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Everything posted by mike02380

  1. has anyone got any comments about the boat? I went on one at the southampton boatshow and quite liked it, went well with a 90hp although I am considering plonking a 115 e tec on one, build quality looked good (built in the uk) had a single bunk for dossing overnight built in livebait wells internal fuel tank good standard spec seemed a good ride through the chop towable without a 4*4 self draining decks http://www.pirate-boats.com/show/english/p...e_18_cuddy.aspx but quite expensive! cheers
  2. mike02380

    Man and a Van

    dave, may be worth checking the tip will take them, being offloaded from a "man with van" the tip may classify it as commercial waste. hth
  3. i've gotta beta box although the sarnies don't fit in - well i need a big lunch and snacks for a days fishing
  4. welcome alan, what boat do you have?
  5. I agree with small fry try some farmers, my dad pays
  6. i'll be going, will be using my tesco clubcard points to get the ticket with, its only
  7. Crew available list 1. Dave H-H 2. mike (02380)
  8. thanks Mick for a good day, don't worry bout the rods, no harm done, ( good old cheapo penn rods) i was even going to keep the "bridge incident" a secret for you! funny how the moxt expensive rod was the most damaged, old murph at work
  9. if anyone needs crew, drop me a pm, i'm available!
  10. shooting is a bit harsh jim, maybe just a public flogging joking aside i hope the offenders are caught.
  11. thats still some big fish, sounds like a good trip, how long was the drive up trailing a boat?
  12. http://www.lemondrop.co.uk/2010/07/23/aphr...herpes-scare%2F
  13. hey terry, thats the same one as in 1 of my links although i couldn't find much on the rya website about it? Mike
  14. does anyone know of or done a outboard maintenece course? a internet search proved patchy, i found; http://www.stormforce.biz/superbasket/cour...ard+Maintenance and http://www.hotcourses.com/pls/cgi-bin/obj_...=25759&area=crs but not alot else. maybe it would be better to get a service kit and mobile engineer and pay a bit extra and get him to show me? cheers
  15. Some of you have cruised extensively before, some with me personally i'm sure there must be a joke somewhere about toms cruising and George Michael sounds like a fantastic trip Tom, I hope they're paying you enough!
  16. mmmmm that looks like a tasty trio!
  17. not sure on accuracy from personal experience but others have recommended it, i like the layout of this site the best http://www.xcweather.co.uk/forecast/lymington
  18. hey guys, i will not be trailing r2d2 down but would like to crew if anyone has any space? cheers
  19. "Bigger newer more powerful" plus more expensive! sounds like the road to many people's dream boat
  20. I am still intending on coming down, i will be in padstow for the next week or so and away from a computer, rather than trail r2d2 down does anyone have a space for crew? fri and sat? more than happy to share all costs and work. i can sort my own accom Many Thanks
  21. they have a pair of turtles at the oceanarium, lovely creatures, I would love to see one in the wild around our coast
  22. what bait would i have to use to catch 1?
  23. mike02380

    Whale Tail

    well i certainly didn't know what a whale tail was until i did a search! warning not for under 18s
  24. mike02380

    Bait Freezer

    dave, i can sort you out with a freezer, only catch it will need collection from romsey. drop me a pm if your'e interested, its a standup type but a little taller than a standard washing machine, looks in ok condition but i've not had it running, it will also need a new power cable as the old one has been cut off Mike
  25. i sprayed some butane into the carb to help flush it through whilst it was semi dis mantled, seemed to help and it also seems to run alot better on the external fuel tank rather then the internal so i will empty it and top up with fresh, i also think i will pop into bhg for a new fuel filter, totally stripping the carb was a bit beyond me and my gerber multi tool! i couldn't work out how to get the pin which holds the float and jets out so just sprayed the butane in. at least its running and useable but i think long term further attention is required would any engine wizards be prepared to show me the procedure for some beer / free trip out fishing? cheers
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