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Everything posted by mike02380

  1. that boat looks like a lot of fun simon, did a search for some pics and guessing it might be this one? http://www.fishingboats.co.uk/index.php?a=2&b=284 reckon everyone will be queing for a spin in the summer! might see you as a blur on the water sometime
  2. mike02380


    whats your budget jon, on the face of it this looks reasonable dependant on engine http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/PAA17966 hth
  3. mike02380


    and me, mostly without the picture as well!
  4. mike02380

    Cod rigs

    what trace line do people use?
  5. the fish soup is done and bloody hell does it taste good, its the classic fish soup recipe from rick stein, not bad for pout, whiting and doggies! Think I will have to fish for them more, sod all this cod nonsense
  6. thanks mick, just starting the fish soup and I think its fish and chips for tea!
  7. http://www.yourseasyourvoice.com/mpa/?region=3&site=13 i see the needles/alum bay and down to the ridges. is also a proposed area, some quotes from the blurb....... "The Needles are most commonly used by recreational boat anglers and sailors" "could allow fish species and lobster that are popular with anglers to recover and multiply" "anglers to be the first beneficiaries of any spill-over from the core marine reserve area" seems like the activities of the recreational boat fisherman are the target here.
  8. everytime i look sunday gets a little worse, now 16-18mph easterlies on xcweather with strong gusts!
  9. I got some quotes recently, the cheapest was powertech, he also said I could try different props foc but i would have to trial them myself,
  10. http://www.fishfight.net may be of interest video makes you weep
  11. Well, I didn't go on the basis of a terrible forecast and this morning it doesn't look too bad! bramblemet is giving a f3 in the solent and its been lovely and sunny in hythe! - gutted
  12. thanks for the feedback guys, i'll make a decision tomorrow, may even try for a flounder or 2 around keyhaven/pennington marshes or newtown creek (exploring required)
  13. weather looks pretty horrible all weekend, what is it like in the solent tucked into the isle of wight in strong sw winds? Thinking close in around gurnard or hamstead? I'd like to get out this weekend if possible, prefer cod but will settle for flounder! need a chill out away from work, don't mind the rain but don't want to be getting thrown all over the place in my orkney
  14. hey Adam sorry to nit pick but my thornie was 11lb 12oz
  15. Thanks Mick, had a great day and chuffed to bits with my thorny
  16. great fishing and report mark
  17. the more i read the document the more confused I get! it seems to contradict itself to my mind, please can someone more enlightened give an answer!
  18. http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/...-act-condoc.pdf p35 in this document gives some information, I don't know if this is up to date or the definitive answer.
  19. I could................................... but then I might have to buy something with a diamond in it
  20. http://www.pirate-boats.com/default.aspx?p...uddy/boat_tests there is now a test on the website if anyone is interested, another for your website coddy?
  21. mike02380


    happy birthday paul
  22. I will def be going for the cuddy if I choose to make a purchase! There is a little infill panel which will make a comfortable 6ft bed for one so I could overnight comfortably aswell as a canvas door which turns the cuddy into a mini cabin, think this comes as standard, there is a picture of this on the website. please some negative comments! the only negative one so far is from the mrs about the price
  23. This squid grabbed a live mackeral I was fishing
  24. cheers dave, I did look at the other 2 but the pirate impressed me much more! Although it is expensive it seemed to come with more bits and bobs as standard than other makes. any more pros and cons you can remember about the pirate?
  25. Rob, The hull weighs 650kg so all up weight won't be too heavy, say 1150kg plus whatever crap I throw in the boat! I alway launch at Lymo so its a nice slip! wedger - they do sell them as a package with a 115 honda,
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