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Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Those last two posts cracked me up. It's been a while since I've had a giggle. Thanks.
  2. According to the web, each Saturn V rocket engine used 3 tons per second, that's 15,000-20,000 ltrs per second for all 5 engines!! No wonder there's a hole in the ozone layer.
  3. ??? I think you are mistaken Bob - mine has a metal sutter that closes over the lens when the camera is switched off. In addition the lens is sufficently recessed (and small) to be better protected than my DSL lenses with their hoods. Finally we have never wiped the lens, and never had any distortion effects either - but we do give it a rinse off under the tap and a good shake after UW trips in salt water. Above is 720SW (same as the 725/730/770) and I believe will apply equally to 790SW although the body has small changes in construction as well as updated software. Ah, well Duncan, that'll be the difference between your Olypmus and my (the wife's, actually) Pentax Optio, then. It doesn't have a lens cover, and we've got the photos to prove that it takes great photos of water droplets. BF
  4. One thing to be a little careful of with this type of camera is that they do not have a lens cover. Even though the lens area is relatively small you need to ensure it doesn't get scratched when you are "throwing it about". And wipe any water droplets off the lens before taking a photo! (unless you want some neat distortion effects).
  6. Bob F

    A warning

  7. Have one on me, too, Rob. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  8. Nice to have you on board Dogger.
  9. Bob F


    It worth asking the manufacturer or importer if they will replace it. Fladen replaced the top half of my rod, free of charge.
  10. Pot bouys on Christchurch Ledge. The Singles Bank as you near the Needles. See Mike's post on Hazards in the Safety Information section on the Forum.
  11. Done.
  12. Bob F


    Fantastic to see pictures of her on the water, Charlie. And no leaks!! That's really good performance figures. I bet you and the boys are well chuffed. Was the water line where you expected it to be? A deserved pat on the back to you all. I think I'll have a drink now to celebrate (any excuse). cheers BF
  13. Bob F


    I saw one turn into water once.
  14. Bob F


    ...whilst I'm on a roll... Two snowmen in a field. One turns to the other and says,... "Can you smell carrots?" okay, okay, I'm getting my coat.
  15. Bob F


    Did you hear about the Scarecrow who won an award?... He was outstanding in his field!!!!
  16. Cracking report.
  17. Alan, I've updated your MMSI details, too. Thanks BF
  18. Lovely boat, Alan. I've updated your club details. BF
  19. Bob F

    Awol Trip

    Cracking fish, Paul. You're beginning to get yourself a reputation...we've just got to decide what that reputation is.
  20. Fished out of Weymouth with Jas. Not a great day for me, but a very good day for Jas. It was a bit sloppy on the way out past the breakwater but once we were at the Race off the Bill it smoothed out a bit. Plenty of mackerel about and a lot of Garfish, too. We caught some nice Joeys so tried for some bass on the Race but there was not enough tide. So we b switched to Bream rigs with Rag and squid baits. This is a summary of the catch sequence: Jas - 2lb Bream; Bob - tangled rig. Jas - 2 nice bream; Bob - tangled rig. Jas - 3 nice bream!!! (3 hook patternoster); Bob - tanlged with his bass rig!! Jas - 2 nice bream and a pout; Bob - a small bream (at last!!) Jas - 2 clonking great Pout; Bob - watching Jas. Jas - a big Mummy Pout, teenage pout, baby pout (a whole family on one rig); Bob - bored. Jas - another nice Bream; Bob - sharpening knife. Jas - another nice Bream; Bob - weird look creeping across face, and slight twitch. Jas - another nice Bream; Bob - attempts to lash out with knife but cuts the lanyard holding my prescription sunglasses and loose them over the side -
  21. A guy I play golf with does this. He lives north of Blandford, though. I'll give you his telephone number if you're interested. BF
  22. Bob F


    Should there be a club record for squid??
  23. I can't fish on Sunday so I'm going out from Weymouth tomorrow with Jas. I vote that next year the comps can be fished on either Saturday or Sunday.
  24. Rob, oh you are awful, but I like you. A camera cannot lie...
  25. Bob F

    She's Back!!

    Great news Adam. And like you say, a nice touch from PMS. Well done to them, too. BF
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