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Everything posted by fisherman1055

  1. Happy Birthday Adam
  2. Happy Birthday Derek, have a good one
  3. Some Dogfish and smooth hound do not make a very exciting catch report. Biggest smoothy about 5LB
  4. yes out tomorrow too
  5. When I used to fish Chesil I always took a carrier bag to bring back rubbish. Can we try and do the same on a boat
  6. I am not going to get away with 3 of them
  7. Good idea to let the Cod know about this comp early as they missed the last one!!!!
  8. She will grow overnight !!!
  9. Dean, hope you had a great day. Tony
  10. Do we need to expand our boundaries a bit to the East, may be Portsmouth, then we may be able to catch Cod again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Have a great day, enjoy!!!!!!!
  12. Ok got to thinkaboit this
  13. YES have a great day, happy birthday
  14. I cant do 27th either
  15. Ok in the winter
  16. Welcome to the Club Chris. Come to a monthly meeting and get to know a few people Tony
  17. Happy Birthday to both Kev gets the prize for FOM on his birthday Hop you had a great day Tony
  18. Many anglers around Holes Bay road side would suggest something is being caught!!!
  19. Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). WOW
  20. Happy Birthday Paul, have a good one
  21. And a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Tony and Lorraine
  22. Andy my apologies Inhave A family event at Summer Lodge which I cannot miss. Good luck to everyone who is going to fish.
  23. Be at the car park, back in time for Turkey
  24. Happy belated birthday hope you had a good one
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