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Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Great news. Well done, Dave.
  2. Yep, that's where we are getting her from, Mike.
  3. Here's a useful site for reference on Boat Maintenance, Electrics and Fault Finding. http://www.tb-training.co.uk/index.htm Maintenance & Electrics Look at the Boat Maintenance tab and Electric tab. BF
  4. Bob F


    For those considering their own homebrews or a raid to the local chippy, here's some points to bare in mind. This was taken from the Volvo Penta web site. Volvo Penta makes the following recommendations to customers who wish to use fuel with higher biodiesel content than stated in the EU standard EN 590: The biodiesel must be of good quality, which means that it must comply with the EU
  5. Somebody please give him something to do!
  6. Bob F


    Oh, side splitting, that one.
  7. Damn!! Adam, we forgot the mast and sails...to counter the fuel increases. I suggested "Blue Our Budget", but it's a bit of a month full on the VHF...unless of course we shorten it to "BOB, BOB, BOB".
  8. no Charlie, that would've put an extra
  9. Thanks for all the best wishes, guys. Well, she has now gone. I can't believe I've let her go. I have to admit to having a little tear in my eye. But she's gone to a good home and you'll still be seeing her in Poole, so be careful when you pass by her and give the V sign. She's going to be used for the same reasons I brought her, fishing and towing the kids on a doughnut, so it will be like leading a horse to the stables, she'll know exactly what is expected of her. It will be nice to still see her around. And we'll hopefully be getting some new family members to the club, too. So, onwards and upwards, I guess. I'll be moving my attention to the Aquafish 23 with Adam. Let's hope we have as many happy days as I did with Splash-Out.
  10. Wow! Plenty of scampi there. BF
  11. She's now sold subject to the money clearing. I'll be really sad to see her go. Looks like I can be a fairly regular crew for a while, Charlie. BF
  12. Coddy, I'd have to put the price an another grand if I left the marks on the plotter. Might just do that Martin, thanks.
  13. Once I've got some pictures together I will advertize her on Boats and Outboards. But I think you only get one picture for free now.
  14. NOW SOLD Splash-Out is for sale (buying a bigger boat) Alaska 500, purchased new in 2002. - She's fitted with the supurb Suzuki 70HP four stroke. Quiet as a mouse. - Hallmark Roller Coaster Trailer (new brake pads, cables, and tow hitch) - Canopy - full towing cover - two pilot pedestal seats - iCom VHF Radio - A high spec Eagle Seastrike 2000 colour chart plotter and fishfinder. Able to record wrecks and marks with the fish finder and play them back on your PC. - Richie Compass - Dual Batteries - Cabin light - Nav Lights - Anchor Light - Bilge Pump - Anchor, warps - Two stainless rod holders - two adjustable rod holders - Aux Engine bracket - rear step - Stainless steel keel band - ski rope ties (she's great for towing a donought for the kids) - Fire Extinguisher (new) A complete package, ready to fish. First to see will buy -
  15. Bob F


    Welcome aboard Mike.
  16. Bob F

    navman 8084

    Thanks Graham. Adam and I might arrange something soon. We might be in the market for some new kit.
  17. Bob F

    navman 8084

    Wouldn't mind a look at that at some time.
  18. Bob F


    Blimee, Peter, you must be knackered. Sit down and take a rest, matey. Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  19. Bob F

    PVC Edge Trim

    Great. thanks Pete.
  20. Bob F

    PVC Edge Trim

    Anyone know a local source for PVC Edge trim to fit 3-5mm think GRP panels?
  21. He must be a good mate if you're gunna buy him a boat for
  22. Bob F

    live-bait tank

    It was worth the bruised finger tips for some useful tips. Thankee, matey. A bucket each...like it.
  23. Thanks Rob, that was a big help. Unfortunately, it confirms that it is a tow bar for a Peugeot 406 estate (not a 405 or Scenic). Sorry about that, Chris.
  24. Yes, it's still here, Chris. I'm just not certain if it was the one off the Scenic or the 405. I can bring it to the meeting on Thurs if you are going.
  25. Anyone got any Carp Fishing gear they'd like to dipense with at a bargain price? Little Rob wants to spend his Christmas money on rod, real, bite detector, rod pod, net, unhooking mat, chair, tent, ... the list seems endless. Will he get much for
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