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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Whoopeee...bring it on!!! BF
  2. Done too. BF
  3. There's an "ok" article on beach launching in the Feb 07 edit of BFM. BF
  4. Bob F

    Assistance Required

    Mike You will be top of the the list of hazards to watch out for. BF
  5. If I remember correctly, Navman are the only company at the lower end of the market (where most of us live) who have the "Track-your- buddy" feature. Mike, look at the Navman 7200 VHF (7100 or 7200). Other makes at the lower end of the market allow the GPS and VHF to be connected togeather so that your GPS co-ordinates are displayed on your VHF screen (and hence your GPS co-ordinates get transmitted when you press the DSC button), but I don't think they allow the location of other boats to be displayed on the Plotter screen. Adam has a Garmin 300x series GPS Plotter (higher end of the market) connected to an iCom VHF. The 300x has the necessary software to display DSC messages on the plotter screen. I don't know if the new series of "low end" Garmin plotters, which have just been released, support this feature. There's not much information on them on the Garmin web site (can't download a User Manual, yet). The VHF has to have the connections for NMEA output. Most only have NMEA input connections to allow it to receive the GPS co-ordinates from you Plotter. Adam's Icom VHF does send NMEA out. However, the Icom M421 (which a lot of us have) does not have connections for NMEA output, so even if our plotters supported the displaying of DSC positions, the VHF could not send the appropriate signals. My head's a bit screwed at the moment, so I could be talking a load of bolax. BF
  6. Bob F

    Assistance Required

    By the way, Rich, what is the name of your new 520? Warren 2? I'll update your members details. BF
  7. Bob F

    Assistance Required

    Hi Rich It's probably asking a lot of someone to do all this for you in one go. I'd suggest keeping an eye on the trip planning and arrange to be at Baiter when we are planning to launch. Plenty of us would be more than happy to show you how to safely launch your boat single-handed, and then show you the retreival on the return. You could then follow us out to the local marks. It's good to go out in the company of other boats. I've had a couple of requests from members to talk about the hazards of the areas we fish, so, I will bring out the charts at the next club meeting where we have a free slot. It will not be the April club meeting because that's the AGM. Martin, is there any focused topic planned for the May meeting (using Radar)? BF
  8. Bob F

    Anchor warp help

    Jas If you need more anchor warp I've got a 100m of 12mm you can have. It's not the best stuff in the world because it doesn't coil that well, but would be worth trying before you buy any new stuff. Being new to this business you will probably loose your first anchor and warp anyway, so it is probably wise not to spend too much on expensive warp at this stage. 10m is certainly not enough for the areas you will be fishing. As Mike says, 100m is the norm for us. cheers BF
  9. Mike, did you do the vhf Radio cert with the DSC addition or was it that long ago that it was only the vhf radio cert? If you have not renewed your VHF license for over 5 years you will have to reapply for a new license, call sign and MMSI number. Raido licenses are now issued for a lifetime instead of annually. Anyone with an existing license should have received their life time license when the old one expires this year. Those applying for a new license may have to pay a small one-off admin charge. Licenses are about from the Ofcom website. Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) Numbers. An MMSI is a unique nine digit number that identifies a particular ship or shore station. You enter it into your DSC VHF radio. It contains details of your vessel, etc which is transmitted when you press the DSC button to call for help. You can also use it to send point to point messages to your mates if you know their MMSI numbers. We also have a club MMSI number to allow you to send DSC messages just to PBSBAC members. For example, you could poll all PBSBAC members and ask for their current GPS co-ordintates. If anyone acknowledges you, their GPS co-ordinates will automatically be sent to you. Some vhf and plotter combinations allow the position of your mates boats to be shown on the plotter map. It's called the "Follow your Buddy" feature, I believe. BF
  10. Yes, Jas, but no rush. Let's try to remember to note it down during the Easter trip. BF
  11. I'll take one of them there gizmo's, too. It's gotta be worth
  12. Updated your club records with "Marichelle", Jas. BF
  13. Congrats Mike. Your club records have been updated. BF
  14. Bob F

    Was This Jack

  15. No, Tom. Just a groupie.
  16. I'm considering joining Wimborne Fishing Club this year, with the intention of teaching little Rob the arts of fly fishing and course fishing. It's been 25 yrs since I've done either in a river and no longer have the gear. Has anyone got any gear they want to sell? Don't want to spend a fortune, so anything considered. Will need rods, reels, fly line, flies, folding landing net, keep net, etc, etc. cheers BF
  17. Splash-Out is hoping to get out, with little Rob as crew. BF
  18. An interesting read, Tom. BF
  19. Bob F


    Gowd, I wish you hadn't of brought this one up, Duncan. I felt compelled to open up my hook boxes to see what I had...what a depressing sight. Most of it was rust!!! I'm sure that 6 weeks ago there was once: Various Varivas Big Mouth Xtras from 2/0 to 8/0 which I use for codding, bassing, tope and rays. Bog standard O'Shaughnessy's in 6/0, 8/0 and 10/0 which I used for Conger and big Cod baits. Kamasan B940's (Aberdeen's) of various small sizes which are used for bream, wrasse, flatties, etc. And a box full of various circle hooks which I don't like using. I've never got on with circle hooks. Not because of poor hook up rates. I simply don't like the way they present the bait. There's no logical reasons, it's just an asthetic thing for me. Now gotta look for a better method of keeping my hooks rust free. Maybe an oil bath like Jack. I think I'll use WD40 and not old engine oil like Jack. BF
  20. I'm pinning that on my 17 year old daughter's bedroom door!! BF
  21. Have a good one Dean. Happy Birthday matey. BF
  22. There didn't look that many in the box, Rich, especially for a Charter boat. I thought it was refreshing to see so many being released.
  23. Thanks chaps. I'm all sorted now. cheers BF
  24. Blue Gee are very good on their cheap brush charges, though. BF
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