizzy - Kevin & Stuie 14) Boblin - Colin and Bobi 15) Happy Hooker- Frank, Jan , Trevor
  14. The first principle of boat maintenance is the for every problem you solve there will be at least another two problems come to light. This will keep you busy and the Chandlers rich. The only way round this is to get a nearly new boat and get someone else to maintain it. You will then be so broke that you have to sell the boat. Mend the boat and go out fishing with a mate. Tony
  15. Check the red cables, green dust will be in one of them, Tony
  16. Oil hope you had a great day Tony
  17. The Russians make a diesel heater about half the price of a eberspacher or look for a second hand one , I got mine from Clive who used to run seastart for £500 a few years ago
  18. Happy Birthday Alfie
  19. I use a Eberspacher heater on my MF695 which warms the air in the cabin which eventually comes up to the windscreen. It would be possible to put trunking up to the windscreen as it would get in the way of moving in the cabin as it cannot be hidden with the way the dashboard is. The other option is to get a small demister and mount on the dashboard , but this has to be fixed as it can be thrown off with swell. I have tried this but these things do not seem to last very long. Tony
  20. Happy Birthday Enjoy Tony
  21. Steve have a good one Tony
  22. Happy Birthday Hope you all have a great day. You have the weather for it. Tony
  23. Looks like a case for itemised billing!!!
  24. A woman does not want to argue She just wants to win!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Go for it Graham Have a good one Tony
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