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Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. We had one fish today, and of course, it with Little Rob that got it. Caught on a storm lure. It topped the scales at 2lb (and no, I haven't missed out a zero). At least it saved the boat from blanking. BF
  2. Correction - Bob F and Little Rob and Jas on Marichelle. We're just going to fish around the harbour walls at Portland. BF
  3. Bob F and Little Rob on Splash-Out or with Jason on Marichelle. Jas, it's on Sunday so do you fancy going out?
  4. Bet you haven't enjoyed a throb like that for a long time, Charlie. Nice one! BF
  5. Bob F

    Doctors Dilema

    A Rugby player goes the doctor after having his ears ripped off in a scrum. "Doctor, what can I do? I've lost both of my ears in a scrum!!" "Not much I can do, I'm afraid...oh, wait a minute, I do know a vet that has just amputated an ear from a dog and also an ear from a pig. Perhaps he can help you out. It's better than nothing." So the Rugby player goes off to see the vet... "Mr Vet, is there anything you can do, I've lost both my ears in a scrum...and I'm desperate to find replacements!" "Well" says the vet, "this is your lucky day. I recently amputated a dog ear and a pig ear, and I just happen to have kept them. We can give it a try if you like. If you grow your hair long, no one will notice." So, the vet sews on the ears... Six weeks later the Rugby player goes back to the Dr for a check up... "How are the ears, Mr Rugby Player?" "Great!" he says pointing to the dog's ear. "I can hear a man whistle from two miles away!" "And what about the pigs ear?" asks the Dr. "Well, that's not so good, I seem to have a bit of crackling in it." BOOM BOOM!!!
  6. Bob F

    Dry Run

    That'll be a visit to Tesco's fish counter again, then...
  7. Bob F


    I hear tell that there's a yellow brick road on the IOW, too.
  8. Is "Simply Red" the name of your boat or your bank balance?? Sounds like you're overdue a break in your luck. I admire your staying power. BF
  9. I think he said lower than originally expected, Duncan, and wasn't comparing it with the existing bridge.
  10. Not looking good this morning. I need to make a decision now, and 3-4 will be too for Little Rob, so we will give this one a miss. It also means a 4am start for us, which is too early for me (but a 06:30 meeting for you guys is the right time). Good luck on the trip chaps. I know we will be missing a good session. I expect we will go lake fishing instead. BF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis Issued by the Met Office at 0600 UTC on Saturday 07 July 2007 24 hour forecast: Wind - West 4 or 5 becoming variable 3 or less. Weather - Mainly dry. Visibility - Good. Sea State - Moderate becoming slight. Outlook for the following 24 hours: Wind - Variable 3 or less becoming west or southwest 3 or 4, perhaps occasionally 5 later. Weather - Showers. Visibility - Good. Sea State - Slight.
  11. Bob F

    Engine Talk

    Nicely constructed post, Mikey. Concise, clear and to the point. BF
  12. Hey Kim, you are looking a bit pale lately. Are you sure you are getting enough sun??? BF
  13. I will probably tag alone with little Rob on Splash-Out. And will bring our car which has 4x4. BF
  14. Jas, Billy, I've submitted your catches (including your 12lb 4oz Bass from last week, Billy). BF
  15. Is it me or is the new server blisteringly fast??? The main web site page downloaded really fast, as did the forum posts.
  16. Bob F


    Good on ya! ...hope you obeyed the Fog Routine, though???
  17. Yep, a great day out, and a good laugh. Ballan Wrasse to 4.5lb (that was Billy's) A couple of beautiful Cockoo Wrasse largest 14oz (that was Billy's too), Loads of Bream (I think the biggest was ~3lb, but there were reports of 5lb being taken on other boats). Smoothound (Starry) of 4.5lb (to me). LSD Mackerel Launce Pout Scad And a final Small Eyed Ray for Billy to end the day. BF
  18. Bob F

    Vhf Radios

    Charlie I wouldn't bother with the alphanumeric keys. Go for a set with large numerics on the screen, and with a robust mike and good speakers. For you the option of fitting external speakers may be useful. I'd recommend the iCom IC-M421 or the Navman 7x00. I use mine for normal voice messages and the occaisional MMSI message. BF
  19. Sounds like a great day. Man, has it been a long time since I caught a Ling. It must be at least 20 yrs. The last one was out of Dartmouth on Lloyd Saunders boat, Saltwind. Happy days. BF
  20. Right, I'm selling the boat and buying a LiLo.
  21. Bob F


    Very useful web link, Paul. Cheers. The site has a .pdf you can download that tells you have to calculate the cable sizes you need. I will add this to the Battery Document one day. BF
  22. Bob F


    It's oxidation of the copper strands in the cable. You will need to replace it soon. Pay a little more and buy a good marine grade cable and it will help prevent the oxidation. Once the copper strands go black it is impossible to solder the wire or make a good low resistance electrical crimp. BF
  23. I like new toys!!
  24. Adam I lost my bottle anchor and chain whilst on Jas's boat on the Shambles the other week, so I'll take the 3Kg and chain if it's still going. cheers BF
  25. Happy Birthday lads. BF
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